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Local cell-assemblies, mesoscopic inter-laminar circuit, distant inter-areal network, and their couplings: Memory system in the macaque cortex

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A brain-wide distributed network orchestrates cognitive memorizing and remembering of explicit memory (i.e., memory of facts and events), and it has been revealed that the primate temporal cortex and frontal cortex implement basic machineries for the internal representation of visual objects and its manipulation. We have previously identified neural correlates of some key elements of this memory system at the single neuron level. The present talk addresses a possibility that this knowledge of single neuron elements can be integrated into a network-level understanding through our recent findings on organization and function of local memory-related cell-assemblies, inter-laminar signal processing across cortical layers, and inter-areal interactions that are targeting distinct inter-laminar processes in the macaque temporal cortex.



Osada, T., Adachi, Y., Miyamoto, K., Jimura, K., Setsuie, R. and Miyashita, Y. :
Dynamically allocated hub in task-evoked network predicts the vulnerable prefrontal locus for contextual memory retrieval in macaques. PLoS Biol. 13, e1002177, 2015.

Takeda, M., Koyano, W.K., Hirabayashi, T., Adachi, Y. and Miyashita, Y. :
Top-down regulation of laminar circuit via inter-area signal for successful object memory recall in monkey temporal cortex. 
Neuron  86, 840-852, 2015.

Hirabayashi, T., Takeuchi, D., Tamura, K. and Miyashita, Y. :
Microcircuits for hierarchical elaboration of object coding across primate temporal areas.
341, 191-195, 2013.

Miyamoto, K., Osada, T., Adachi, Y., Matsui, T., Kimura, H.M. and Miyashita, Y. :
Functional differentiation of memory retrieval network in macaque posterior parietal cortex.
77, 787-799, 2013.

Hirabayashi, T., Takeuchi, D., Tamura, K. and Miyashita, Y. :
Functional microcircuit recruited during retrieval of object association memory in monkey perirhinal cortex. 
Neuron  77, 192-203, 2013.

Takeuchi, D., Hirabayashi, T., Tamura, K. and Miyashita, Y. :
Reversal of interlaminar signal between sensory and memory processing in monkey temporal cortex. 
Science  331, 1443-1447, 2011.

Miyashita, Y. :  Cognitive memory: cellular and network machineries and their top-down control. Science  306, 435-440, 2004.


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Yasushi Miyashita (University of Tokyo)

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1 - Geschäftsführung; Abteilungen: Infektionsbiologie/-modelle, Versuchstierkunde, Primatengenetik, Verhaltensökologie und Soziobiologie, Kognitive Ethologie, Neurobiologie; Verwaltung; Bibliothek; Stabsstellen: Forschungskoordination, Kommunikation, Informationstechnologie, Betriebstechnik
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3 - Forschungsplattform Degenerative Erkrankungen; Forschungsgruppe Soziale Evolution der Primaten
4 - Abteilung Kognitive Neurowissenschaften
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Datum und Uhrzeit 03.12.15 - 16:00 - 17:30 Anmeldung nicht notwendig

Veranstaltungsort Hörsaal, DPZ, Kellnerweg 4



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