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Comments/Book chapters
Wilke, M, Kagan, I. Visuospatial and Motor Deficits Following Pulvinar Lesions.
In: Usrey WM, Sherman SM (Eds), The Cerebral Cortex and Thalamus. New York, 2024, Oxford University Press, DOI: 10.1093/med/9780197676158.003.007
- Tsuchiya, N., Frässle, S., Wilke, M., Lamme, V. No-Report and Report-Based Paradigms Jointly Unravel the NCC: Response to Overgaard and Fazekas. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 2016 Apr; 20(4):242-3.
- Wilke, M., Dechent, P., Schmidt-Samoa, C. Experimentelle Modelle für räumlichen Neglect (Studien in humanen und nicht-humanen Primaten). Neuroforum. 2012. 1:178-89.
- Leopold, D.A., Wilke, M., Neuroimaging: seeing the trees for the forest. Current Biology 2005. 15(18):766-8.
- Leopold, D.A., Maier, A., Wilke, M., Logothetis, N.K. Binocular rivalry and the illusion of monocular vision. Binocular rivalry and perceptual ambiguity. 2005. (Eds.) David Alais and Randoph Blake, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.