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Ausgewählte Abstracts und Konferenzbeiträge

  1. Kagan I. Visuomotor functions of the pulvinar nuclei: perturbation and electrophysiological studies in primates. Thalamocortical Networks conference 2024, Donostia–San Sebastián, Spain (symposium talk).
  2. Kagan I., Moeller S., Darani Z.Y., Treue S., Gail A. Behavioral mechanisms and premotor cortex representations of dyadic coordination in transparent games. Social Brain Magdeburg 2023 (blitz talk and poster).
  3. Moeller S., Dann B., Scherberger H., Treue S., Gail A., Kagan I. Neural correlates of dynamic coordination in macaque premotor cortex. SfN 2023 (talk).
  4. Pachoud M., Arabali D., Schneider L., Wilke M., Kagan I. Bihemispheric effects of dorsal pulvinar inactivation on saccade and reach representations in parietal cortex. SfN 2018.
  5. Moeller S., Unakafov A.M., Gail A., Treue S., Kagan I. Transparent games: Investigating the influence of action visibility on social and economic decisions in human and macaque pairs. SfN 2018 (talk).
  6. Wilke* M., Schmidt-Samoa* C., Dechent P., Miloserdov K., Mahdavi S., Dominguez-Vargas A.U., Liman J., Holzgraefe M., Williams K., Kagan I., Bähr M. Contribution of the thalamic pulvinar to saccade and reach behavior in humans and monkeys. SfN 2018.
  7. Kagan I., Domínguez-Vargas A. U., Schneider L., Gibson L., Wilke M. Contribution of dorsal pulvinar to visuomotor behavior and spatial decision-making. SfN 2016.
  8. Christopoulos V.N., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. Choice bias after lateral intraparietal (LIP) area inactivation predominantly reflects a decision rather than an attention deficit. SfN 2016.
  9. Gibson L., Wilke M., Kagan I. Comparison of BOLD activity induced by microstimulation of pulvinar and LIP in a behaving monkey. SfN 2015.
  10. Domínguez-Vargas A. U., Schneider L., Kagan I.*, Wilke M.* Time-dependent effects of pulvinar microstimulation on visually-guided saccades and target selection. SfN 2014.
  11. Gibson L., Spanou E., Wilke M., Kagan I. The effects of pulvinar microstimulation on cortical BOLD activity in behaving monkey. SfN 2014.
  12. Christopoulos V.N., Kagan I., Cho R., Andersen R.A. Inactivation of Parietal Reach Region (PRR) affects reach but not saccade choices in spatial decisions. SfN2014.
  13. Paschke K., Kagan I., Baehr, M., Wilke M. Trunk orientation and saccadic choice behavior: effects of egocentric midline shift. SfN 2013.
  14. Schmidt-Samoa C., Wilke M., Dechent P., Andersen R.A., Kagan I. Spatial decision differently activates frontoparietal network in humans and in monkeys. SfN 2012.
  15. Schmidt-Samoa C., Dechent P., Kagan I., Wilke M. FMRI of memory-guided instructed and decision in a slow event-related designs. Human Brain Mapping 2012.
  16. Domínguez-Vargas A. U., Grass A., Wilke M., Treue S., Kagan I. High reward and risk modulate effort-based spatial decisions in monkeys. SfN 2012.
  17. Bonaiuto J.J., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. Competition and cooperation in a computational model of spatial decision-making and neglect. SfN 2012.
  18. Christopoulos V.N., Bonaiuto J.J., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. Parietal Reach Region (PRR) inactivation causes deficits in reach target selection. SfN 2012.
  19. Snodderly D.M., Przybyszewski A.W., Kagan I. Response bias of V1 complex cells for dark objects in the straight-ahead direction. SfN 2012.
  20. Bonaiuto J.J., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. Synthetic brain imaging on a computational model of inter-hemispheric interactions during spatial decision-making. SfN 2011.
  21. Christopoulos V.N., Kagan I., Wilke M., Andersen R.A. Functional connectivity analysis in an oculomotor memory decision task after lateral intraparietal area (LIP) inactivation. SfN 2011.
  22. Kagan I., Wilke M., Andersen R.A. Spatial awareness after pulvinar inactivation. ASSC 2011, Kyoto, Japan.
  23. Wilke M., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. Pulvinar inactivation alters cortical responses during spatial decision making. SfN 2010.
  24. Kagan I., Wilke M., Andersen R.A. Interhemispheric interactions in parietal cortex during spatial decision making. SfN 2010.
  25. Wilke M., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. BOLD responses during pharmacologically induced hemi-neglect in the parietal cortex. SfN 2009 (talk).
  26. Kagan I., Wilke M., Andersen R.A. fMRI dynamics in monkeys reflect spatial decisions and preferences in free-choice and reward context tasks. SfN 2009 (talk).
  27. Wilke M., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. BOLD signal changes associated with reversible visual neglect in monkeys. Japan Neuroscience Society 2009.
  28. Kagan I., Wilke M., Andersen R.A. (2009). BOLD fMRI dynamics in monkeys reflects spatial decisions in free-choice and reward context tasks. Japan Neuroscience Society 2009.
  29. Snodderly D.M., Kagan I., Gur M. (2008). Stimulus-response relationships of complex cells in V1 of behaving monkeys. SfN 2008.
  30. Lindner A., Kagan I., Iyer A., Andersen R.A. (2008). Prospective coding of alternative actions in human parietal and premotor cortex. FENS 2008.
  31. Kagan I., Lindner A., Iyer A., Wagner S., Andersen R.A. (2007). Time-courses of fMRI BOLD signals in frontal and parietal cortex reflect monkeys’ decisions in a free-choice oculomotor task. SfN 2007 .
  32. Lindner A., Kagan I., Iyer A., O’Doherty J.P., Schultz W., Andersen R.A. (2007). Expected reward magnitude modulates fMRI-activity in monkey ventral and dorsal cortical streams and the striatum during a goal-directed saccade task. SfN 2007.
  33. Kagan I., Lindner A., Iyer A., Wagner S., Andersen R.A. (2007). Time-courses of fMRI BOLD signals in frontal and parietal cortex reflect monkeys’ decisions in a free-choice oculomotor task. SfN 2007.
  34. Kagan I., Iyer A., Lindner A., Andersen R.A. (2007). Event-related fMRI of goal-directed behavior in alert monkeys and humans: spatially-specific and nonspecific signals during delayed response tasks. CoSyNe 2007.
  35. Snodderly D.M., Kagan I., Gur M. (2007). Modulation of neuronal activity in V1 by fixational and voluntary eye movements: Separating effects of retinal image motion, retinal image position, and extraretinal influences. SfN 2007.
  36. Kagan I., Lindner A., Iyer A., Andersen R.A. (2007). fMRI of eye movements in monkeys and humans: spatially-specific and non -specific preparatory signals for memory- and visually-guided saccades. ECEM2007.
  37. Kagan I., Iyer A., Lindner A., Wagner S., Andersen R.A. (2006). Event-related fMRI in alert behaving monkeys and humans during visually-guided and memory saccades. SfN 2006.
  38. Kagan I., Iyer A., Lindner A., Andersen R.A. (2005). Functional MRI in alert behaving monkeys during goal-directed saccades. SfN 2005.
  39. Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2005). Complementary functions of saccadic, position/drift, and extraretinal responses to eye movements in V1 neurons. ASSC9 symposium.
  40. Ersoy B., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M., Rucci M. (2004). Predicting the responses of V1 complex cells in alert monkeys. SFN 2004.
  41. Gur M., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (2004). Response variability of single cells in V1 of alert monkeys. SFN 2004.
  42. Ersoy B., Kagan I., Rucci M., Snodderly D.M. (2004). Modeling the responses of V1 complex cells to natural temporal inputs. VSS 2004.
  43. Gur M., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (2004).  Lack of short-term adaptation in V1 cells of the alert monkey. VSS 2004.
  44. Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2004). Modeling complex cells in V1 of alert monkeys. CoSyNe 2004.
  45. Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2003). Position vs. saccade responses in V1 of alert monkeys. SfN 2003 (talk).
  46. Gur M., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (2003).  Early generation of stimulus specificity in V1 of alert monkeys. SfN 2003.
  47. Kagan I., Przybyszewski A.W., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2003).  Responses of macaque V1 neurons to fixational and voluntary eye movements correlate with receptive field properties. VSS 2003.
  48. Gur M., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (2003). Orientation selectivity in V1 of alert monkeys. VSS 2003.
  49. Przybyszewski A.W., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (2003). Eye position influences contrast responses in V1 of alert monkey. Perception 32: 76-77 Suppl. S
  50. Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2002). Diversity of responses to gratings in V1 of alert monkey. SFN 2002.
  51. Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2002). Analysis of responses to drifting and stationary gratings in V1 of alert monkey. VSS 2002.
  52. Snodderly D.M., Kagan I., Gur M. (2002).  Receptive fields and quasi-linear response modulation in V1 of alert macaques. VSS 2002.
  53. Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2001).  In V1 duplex cells, the form of responses to gratings depends on temporal frequency. Neural Plasticity 8 (3): 180
  54. Snodderly D.M., Kagan I., Gur M. (2000).  Simple cells and other cells in striate cortex of alert monkeys. ARVO 2000
  55. Shik M.L., Kagan I. (2000).  Persistent instability of firing of hindbrain neurons during extended latency of evoked locomotion in salamander. Eur. J. Neurosci. 12: 163-163 Suppl. S 2000
  56. Gur M., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (1999). “Duplex”, not simple, cells are the major cell type in striate cortex of alert monkeys. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 29: 1548
  57. Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (1999).  The influence of fixational eye movements on grating-elicited responses of V1 neurons. Neuroscience Letters 54, Suppl.: S22-S22
  58. Kagan D., Kagan I., Shik M.L. (1999).  Behavior of hindbrain neurons during latency of evoked locomotion in salamander. Fifth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience Proceedings, 88
  59. Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (1998). “Duplex”, not simple, cells are the major cell type in striate cortex of alert monkeys. Neuroscience Letters 51, Suppl.: S20-S21
  60. Kagan I., Shik M.L. (1996).  Responses of hindbrain neurons to the threshold repetitive stimulation of the mesencephalic “locomotor region” in urodele. Israel J. of Med. Sci. 32, Suppl.: S34
  61. Bar-Gad I., Kagan I., Shik M.L. (1995).  Responses of single neurons in the hindbrain of the newt to threshold repetitive stimulation of the mesencephalic “locomotor region”. Israel J. of Med. Sci. 31: 762