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Microlens arrays for multichannel laser-to-waveguide coupling
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Toward optogenetic hearing restoration
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Downregulated expression of lactate dehydrogenase in adult oligodendrocytes and its implication for the transfer of glycolysis products to axons
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Gene therapy for deafness: are we there now?
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Analyzing efficacy, stability and safety of AAV-mediated optogenetic hearing restoration in mice
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Flexible auditory training, psychophysics, and enrichment of common marmosets with an automated, touchscreen-based system
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Multiscale photonic imaging of the native and implanted cochlea
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Utility of red-light ultrafast optogenetic stimulation of the auditory pathway
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Developing fast, red-light optogenetic stimulation of spiral ganglion neurons for future optical cochlear implants
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Overloaded adeno-associated virus as a novel gene therapeutic tool for otoferlin-related deafness
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Understanding and treating paediatric hearing impairment
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Acute and long-term circuit-level effects in the auditory cortex after sound trauma
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Viral rhodopsins 1 are an unique family of light-gated cation channels
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Multichannel optogenetic stimulation of the auditory pathway using microfabricated LED cochlear implants in rodents
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μLED-based optical cochlear implants for spectrally selective activation of the auditory nerve
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Emerging approaches for restoration of hearing and vision
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Towards the optical cochlear implant: optogenetic approaches for hearing restoration
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Towards optogenetic approaches for hearing restoration
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Near physiological spectral selectivity of cochlear optogenetics
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Ultrafast optogenetic stimulation of the auditory pathway by targeting-optimized Chronos
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Towards the optical cochlear implant
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Optogenetic stimulation of cochlear neurons activates the auditory pathway and restores auditory-driven behavior in deaf adult gerbils
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High frequency neural spiking and auditory signaling by ultrafast red-shifted optogenetics
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GaN-based micro-LED arrays on flexible substrates for optical cochlear implants
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Optogenetic stimulation of the auditory pathway
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Optogenetic stimulation of the auditory nerve
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Considering optogenetic stimulation for cochlear implants
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Optogenetic stimulation of the auditory pathway for research and future prosthetics
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New insights into cochlear sound encoding
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