Lecture and Seminar „From Vision to Action“ 18/19
Bedauerlicherweise war eine falsche Uhrzeit für die Klausur am 2. April angegeben.
Die korrekte Uhrzeit is 08:15.
Diese Vorlesungen erfolgen auf Englisch.
Die Klausurfragen können auch auf Deutsch beantwortet werden.
Lecture (2 SWS) and Seminar (2 SWS)
Diese Vorlesungen erfolgen auf Englisch.
Die Klausurfragen können auch auf Deutsch beantwortet werden.
The lecture and seminars are held in the old lecture hall of the DPZ.
The lecture series From Vision to Action will provide an introduction to visual processing and action planning in the central nervous system of primates. We will provide an overview over the different processing stages along the two major visual processing streams, leading to object perception on the one hand, and providing the basis for movement planning on the other. We will put special emphasis on the discussion of general design and coding principles. Additionally, we will discuss how improved knowledge in neuroscience can lead to clinical applications, like visual and motor neuroprosthetics or improved neuropsychological programs.
The course can be completed either with the seminar (Module M.Psy.901) or without the seminar (Module M.Bio.350).
Seminar (Module M.Psy.901)
The elective module Vision to Action (M.Psy.901) of the Psychology Master program is composed of both the lecture and seminar.
The seminar provides students with deeper insights in selected topics based predominantly on original research papers, examined and presented by seminar participants. Seminar topics are linked to lecture topics, but the content goes much further into detail and requires more intensive examination of those topics.
The lecture and seminar are relevant for the written module exam at the end of the semester.
Seminar space allocation (Module M.Psy.901)
The allocation of the seminar places will be determined during the preparatory meeting. The possibility of attending the seminar is only confirmed if you are informed personally by email or during the preparatory meeting (see lecture schedule). Available slots for the seminar of module M.Psy.901 are given primarily to students of Psychology Master program.
Due to the semester-accompanying seminar, the module M.Psy.901 requires on-site attendance during the semester.
Important: seminar space allocation does not replace module registration in FlexNow for the selected participants.
Students from other programs
The lecture is also suitable and open to other interested students, e.g. from medicine or neuroinformatics. Guest students who can not register for the module otherwise, please register by email at the beginning of the semester.
Location and dates
Lecture and seminar take place in the old lecture hall of the DPZ. Exceptions to individual appointments will be announced on Lecture Schedule page.
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