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Die Rolle von Aufmerksamkeit

Zdarsky N, Treue S, Esghaei M. (2021)
A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Video-Based Eye Tracking for Human Psychophysics.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15(685830):1-8. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.685830

Karami B, Koushki R, Arabgol F, Rahmani M, Vahabie AH (2021)
Effectiveness of Virtual/Augmented Reality–Based Therapeutic Interventions on Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12:665326. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.665326

Veith VK, Quigley C & Treue S (in print)
Cholinergic manipulations affect sensory responses but not attentional enhancement in macaque MT
BMC Biology

Wild B & Treue S (2021)
Primate extrastriate cortical area MST: A gateway between sensation and cognition
Journal of Neurophysiology 125:1851-82. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00384.2020

Yoo S-A, Martinez-Trujillo JC, Treue S, Tsotsos JK, Fallah M (2021)
Feature-based attention induces surround suppression during the perception of visual motion.
bioRxiv 431646. DOI: 10.1101/2021.02.17.431646

Xue C, Calapai A, Krumbiegel J & Treue S (2020) 
Sustained spatial attention accounts for the direction bias of human microsaccades
Scientific Reports 10:20604. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-77455-7

Safari N, Shahbazi, Dehghani-Habibabadi M, Esghaei M & Zare (2020)
Spike-phase coupling as an order parameter in a leaky integrate-and-fire model
Phys. Rev. E 102, 052202. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.052202

Goller F, Schoeberl T, Ansorge U (2020)
Testing the top-down contingent capture of attention for abrupt-onset cues: Evidence from cue-elicited N2pc
Psychophysiology, e13655. DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13655

Crayen MA, Yurt P, Treue S & Esghaei M (2020) 
Commentary: The causal role of α-oscillations in feature binding 
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14: 753. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00753

Wilson VA., Kade C, Moeller S, Treue S, Kagan I & Fischer J (2020)
Macaque gaze responses to the Primatar: a virtual macaque head for social cognition research
Frontiers in Psychology 11: 1645. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01645

Mehrpour V, Martinez-Trujillo JC & Treue S (2020)
Attention amplifies neural representations of changes in sensory input at the expense of perceptual accuracy
Nature Communications 11:2128. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15989-0

Schoeberl T, Goller F & Ansorge U (2020)
The Influence of Display-to-Display Feature Changes on Net Cueing Effects: Evidence for a Contribution of Object-File Updating
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 908-919. DOI: 10.1177/1747021820901938

Zareian B, Maboudi K, Daliri MR, Moghaddam HA, Treue S & Esghaei M (2020)
Attention strengthens across-trial pre-stimulus phase coherence in visual cortex, enhancing stimulus processing
Scientific Reports 10: 4837. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-61359-7

Schwedhelm P, Baldauf D & Treue S (2020)
The lateral prefrontal cortex of primates encodes stimulus colors and their behavioral relevance during a match-to-sample task
Scientific Reports 10: 4216. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-61171-3

Kozyrev V, Daliri MR, Schwedhelm P, Treue S (2019)
Strategic deployment of feature-based attentional gain in primate visual cortex
PLoS Biol 17(8): e3000387. DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000387

Khamechian, M.B., Kozyrev, V., Treue, S., Esghaei, M. & Daliri, M.R. (2019)
Routing information flow by separate neural synchrony frequencies allows for ‘functionally labeled lines’ in higher primate cortex
PNAS 116, 12506-12515. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1819827116

Lange-Malecki B, Treue S, Rothenberger A & Albrecht AR (2018)
Cognitive control over visual motion processing – Are children with ADHD especially compromised? A pilot study of Flanker Task event-related potentials.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12(491): 1-15. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00491

Rezai O, Boyraz Jentsch P, Tripp B (2018)
A video-driven model of response statistics in the primate middle temporal area
Neural Networks 108: 424-44. DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2018.09.004

Dezfouli MP, Khamechian MB, Treue S, Esghaei M, Daliri MR. (2018)
Neural activity predicts reaction in primates long before a behavioral response
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12: 207. DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00207

Esghaei M, Daliri MR, & Treue S (2018) 
Attention decouples action potentials from the phase of local field potentials in macaque visual cortical area MT 
BMC Biology 16: 86. DOI: 10.1186/s12915-018-0551-2

Wild B (2018)
How does the brain tell self-motion from object motion?
Journal of Neuroscience 38: 3875-3877. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0039-18.2018

Yao T, Treue S & Krishna BS (2018)
Saccade-synchronized rapid attention shifts in macaque visual cortical area MT.
Nature Communications 9: 958. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03398-3

Backen T, Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo J (2018)
Encoding of spatial attention by primate prefrontal cortex neuronal ensembles.
eNeuro 8. DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0372-16.2017

Schwedhelm P, Baldauf D, Treue S (2017) 
Electrical stimulation of macaque lateral prefrontal modulates oculomotor behavior indicative of a disruption of top-down attention.
Scientific Reports 7: 17715. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-18153-9

Esghaei M, Daliri MR, Treue S (2017)
Local field potentials are induced by visually evoked spiking activity in macaque cortical area MT.
Scientific Reports 7: 17110. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-17372-4

Malek N, Treue S, Khayat PS, Martinez-Trujillo J. (2017)
Distracter suppression dominates attentional modulation of responses to multiple stimuli inside middle temporal (MT) neurons' receptive fields. 
European Journal of Neuroscience 46: 2844-2858. DOI: 10.1111/ejn.13764

Wilming N, Katzmann TC, Jutras M, Xue C, Treue S, Buffalo E & Koenig P (2017)
Differential contribution of low and high-level image content to eye movements in monkeys and humans.
Cerebral Cortex 27(1): 279-293. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhw399

Zhang W, Falkner AL, Krishna BS, Goldberg ME & Miller KD (2017)
Coupling between one-dimensional networks reconciles conflicting dynamics in LIP and reveals its recurrent circuitry.
Neuron 93(1): 221-234. DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2016.11.023

Xue C, Kaping D, Baloni Ray S, Krishna BS, Treue S (2017)
Spatial attention reduces bustiness in macaque visual cortical area MST.
Cerebral Cortex 27(1): 83-91. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhw326

Li K, Kozyrev V, Kyllingsbaek S, Treue S, Ditlevsen S & Bundesen C (2016)
Neurons in primate visual cortex alternate between responses to multiple stimuli in their receptive field.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10: 141. DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2016.00141

Schwedhelm P, Krishna BS, Treue S (2016)
An extended Normalization Model of Attention accounts for feature-based attentional enhancement of both response and coherence gain.
PLoS Computational Biology 12(12): e1005225. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005225

Yao T, Ketkar M, Treue S, Krishna BS (2016)
Visual attention is available at a task- relevant location rapidly after a saccade.
eLife 2016(5): e18009. DOI:10.7554/eLife.18009

Daliri MR, Kozyrev V, Treue S (2016)
Attention enhances stimulus representations in macaque visual cortex without affecting their signal-to-noise level.
Scientific Reports 6: 27666. DOI: 10.1038/srep27666

Esghaei M, Xue C (2016)
Does correlated firing underlie attention deployment in frontal cortex?
Journal of Neuroscience 36: 1791-1793. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4211-15.2016

Yao T, Treue S, Krishna BS (2016)
An attention-sensitive memory trace in macaque MT following saccadic eye movements.
PLoS Biology 14(2): e1002390. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002390

Helmer M, Kozyrev V, Stephan V, Treue S, Geisel T, Battaglia D (2016)
Model-free estimation of tuning curves and their attentional modulation, based on sparse and noisy data.
PloS One 11(1): e0146500. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146500

Seif Z & Daliri MR (2015)
Evaluation of local field potential signals in decoding of visual attention.
Cognitive Neurodynamics 9: 509-522. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-015-9336-2

Esghaei M, Daliri MR, Treue S (2015)
Attention decreases phase-amplitude coupling, enhancing stimulus discriminability in cortical area MT.
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 9: 82. DOI: 10.3389/fncir.2015.00082

Schwedhelm P, Treue S (2014)
Models of attentional top-down modulation.
In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience: SpringerReference (Jaeger, D. und Jung, R., eds). New York: Springer.

Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo J (2014)
Attentional modulation of receptive field profiles in the primate visual cortex.
In: The Cognitive Neurosciences V (Gazzaniga, M. S. und Mangun, G. R., eds): MIT Press.

Treue S (2014)
Attentional selection: mexican hats everywhere.
Current Biology 24(18): R838-R839. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.08.019

Schweisfurth MA, Schweizer R, Treue S (2014)
Feature-based attentional modulation of orientation perception in somatosensation.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8: 519. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00519

Esghaei M, Daliri MR (2014)
Decoding of visual attention from LFP signals of macaque MT.
PloS One 9(6): e100381. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100381

Treue S (2014)
Object- and feature-based attention: monkey physiology.
In: The Oxford Handbook of Attention (Kastner, S. und Nobre, A. C., eds).

Walter S, Quigley C, Mueller MM (2014) 
Competitive interactions of attentional resources in early visual cortex during sustained visuospatial attention within or between visual hemifields: evidence for the different-hemifield advantage. 
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26(5): 938-954

Quigley C, Mueller MM (2014)
Feature-selective attention in healthy old age: a selective decline in selective attention? 
Journal of Neuroscience 34: 2471-2476

Quigley C (2014)
Visual attention and consciousness.
Perception 43: 595-596

Krishna BS, Ipata AE, Bisley JW, Gottlieb J, Goldberg ME (2014)
Extrafoveal preview benefit during free-viewing visual search in the monkey.
Journal of Vision 14(1): 6

Folta-Schoofs K, Wolf OT, Treue S, Schoofs D (2014)
Perceptual complexity, rather than valence or arousal accounts for distracter-induced overproductions of temporal durations.
Acta Psychologica 147: 51-59

Treue S (2013)
Vom Sinnesreiz zur internen Repräsentation - Die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit als Architektin unserer Wahrnehmung.
In: Das Tier im Menschen - Triebe, Reize, Reaktionen (Fink, H. und Rosenzweig, R., eds), pp 55-66. Münster: mentis Verlag GmbH.

Treue S (2013) 
Wie sehen wir die Welt? Die visuelle Wahrnehmung als Architektin unserer Wahrnehmung. 
In: Tradition - Autonomie - Innovation: Göttinger Debatten zur universitären Standortbestimmung (Lueer, G. und Kern, H., eds), pp 294-308. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.

Keitel C, Andersen SK, Quigley C, Müller MM (2013)
Independent effects of attentional gain control and competitive interactions on visual stimulus processing
Cerebral Cortex 23: 940-946

Treue S (2012)
Neuronale Grundlagen von Aufmerksamkeit.
In: Kognitive Neurowissenschaften (Karnath, H. O. und Thier, P., eds), pp 323-330. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2012) 
The spotlight of attention: shifting, resizing and splitting receptive fields when processing visual motion. 
e-Neuroforum 3: 74-79

Katzner S, Treue S, Busse L (2012)
Improving behavioral performance under full attention by adjusting response criteria to changes in stimulus predictability.
Journal of Vision 12: 1-13

Quigley C, Andersen SK, Müller MM (2012) 
Keeping focused: sustained spatial selective visual attention is maintained in healthy old age.
Brain Research 1469: 24-34

Walter S, Quigley C, Andersen SK, Müller MM (2012)
Effects of overt and covert attention on the steady-state visual evoked potential. 
Neuroscience Letters 519: 37-41

Lange-Malecki B, Treue S (2012) 
A flanker effect for moving visual stimuli. 
Vision Research 62: 134-138

Laczo B, Antal A, Niebergall R, Treue S, Paulus W (2012)
Transcranial alternating stimulation in a high gamma frequency range applied over V1 improves contrast perception but does not modulate spatial attention. 
Brain Stimulation 5: 484-491

Niebergall R, Khayat PS, Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2011)
Multifocal attention filters targets from distracters within and beyond primate MT neurons' receptive field boundaries.
Neuron 72(6): 1067-1079

Niebergall R, Khayat PS, Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2011)
Expansion of MT neurons excitatory receptive fields during covert attentive tracking.
Journal of Neuroscience 31: 15499-15510

Fix J, Schroll H, Anton-Erxleben K, Womelsdorf T, Treue S, Hamker F (2010)
Influence of spatial attention on the receptive field shape of neurons in monkey area MT.
Proceeding of the fifth French conference in Computational Neuroscience: Neurocomp 2010: 147-152

Khayat PS, Niebergall R, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2010)
Frequency-dependent attentional modulation of local field potential signals in macaque area MT.
Journal of Neuroscience 30(20): 7037-7048

Morawetz C, Baudewig J, Treue S, Dechent P (2010)
Diverting attention suppresses human amygdala responses to faces.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 4: 226

Niebergall R, Huang L, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2010)
Similar perceptual costs for dividing attention between retina- and space-centered targets in humans.
Journal of Vision 10(12): 4

Patzwahl DR, Treue S (2009)
Combining spatial and feature-based attention within the receptive field of MT neurons.
Vision Research 49(10): 1188-1193

Katzner S, Busse L, Treue S (2009)
Attention to the color of a moving stimulus modulates motion-signal processing in macaque area MT: evidence for a unified attentional system.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 3: 12

Anton-Erxleben K, Stephan V, Treue S (2009)
Attention reshapes center-surround receptive field structure in macaque cortical area MT.
Cerebral Cortex 19: 2466-2478

Treue S, Katzner S (2009)
Visual attention.
In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Squire, L. (ed.), Elsevier, San Diego, CA, USA, 243-250.

Busse L, Katzner S, Treue S (2008)
Temporal dynamics of neuronal modulation during exogenous and endogenous shifts of visual attention in macaque area MT.
PNAS 105(42): 16380-16385

Womelsdorf T, Anton-Erxleben K, Treue S (2008)
Receptive field shift and shrinkage in macaque middle temporal area through attentional gain modulation.
Journal of Neuroscience 28(36): 8934-8944

Busse L, Katzner S, Tillmann C, Treue S (2008)
Effects of attention on perceptual direction tuning curves in the human visual system.
Journal of Vision 8(9): 2

Treue S, Katzner S (2007)
Visual attention: Of features and transparent surfaces.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11(11): 451-453

Morawetz C, Holz P, Baudewig J, Treue S, Dechent P (2007)
Split of attentional resources in human visual cortex.
Visual Neuroscience 24: 817-826

Anton-Erxleben K, Henrich C, Treue S (2007)
Attention changes perceived size of moving visual patterns.
Journal of Vision 7(11): 5

Treue S, Womelsdorf T, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2007)
Visuelle Aufmerksamkeit: Von Orten, Eigenschaften und Kontrasten.
Neuroforum 13(2/07): 55-61

Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2007)
Attending to features inside and outside the spotlight of attention.
Neuron 55: 174-176

Busse L, Katzner S, Treue S (2006)
Spatial and feature-based effects of exogenous cueing on visual motion processing.
Vision Research 46: 2019-2027

Katzner S, Busse L, Treue S (2006)
Feature-based attentional integration of color and visual motion.
Journal of Vision 6: 269-284

Maunsell JHR, Treue S (2006)
Feature-based attention in visual cortex.
Trends in Neuroscience 29: 317-322

Treue S (2006)
Directing the auditory spotlight.
Nature Neuroscience 9: 161-162

Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2006)
Visual search and single-cell electrophysiology of attention - Area MT, from sensation to perception.
Visual Cognition 14: 898-910

Tzvetanov T, Womelsdorf T, Niebergall R, Treue S (2006)
Feature-based attention influences contextual integration during motion repulsion.
Vision Research 46: 3651-3658

Womelsdorf T, Anton-Erxleben, K, Pieper F, Treue S (2006)
Dynamic shifts of visual receptive fields in cortical area MT by spatial attention.
Nature Neuroscience 9: 1156-1160

Martinez-Trujillo JC, Treue S (2004)
Feature-based attention increases the selectivity of population responses in primate visual cortex. 
Current Biology 14: 744-751. Faculty of 1000 evaluation: "must read"

Treue S (2004)
Perceptual enhancement of contrast by attention.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8: 435-437

Treue S (2003)
Climbing the cortical ladder from sensation to perception.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7: 469-471

Treue S (2003)
Visual attention: the where, what, how and why of saliency.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 13: 428-432

Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2003)
Cognitive Physiology: moving the mind's eye before the head's eye.
Current Biology 13: R442-R444

Martinez-Trujillo JC, Treue S (2002)
Attentional modulation strength in cortical area MT depends on stimulus contrast.
Neuron 35: 365-370. Faculty of 1000 evaluation: "recommended" 

Treue S (2001)
Neural correlates of attention in primate visual cortex.
Trends in Neurosciences 24: 295-300

Treue S, Martinez Trujillo JC (1999)
Feature-based attention influences motion processing gain in macaque visual cortex.
Nature 399: 575-579

Treue S, Martinez Trujillo JC (1999)
Reshaping neuronal representations of visual scenes through attention.
Current Psychology of Cognition 18: 951-972

Treue S, Maunsell JHR (1999)
Effects of attention on the processing of motion in macaque middle temporal and medial superior temporal visual cortical areas.
Journal of Neuroscience 19: 7591-7602

Treue S, Maunsell JHR (1996)
Attentional modulation of visual motion processing in cortical areas MT and MST.
Nature 382: 539-541
siehe auch: News and Views article by Kenneth H. Britten, Nature 382: 497-498 und Dispatch in Current Biology von J. M. Groh, E. Seidemann, und W. T. Newsome, 1996, 6: 1406-1409 siehe Text und Leitartikel in New Scientist von J. McCrone, 1997.

Sensomotorische Transformation und Brain-Machine-Interfaces

Ferrea E, Morel P, Franke J, Gail A (preprint)
Statistical determinants of visuomotor adaptation in a virtual reality three-dimensional environment
bioRxiv 431440. DOI: 10.1101/2021.02.16.431440

Ulbrich P, Gail A (2021)
The Cone Method: Inferring Decision Times from Single-Trial 3D Movement Trajectories in Choice Behavior
Behavior Research Methods. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-021-01579-5

Silva N, [...], Gail A, [...], Marschik PB (2021)
The future of General Movement Assessment: The role of computer vision and machine learning – A scoping review
Research in Developmental Disabilities 110: 103854. DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2021.103854

Fortuna MG, Hüer J, Guo H, Gruber J, Gruber-Dujardin E, Staiger JF, Scherberger H, Treue S, Gail A (2020)
Histological assessment of optogenetic tools to study the fronto-visual and fronto-parietal cortical networks in the rhesus macaque
Scientific Reports 10: 11051. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-67752-6

Berger M, Agha N, Gail A (2020)
Wireless recording from unrestrained monkeys reveals motor goal encoding beyond immediate reach in frontoparietal cortex
eLife 9: e51322. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.51322

Aman M, Bergmeister KD, Festin C, Sporer M, Russold MF, Gstoettner C, Podesser BK, Gail A, Farina D, Cederna P & Aszmann OC (2020)
Experimental testing of bionic nerve and muscle interfaces: animal model considerations
Frontiers in Neuroscience 13: 1442. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01442

Suriya-Arunroj L & Gail A (2019)
Complementary encoding of priors in monkey frontoparietal network supports a dual process of decision-making
eLife 8: e47581. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.47581

Unakafova V, Gail A (2019)
Comparing open-source toolboxes for processing and analysis of spike and local field potentials data
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 13. DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2019.00057

Berger M, Gail A (2019)
Peri-hand space expands beyond reach in the context of walk-and-reach movements
Scientific Reports

Fortuna MG, Kügler S & Hülsmann S (2019) 
Probing the function of glycinergic neurons in the mouse respiratory network using optogenetics
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology DOI:10.1016/j.resp.2018.10.008

Vecsei Z, Knakker B, Juhász P, Thuróczy G, Trunk A & Hernadi I (2018)
Short-term radiofrequency exposure from new generation mobile phones reduces EEG alpha power with no effects on cognitive performance
Scientific Reports 8(1): 18010. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36353-9

Hülsmann S et al. (2018) 
The postnatal development of ultrasonic vocalization‐associated breathing is altered in glycine transporter 2‐deficient mice
The Journal of physiology 597(1): DOI: 10.1113/JP276976

Mazurek KA, Berger M, Bollu T, Chowdhury RH, Elangovan N, Kuling IA, and Hongchul Sohn M (2018)
Highlights from the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement
Journal of Neurophysiology 120(4): 1671-1679. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00475.2018

Berger M, Gail A (2018)
The Reach Cage environment for wireless neural recordings during structured goal-directed behavior of unrestrained monkeys
bioRxiv 305334. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/305334

Martinez-Vazquez P, Gail A (2018)
Directed interaction between monkey premotor and posterior parietal cortex during motor-goal retrieval from working memory
Cerebral Cortex 28(5): 1866-1881. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhy035

 Ferrea E, Suriya-Arunroj L, Hoehl D, Thomas U, Gail A (2018)
Implantable computer-controlled adaptive multi-electrode positioning system (AMEP). 
Journal of Neurophysiology 119(4): 1471-1484. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00504.2017

Morel P, Ulbrich P, Gail A (2017) 
What makes a reach movement effortful? – Physical effort discounting supports common minimization principles in decision making and motor control. 
PLoS Biol 15(6): DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2001323

Morel P, Ferrea E, Taghizadeh-Sarshouri B, Cardona Audí JM, Ruff R, Hoffmann K-P, Lewis S, Russold M, Dietl H, Abu-Saleh L, Schroeder D, Krautschneider W, Meiners T, Gail A (2016)
Long-term decoding of movement force and direction with a wireless myoelectric implant.
Journal of Neural Engineering 13(1): 016002. DOI: 10.1088/1747-2560/13/1/016002

Kuang S, Morel P, Gail A (2015)
Planning movements in visual and physical space in monkey posterior parietal cortex.
Cerebral Cortex 26(2): 731-747. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhu312

Kuang S, Gail A (2015)
When adaptive control fails: slow recovery of reduced rapid online control during reaching under reversed vision.
Vision Research 110: 155-165. DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.08.021

Westendorff S, Kuang S, Taghizadeh B, Donchin O, Gail A (2015)
Asymmetric generalization in adaptation to target displacement errors in humans and in a neural network model.
Journal of Neurophysiology 113(7): 2360-2375. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00483.2014

Hoffmann K-P, Abu-Saleh L, Cardona Audi JM, Dietl H, Frank H, Gail A, Kaniusas E, Krautschneider WH, Lewis S, Meiners T, Ruff R, Russold MF, Schroeder D, Westendorff S (2015)
Implantierbares myoelektrisches Assistenzsystem zur intuitiven Steuerung einer bionischen Handprothese.
Orthopädie Technik 5: 36-40

Chakrabarti S, Martinez-Vazquez P, Gail A (2014)
Synchronization patterns suggest different functional organization in parietal reach region and dorsal premotor cortex.
Journal of Neurophysiology 112: 3138-3153

Taghizadeh B, Gail A (2014)
Spatial task context makes short-latency reaches prone to induced Roelofs illusion.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8: 673. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00673

Lewis S, Russold M, Dietl H, Ruff R, Audi JMC, Hoffmann K-P, Abu-Saleh L, Schroeder D, Krautschneider WH, Westendorff S, Gail A, Meiners T, Kaniusas E (2013)
Fully implantable multi-channel measurement system for acquisition of muscle activity. 
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement 62(7): 1972-1981

Rafflenbeul L, Werthschützky R, Gail A (2012)
Integrated wireless neural recording and electrode positioning system.
Procedia Engineering 47: 1097-1100

Klaes C, Schneegans S, Schöner G, Gail A (2012) 
Sensorimotor learning biases choice behavior: a learning neural field model for decision making. 
PLOS Computational Biology 8(11): e1002774. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002774

Chakrabarti S, Hebert P, Wolf MT, Campos M, Burdick JW, Gail A (2012) 
Expert-like performance of an autonomous spike tracking algorithm in isolating and maintaining single units in the macaque cortex. 
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 205: 72-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2011.12.018

Klaes C, Westendorff S, Chakrabarti S, Gail A (2011) 
Choosing goals, not rules: deciding among rule-based action plans. 
Neuron 70: 536-548

Westendorff S, Gail A (2011)
What is 'anti' about anti-reaches? Reference frames selectively affect reaction times and endpoint variability.
Experimental Brain Research 208(2): 287-296

Ruff R, Poppendieck W, Gail A, Westendorff S, Russold M, Lewis S, Meiners T, Hoffmann K-P (2010)
Acquisition of myoelectronic signals to control a hand prosthesis with implantable epimysial electrodes.
Conference Proceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2010: 5070-5073

Westendorff S, Klaes C, Gail A (2010)
The cortical timeline for deciding on reach motor goals.
Journal of Neuroscience 30(15): 5426-5436

Gail A, Klaes C, Westendorff S (2009)
Implementation of spatial transformation rules for goal-directed reaching via gain modulation in monkey parietal and premotor cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience 29(30): 9490-9499

Gail A (2007)
Bewegungsplanung in der Großhirnrinde - Signale zur Steuerung von kognitiven Neuroprothesen.
Neuroforum 13(1/07): 12-21

Teichert T, Wachtler T, Michler F, Gail A, Eckhorn R (2007)
Scale-invariance of receptive field properties in primary visual cortex.
BMC Neuroscience 8: 38

Gail A, Andersen RA (2006)
Neural dynamics in monkey parietal reach region reflect context-specific sensorimotor transformations.
Journal of Neuroscience 26: 9376-9384

Entscheidung und Wahrnehmung

Christopoulos V.N., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2018)
Lateral intraparietal area (LIP) is largely effector-specific in free-choice decisions
Scientific Reports 8: 8611. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-26366-9

Milham M, et al. (2020)
Accelerating the evolution of nonhuman primate neuroimaging
Neuron 105(4): P600-P603. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.12.023

Rollwage M, Pannach F, Stinson C, Toelch U, Kagan I, Pooresmaeili A (2020)
Judgement of effort exerted by others are influenced by received rewards
Sci Rep 10: 1868. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58686-0

Schneider L, Dominguez-Vargas AU, Gibson L, Kagan I, Wilke M (2020)
Eye position signals in the dorsal pulvinar during fixation and goal-directed saccades
Journal of Neurophysiology 123: 367-391. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00432.2019

Poland E, Donner TK, Müller KM, Leopold DA, Wilke M (in press)
Thalamus exhibits less sensory variability quenching than cortex
Scientific Reports

Cabral-Calderin Y & Wilke M (2019)
Probing the link between perception and oscillations: Lessons from transcranial alternating current stimulation
Neuroscientist Feb 7:1073858419828646. DOI: 10.1177/1073858419828646

Moreira C M, Rollwage M, Kaduk K, Wilke M, & Kagan I (2018)
Post-decision wagering after perceptual judgments reveals bi-directional certainty readouts.
Cognition 176: 40-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2018.02.026

Wilke M, Schneider L, Dominguez-Vargas AU, Schmidt-Samoa C, Miloserdov K, Nazzal A, Dechent P, Cabral-Calderin Y, Scherberger H, Kagan I & Baehr M (2018) 
Reach and grasp deficits following damage to the dorsal pulvinar
Cortex 99: 135-149. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2017.10.011

Storm JF, Boly M, Casali AG, Massimini M, Olcese U, Pennartz CMA and Wilke M (2017)
Consciousness Regained: Disentangling Mechanisms, Brain Systems, and Behavioural Responses
J Neuroscience 37(45): 10882 - 10893. DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1838-17.2017

Williams KA, Cabral-Calderin Y, Schmidt-Samoa C, Weinrich, CA, Dechent P, Wilke M (2017)
Simultaneous Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
J. Vis. Exp. 124(e55866): 1-11. 10.3791/55866

Kagan I, Burr DC (2017)
Active Vision: Dynamic Reformatting of Visual Information by the Saccade-Drift Cycle
Current Biology 27(9): R341-R343. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.03.042

Moeller S, Crapse T, Chang L, Tsao DY (2017) 
The effect of face patch microstimulation on perception of faces and objects
Nature Neuroscience 20(5): 743-752. DOI: 10.1038/nn.4527

Dominguez-Vargas AU, Schneider L, Wilke M & Kagan I (2017)
Electrical microstimulation of the Pulvinar biases saccade choices and reaction times in a time-dependent manner
Journal of Neuroscience 37(8): 2234-2257. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1984-16.2016

Christopoulos VN, Bonaiuto J, Kagan I, & Andersen RA (2015) 
Inactivation of Parietal Reach Region affects reaching but not saccade choices in internally guided decisions
Journal of Neuroscience 35(33): 11719-11728. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1068-15.2015

Suriya-Arunroj L, Gail A (2015)
I plan therefore I choose: Free-choice bias due to prior action-probability but not action-value
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9: 315. DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00315

Paschke K, Kagan I, Wüstenberg T, Bähr M, Wilke M (2015)
Trunk rotation affects temporal order judgments with direct saccades: influence of handedness
Neuropsychologia 79(Pt A): 123-137. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.10.031

Cabral-Calderin Y, Schmidt-Samoa C, Wilke M (2015)
Rhythmic gamma stimulation affects bistable perception
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27(7): 1298-1307

Hwang EJ, Hauschild M, Wilke M, Andersen RA (2014)
Spatial and temporal eye–hand coordination relies on the parietal reach region.
Journal of Neuroscience 34: 12884-12892

Wilke M, Kagan I, Andersen RA (2013) 
Effects of pulvinar inactivation on spatial decision-making between equal and asymmetric reward options
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25(8): 1270-1283

Hwang EJ, Hauschild M, Wilke M, Andersen RA (2012)
Inactivation of the parietal reach region causes optic ataxia, impairing but not saccades
Neuron 76(5): 1021-1029

Kagan I (2012)
Active vision: fixational eye movements help seeing space in time
Current Biology 22(6): R186-R188

Wilke M, Kagan I, Andersen RA (2012) 
Functional imaging reveals rapid reorganization of cortical activity after parietal inactivation in monkeys
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(21): 8274-8279

Transparente Bewegung

Patzwahl DR, Treue S (2009)
Combining spatial and feature-based attention within the receptive field of MT neurons.
Vision Research 49(10): 1188-1193

Treue S, Hol K, Rauber H-J (2000)
Seeing multiple directions of motion - physiology and psychophysics.
Nature Neuroscience 3: 270-276
siehe auch: News and Views article von Jennifer Groh, Nature Neuroscience 3: 201-202
und Editorial von C. Jennings, Nature Neuroscience 3: 199.

Rauber H-J, Treue S (1999)
Revisiting motion repulsion: evidence for a general phenomenon?
Vision Research 39: 3187-3196

Snowden RJ, Treue S, Andersen RA (1992)
The response of neurons in areas V1 and MT of the alert rhesus monkey to moving random dot patterns.
Experimental Brain Research 88: 389-400

Snowden RJ, Treue S, Erickson RG, Andersen RA (1991)
The response of area MT and V1 neurons to transparent motion.
Journal of Neuroscience 11: 2768-2785

Struktur aus Bewegung

Cabral-Calderin Y, Schmidt-Samoa C, Wilke M (2015)
Rhythmic gamma stimulation affects bistable perception.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27(7): 1298-1307

Martinez-Trujillo JC, Tsotsos JK, Simine E, Pomplun M, Wildes R, Treue S, Heinze H-J, Hopf J-M (2005)
Selectivity for speed gradients in human area MT/V5.
NeuroReport 16: 435-438

Treue S, Andersen RA (1996)
Neural responses to velocity gradients in macaque cortical area MT.
Visual Neuroscience 13: 797-804

Hildreth EC, Ando H, Andersen RA, Treue S (1995)
Recovering three-dimensional structure from motion with surface reconstruction.
Vision Research 35(1): 117-137

Treue S, Andersen RA, Ando H, Hildreth EC (1995)
Structure-from-motion: perceptual evidence for surface interpolation.
Vision Research 35: 139-148

Treue S, Husain M, Andersen RA (1991)
Human perception of structure from motion.
Vision Research 31: 59-75

Wahrnehmung visueller Szenen

Kaping D, Tzvetanov T, Treue S (2007)
Adaptation to statistical properties of visual scenes biases rapid categorization.
Visual Cognition 15: 12-19

Graf M, Kaping D, Bülthoff HH (2005)
Orientation congruency effects for familiar objects: coordinate transformations in object recognition.
Psychological Science 16: 214-221

Sonstige Publikationen

Poland, E, Bhonsle, A, Steinmann, I, Wilke, M. (2021)
Reduced alpha amplitudes predict perceptual suppression.
Scientific Reports. 11:13040. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92404-8

Kottlarz, I, Berg, S, Toscano-Tejeida, D, Steinmann, I, Bähr, M, Luther, S, Wilke, M, Parlitz, U, Schlemmer, A. (2021)
Extracting robust biomarkers from multichannel EEG time series using nonlinear dimensionality reduction applied to ordinal pattern statistics and spectral quantities.
Frontiers in Physiology 11:614565. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2020.614565

Klink, PC, Aubry, J-F, Ferrera, VP, Fox, A.S., Froudist-Walsh, S, Jarraya, B, Konofagou, EE, Krauzlis, RJ, Messinger, A, Mitchell, AS, Ortiz-Rios, M, Oya, H, Roberts, AC, Roe, AW, Rushworth, MFS, Sallet, J, Schmid, MC, Schroeder, CE, Tasserie, J, Tsao, DY, Uhrig, L, Vanduffel, W, Wilke, M, Kagan, I, Petkov, CI. (2021)
Combining brain perturbation and neuroimaging in non-human primates.
NeuroImage 235:118017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118017

Kagan, I, Gibson, L, Spanou, E, Wilke, M. (2021)
Effective connectivity and spatial selectivity-dependent fMRI changes elicited by microstimulation of pulvinar and LIP.
NeuroImage  240:118283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118283

Autio JA, Zhu Q, Li X, Glasser MF, Schwiedrzik CM, Fair DA, Zimmermann J, Yacoub E, Menon RS, Van Essen DC, Hayashi T, Russ B, Vanduffel W. (2021)
Minimal Specifications for Non-Human Primate MRI: Challenges in Standardizing and Harmonizing Data Collection.
Neuroimage 236:118082. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118082

Cassidy LC, Leenaars CHC, Rincon AV, Pfefferle D (2021)
Comprehensive search filters for retrieving publications on non-human primates for literature reviews (filterNHP)
American Journal of Primatology. e23287:1-11. DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23287

Treue S, Lemon RN, (in press)
The indispensable contribution of nonhuman primates to biomedical research
in: Robinson LM, Weiss A (Eds). Nonhuman Primate Welfare. Springer, Cham.

Treue S, Stilling R, Berg L (2021)
Kompass Tierversuche 2021 - Abbilden. Einordnen. Erklären.
Herausgeber: Tierversuche Verstehen. 1-44. DOI: 10.17617/1.724

Liashenko A, Dizaji AS, Melloni L, Schwiedrzik CM (2020)
Memory guidance of value-based decision making at an abstract level of representation
Scientific Reports 10: 2149. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78460-6​​​​

Feng G, Jensen FE, Greely HT, Okano H, Treue S, Roberts A, Fox JG, Caddick S, Poo MM, Newsome W & Morrison JH (2020) 
Opportunities and limitations of genetically modified nonhuman primate models for neuroscience research
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 24022-24031. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2006515117

Tremblay S, […], Fortuna MG, […], Hueer J, […], Gail A, […], Scherberger H, […], Treue S, […], Platt ML (2020) 
An Open Resource for Non-Human Primate Optogenetics 
Neuron 108: 6. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.09.027

Cassidy LC, Hannibal DL, Semple S, McCowan B. (2020)
Improved behavioral indices of welfare in continuous compared to intermittent pair-housing in adult female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Am J Primatol. e23189. DOI:10.1002/ajp.23189

Schwiedrzik CM & Sudmann SS (2020) 
Pupil Diameter Tracks Statistical Structure in the Environment to Increase Visual Sensitivity
Journal of Neuroscience 40(23): 4565-4575. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0216-20.2020

Unakafov A, Schultze T, Gail A, Moeller S, Kagan I, Eule S & Wolf F (2020)
Emergence and suppression of cooperation by action visibility in transparent games
PLoS Comput Biol 16(1): e1007588. DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007588

Miloserdov K, Schmidt-Samoa C, Williams C, Weinrich CA, Kagan I, Bürk K, Trenkwalder C, Bähr M, Wilke M (2020) 
Aberrant functional connectivity of resting state networks related to misperceptions and intra-individual variability in Parkinson‘s disease
Neuroimage: Clinical: 102076. DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102076

Paschke K, Bähr M, Wüstenberg T, Wilke M (2019)
Trunk rotation and handedness modulate cortical activation in neglect-associated regions during temporal order judgments
Neuroimage: Clinical 23: 101898. DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101898

Wilson ADV, Kade C, Moeller S, Treue S, Kagan I & Fischer J (preprint)
Development of a monkey avatar to study social perception in macaques
bioRxiv 758458. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/758458

Barbosa Pereira C, Kunczik J, Bleich A, Haeger C, Kiessling F, Thum T, Tolba R, Lindauer U, Treue S & Czaplik M (2019)
Perspective review of optical imaging in welfare assessment in animal-based research
Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(7): 070601. DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.24.7.070601

Bethell EJ, Cassidy LC, Brockhausen RR & Pfefferle D (2019)
Toward a Standardized Test of Fearful Temperament in Primates: A Sensitive Alternative to the Human Intruder Task for Laboratory-Housed Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Frontiers in Psychology 10: 1051. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01051

 Unakafov AM, Schultze T, Kagan I, Moeller S, Gail A, Treue S, Eule S & Wolf F (2019)
Evolutionary successful strategies in a transparent iterated prisoner’s dilemma. In: Kaufmann P., Castillo P. (eds) Applications of Evolutionary Computation.
EvoApplications 2019: LNCS 11454. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16692-2

Hammerschmidt W, Kagan I, Kulke L, Schacht A (2018)
Implicit reward associations impact face processing: Time-resolved evidence from event-related brain potentials and pupil dilations
Neuroimage 179: 557-569. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.06.055

Vecsei Z, Knakker B, Juhász P, Thuróczy G, Trunk A & Hernadi I (2018) 
Short-term radiofrequency exposure from new generation mobile phones reduces EEG alpha power with no effects on cognitive performance
bioRxiv: 363929. DOI: 10.1101/363929

Treue S & Stilling R (2018)
Tierversuche verstehen - Transparenz und proaktive Kommunikation über tierexperimentelle Forschung
Forschung 2+3: 60-63. ISSN: 1868-1654

Unakafov AM, Moeller S, Kagan I, Gail A, Treue S & Wolf F (2018) 
Using imaging photoplethysmography for heart rate estimation in non-human primates
PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202581. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202581

Schwiedrzik CM, Sudmann SS, Thesen T, Wang X, Groppe DM, Mégevand P, Doyle W, Mehta AD, Devinsky O, Melloni L (2018) 
Medial prefrontal cortex supports perceptual memory
Current Biology 28(18): R1094 - R1095. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.07.066

Kazem AJ, Barth Y, Pfefferle D, Kulik L & Widdig A (2018) 
Parent–offspring facial resemblance increases with age in rhesus macaques.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285(1886): DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1208

Hannibal DL, Cassidy LC, Vandeleest J, Semple S, Barnard A, Chun K, Winkler S & McCowan B (2018)
Intermittent pair-housing, pair relationship qualities, and HPA activity in adult female rhesus macaques
American Journal of Primatology e22762: 1-12. DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22762

Morel P (2018)
Gramm: grammar of graphics plotting in Matlab
Journal of Open Source Software 3(23): 568. DOI: 10.21105/joss.00568

Pfefferle D, Plümer S, Burchardt L, Treue S, Gail A (2018)
Assessment of stress responses in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) to daily routine procedures in system neuroscience based on salivary cortisol concentrations.
PLoS One 13:1-13. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190190

Berger M, Calapai A, Stephan V, Niessing M, Burchardt L, Gail A, Treue S (2018) 
Standardized automated training of rhesus monkeys for neuroscience research in their housing environment. 
Journal of Neurophysiology 119: 796–807. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00614.2017

Schwiedrzik CM, Freiwald WA (2017)
High-Level Prediction Signals in a Low-Level Area of the Macaque Face-Processing Hierarchy.
Neuron 96(1): 89-97. 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.09.007

Becker T, Pieper F, Liebetanz D, Bleyer M, Schrod A, Maetz-Rensing K & Treue S (2017) 
Suspect Guillain-Berré syndrome in a male rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). 
Primate Biology, 4, 27-32. 10.5194/pb-4-27-2017

Cabral-Calderon Y, Williams KA, Opitz A, Dechent P & Wilke M (2016)
Transcranial alternating current stimulation modulates spontaneous low frequency fluctuations as measured with fMRI.
NeuroImage 141: 88-107. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.07.005

Tsuchiya N, Fraessle S, Wilke M & Lamme V (2016)
No-report and report-based paradigms jointly unravel the NCC: Response to Overgaard and Fazekas.
Trend in Cognitive Sciences 20(4): 242-243. DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2016.01.006

Pfefferle D, Hammerschmidt K, Mundry R, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Fischer J, et al. (2016)
Does the structure of female rhesus macaque coo calls reflect relatedness and/or familiarity?
PLoS ONE 11(8): e0161133. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161133

Veith VK, Quigley C, Treue S (2016)
A pressure injection system for investigating the neuropharmacology of information processing in awake behaving macaque monkey cortex.
Journal of Visualized Experiments 109: e53724. DOI: 10.3791/53724

Cabral-Calderin Y, Weinrich CA, Schmidt-Samoa C, Poland E, Dechent P, Bähr M, Wilke M (2016)
Transcranial alternating current stimulation affects the BOLD signal in a frequency and task-dependent manner.
Human Brain Mapping 37: 94-121

Calapai A, Berger M, Niessing M, Heisig K, Brockhausen R, Treue S, Gail A (2017)
A cage-based training, cognitive testing and enrichment system optimized for Rhesus Macaques in neuroscience research.
Behavior Research Methods 49(1): 35-45. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-016-0707-3

Cesca F, Satapathy A, Ferrea E, Nieus T, Benfenati F, Scholz-Starke J (2015)
Functional interaction between the scaffold protein kidins220/ARMS and neuronal voltage-gated Na+ channels.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290: 18045-18055

Pielecka-Fortuna J, Kalogeraki E, Fortuna MG, Löwel S (2015)
Optimal level activity of matrix metalloproteinases is critical for adult visual plasticity in the healthy and stroke-affected brain.
eLife 4: e11290. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.11290

Tsuchiya N, Wilke M, Frässle S, Lamme VAF (2015)
No-report paradigms: extracting the true neural correlates of consciousness.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 19(12): 757-770. DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2015.10.002

Heldmaier G, Treue S (2015)
From animal physiology to human health.
BioFokus Spezial 25: 13-15

Soltanzadeh MJ, Daliri MR (2014)
Evaluation of phase locking and cross correlation methods for estimating the time lag between brain sites: A simulation approach.
Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 5, 205-211.​​​​​

Wilke M, Kagan I, Andersen RA, inventors; California Institute of Technology, assignee.
Brain repair using electrical stimulation of healthy nodes.
United States Patent US 8831733 B2. 2014 Sep 9

Przybyszewski AW, Kagan I, Snodderly DM (2014)
Primate area V1: largest response gain for receptive fields in the straight-ahead direction.
Neuroreport 25(14): 1109-1115

Pfefferle D, Kazem AJN, Brockhausen RR, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Widdig A (2014)
Monkeys spontaneously discriminate their unfamiliar paternal kin under natural conditions using facial cues.
Current Biology 24(15): 1806-1810

Keitel C, Quigley C, Ruhnau P (2014)
Stimulus-driven brain oscillations in the alpha range: entrainment of intrinsic rhythms or frequency-following response? 
Journal of Neuroscience 34: 10137-10140

Roelfsema PR, Treue S (2014)
Basic neuroscience research with nonhuman primates: a small but indispensable component of biomedical research.
Neuron 82: 1200-1204

Boly M, Seth AK, Wilke M, Ingmundson P, Baars B, Laureys S, Edelman DB, Tsuchiya N (2013)
Consciousness in humans and non-human animals: recent advances and future directions.
Frontiers in Psychology 4: 625

Kagan I, Hafed ZM (2013)
Active vision: micro saccades direct the eye to where it matters most.
Current Biology 23(17): R712-R714

Falkner AL, Goldberg ME, Krishna BS (2013)
Spatial representation and cognitive modulation of response variability in the LIP priority map.
Journal of Neuroscience 33(41): 16117-16130

Battaglia D, Witt A, Wolf F, Geisel T (2012)
Dynamic effective connectivity of inter-areal brain circuits.
PLOS Computational Biology 8(3): e1002438

Schweisfurth MA, Schweizer R, Frahm J (2011) 
Functional MRI indicates consistent intra-digit topographic maps in the little but not the index finger within the human primary somatosensory cortex. 
NeuroImage 56(4): 2138-2143

Boyraz P, Treue S (2011)
Misperceptions of speed are accounted for by the responses of neurons in macaque cortical area MT.
Journal of Neurophysiology 105: 1199-1211

Sachs AJ, Khayat PS, Niebergall R, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2011)
A metric-based analysis of the contribution of spike timing to contrast and motion direction coding by single neurons in macaque area MT.
Brain Research 1368: 163–184 

Morawetz C, Baudewig J, Treue S, Dechent P (2011)
Effects of spatial frequency and location of fearful faces on human amygdala activity.
Brain Research 1371: 87-99

Falkner AL, Krishna BS, Goldberg ME (2010)
Surround suppression sharpens the priority map in the lateral intraparietal area.
Journal of Neuroscience 30(38): 12787-12797

Amaya F, Paulus W, Treue S, Liebetanz D (2010)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation and PAS-induced cortical neuroplasticity in the awake rhesus monkey.
Clinical Neurophysiology 121(12): 2143-2151

Rodriguez-Sanchez AJ, Tsotsos JK, Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo JC (2009)
Comparing neuronal and behavioral thresholds for spiral motion discrimination.
NeuroReport 20(18): 1619-1624

Chakrabarti S, Zhang M, Alloway KD (2008)
MI neuronal responses to peripheral whisker stimulation: relationship to neuronal activity in SI barrels and septa.
Journal of Neurophysiology 100: 50-63

Krishnamoorthy V, Jain V, Cherukuri P, Baloni S, Dhingra NK (2008)
Intravitreal injection of fluorochrome-conjugated peanut agglutinin results in specific and reversible labeling of mammalian cones in vivo.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49(6): 2643-2650

Liu RF, Niu YQ, Wang SR (2008)
Thalamic neurons in the pigeon compute distance-to-collision of an approaching surface.
Brain, Behaviour and Evolution 72(1): 37-47

Tzvetanov T, Womelsdorf T (2008)
Predicting human perceptual decisions by decoding neuronal information profiles.
Biological Cybernetics 98(5): 397-411

Folta K, Troje NF, Güntürkün O (2007)
Timing of ascending and descending visual signals predicts the response mode of single cells in the thalamic nucleus rotundus of the pigeon (Columba livia).
Brain Research 1132: 100-109

Tzvetanov T, Wirmer A, Folta K (2007)
Orientation repulsion and attraction in alignment perception.
Vision Research 47: 1693-1704

Tzvetanov T, Simon L (2006)
Short- and long-range spatial interactions: a redefinition.
Vision Research 46: 1302-1306

Schulte M, Diekamp B, Manns M, Schwarz A, Valencia-Alfonso C, Kirsch JA, Güntürkün O, Folta K (2006)
Visual responses and afferent connections of the n. ventrolateralis thalami (VLT) in the pigeon (Columba livia).
Brain Research Bulletin 68: 285-292

Merboldt K-D, Baudewig J, Treue S, Frahm J (2002)
Functional MRI of self-controlled stereoscopic depth perception.
Neuroreport 13: 1721-1725

Thier P, Haarmeier T, Treue S, Barash S (1999)
Absence of a common functional denominator of visual disturbances in cerebellar desease.
Brain 122: 2133-2146

Rauber HJ, Treue S (1998)
Reference repulsion when judging the direction of visual motion.
Perception 27: 393-402

Treue S (1997)
License to see: for one eye only?
Neuron 19: 223-225

Treue S, Snowden RJ, Andersen RA (1993)
The effect of transiency on perceived velocity of visual patterns: a case of "temporal capture".
Vision Research 33: 791-798