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Ausgewählte Aufsätze

Unakafov A., Schultze T., Gail A., Moeller S., Kagan I., Eule S. & Wolf F. (2020). Emergence and suppression of cooperation by action visibility in transparent games. PLoS Comput Biol 16(1): e1007588.

Schneider L., Dominguez-Vargas A.U., Gibson L., Kagan I. & Wilke M. (2020). Eye position signals in the dorsal pulvinar during fixation and goal-directed saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology 123: 367-391.

Christopoulos V.N., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2018). Lateral intraparietal area (LIP) is largely effector-specific in free-choice decisions. Scientific Reports 8: 8611.

Moreira C. M., Rollwage M., Kaduk K., Wilke M., Kagan I. (2018). Post-decision wagering after perceptual judgments reveals bi-directional certainty readouts. Cognition 176: 40-52
[reprint]    [supplemental information]

Wilke M., Schneider L., Dominguez-Vargas A.U., Schmidt-Samoa C., Miloserdov K., Nazzal A., Dechent P., Cabral-Calderin Y., Scherberger H., Kagan I., Bähr M. (2018) Reach and grasp deficits following damage to the dorsal pulvinar. Cortex 99: 135-149

Domínguez-Vargas A.U., Schneider L., Wilke M.*, Kagan I.* (2017) Electrical Microstimulation of the Pulvinar Biases Saccade Choices and Reaction Times in a Time-Dependent Manner. Journal of Neuroscience 37(8):2234-2257.
[reprint]    [supplemental information]
See also related Journal Club article "Electrical Stimulation of the Pulvinar Disrupts Control of Spatially Directed Actions" by Naomi N. Odean and Natalie A. Steinemann

Cabral-Calderin Y., Anne Weinrich C., Schmidt-Samoa C., Poland E., Dechent P., Bähr M., & Wilke M. (2016) Transcranial alternating current stimulation affects the BOLD signal in a frequency and task-dependent manner. Human Brain Mapping 37(1): 94–121.

Cabral-Calderin Y., Williams K. A., Opitz A., Dechent P., & Wilke M. (2016) Transcranial alternating current stimulation modulates spontaneous low frequency fluctuations as measured with fMRI. NeuroImage 141: 88–107.

Cabral-Calderin Y., Schmidt-Samoa C., & Wilke M. (2015) Rhythmic Gamma Stimulation Affects Bistable Perception. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27(7): 1298–1307.

Christopoulos N.V., Bonaiuto J., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2015) Inactivation of parietal reach region affects reaching but not saccade choices in internally guided decisions. Journal of Neuroscience 35(33):11719-11728.

Wilke M., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2013) Effects of pulvinar inactivation on spatial decision making between equal and asymmetric reward options. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25(8):1270-1283.

Wilke M.*, Kagan I.*, Andersen R.A. (2012) Functional imaging reveals rapid reorganization of cortical activity after parietal inactivation in monkeys. Proc Natl Acad Sci 109(21):8274-8279. *Equal contribution.

Kagan I., Iyer A., Lindner A., Andersen R.A. (2010) Space representation for eye movements is more contralateral in monkeys than in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci 107(17):7933-7938. Epub 2010 Apr 12. 
[reprint]    [supplementary information]

Wilke M., Turchi J., Smith K., Mishkin M., Leopold D.A. (2010) Pulvinar inactivation disrupts selection of movement plans. Journal of Neuroscience 30(25):8650-8659.

Iyer A., Lindner A., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2010) Motor preparatory activity in posterior parietal cortex is modulated by subjective absolute value. PLOS Biology 8(8):e1000444. 
[online open access article]    [Caltech press release]    [related ABC News article]   

Lindner A., Iyer A., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2010) Human posterior parietal cortex plans where to reach and what to avoid. Journal of Neuroscience 30(35):11715-11725.
[reprint]    [supplementary information]

Wilke M., Mueller K.-M., Leopold D.A. (2009) Visibility related modulation of neural responses in visual thalamic nuclei. Proc Natl Acad Sci 106(23):9465-9470.

Wilke M., Mueller K.-M., & Leopold D. A. (2009) Neural activity in the visual thalamus reflects perceptual suppression. Proc Natl Acad Sci 106(23): 9465–9470.

Maier A., Wilke M., Aura C., Zhu C., Ye F. Q., & Leopold D. A. (2008) Divergence of fMRI and neural signals in V1 during perceptual suppression in the awake monkey. Nature Neuroscience 11(10): 1193–1200.

Ausgewählte Abstracts

Domínguez-Vargas A. U.1, Schneider L.1, Kagan I.*, Wilke M.* (2014) Time-dependent effects of pulvinar microstimulation on visually-guided saccades and target selection. SfN 2014. (1 - equal contribution, * - shared last authors)

Gibson L., Spanou E., Wilke M., Kagan I. (2014) The effects of pulvinar microstimulation on cortical BOLD activity in behaving monkey. SfN 2014.

Schmidt-Samoa C., Wilke M., Dechent P., Andersen R.A., Kagan I. (2012) Spatial decision differently activates frontoparietal network in humans and in monkeys. SfN 2012.

Dominiguez-Vargas A. U., Grass A., Wilke M., Treue S., Kagan I. (2012) High reward and risk modulate effort-based spatial decisions in monkeys. SfN 2012.

Kagan I., Wilke M., Andersen R.A. (2010) Interhemispheric interactions in parietal cortex during spatial decision making. SfN 2010.

Wilke M., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2010) Pulvinar inactivation alters cortical responses during spatial decision making. SfN 2010.

Kagan I., Wilke M., Andersen R.A. (2009) fMRI dynamics in monkeys reflect spatial decisions and preferences in free-choice and reward context tasks. SfN 2009.

Wilke M., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2009) BOLD responses during pharmacologically induced hemi-neglect in the parietal cortex. SfN 2009.

Kagan I., Wilke M., Andersen R.A. (2009) BOLD fMRI dynamics in monkeys reflects spatial decisions in free-choice and reward context tasks. Japan Neuroscience Society 2009.

Wilke M., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2009) BOLD signal changes associated with reversible visual neglect in monkeys. Japan Neuroscience Society 2009.

Lindner A., Kagan I., Iyer A., Andersen R.A. (2008) Prospective coding of alternative actions in human parietal and premotor cortex. FENS 2008.

Kagan I., Lindner A., Iyer A., Wagner S., Andersen R.A. (2007) Time-courses of fMRI BOLD signals in frontal and parietal cortex reflect monkeys' decisions in a free-choice oculomotor task. SfN 2007.

Lindner A., Kagan I., Iyer A., O'Doherty J.P., Schultz W., Andersen R.A. (2007) Expected reward magnitude modulates fMRI-activity in monkey ventral and dorsal cortical streams and the striatum during a goal-directed saccade task. SfN 2007.

Kagan I., Lindner A., Iyer A., Wagner S., Andersen R.A. (2007) Time-courses of fMRI BOLD signals in frontal and parietal cortex reflect monkeys' decisions in a free-choice oculomotor task. SfN 2007.

Kagan I., Lindner A., Iyer A., Andersen R.A. (2007) fMRI of eye movements in monkeys and humans: spatially-specific and non -specific preparatory signals for memory- and visually-guided saccades. ECEM2007.

Kagan I., Iyer A., Lindner A., Andersen R.A. (2007) Event-related fMRI of goal-directed behavior in alert monkeys and humans: spatially-specific and nonspecific signals during delayed response tasks. Cosyne 2007.

Kagan I., Iyer A., Lindner A., Wagner S., Andersen R.A. (2006) Event-related fMRI in alert behaving monkeys and humans during visually-guided and memory saccades. SfN 2006.

Kagan I., Iyer A., Lindner A., Andersen R.A. (2005) Functional MRI in alert behaving monkeys during goal-directed saccades. SfN 2005.