- Schneider F., Calapai A., Mundry R., Báez-Mendoza R., Gail A., Kagan I., Treue S. (2024). Confidence over competence: Real-time integration of social information in human continuous perceptual decision-making. eLife 13:RP101021.
- Dang S., Antono J.E., Kagan I., Pooresmaeili A. (2014). Modality-specific and modality-general representations of subjective value in frontal cortex. Communications Biology in press.
- Kaduk K., Wilke M., Kagan I. (2024). Dorsal pulvinar inactivation leads to spatial selection bias without perceptual deficit. Scientific Reports 14:12852.
- Crayen M.A., Kagan I., Esghaei M., Hoehl D., Thomas U., Prückl R., Schaffelhofer S., Treue S. (2024) Using camera-guided electrode microdrive navigation for precise 3D targeting of macaque brain sites. PLOS ONE 19:e0301849.
- Ivanov V., Manenti G.L., Plewe S.S., Kagan I., Schwiedrzik C.M. (2024). Decision-making processes in perceptual learning depend on effectors. Scientific Reports 14:1–15.
- Stinson C., Kagan I., Pooresmaeili A. (2024). The contribution of sensory information asymmetry and bias of attribution to egocentric tendencies in effort comparison tasks. Front. Psychol. 15:1304372.
- Schneider L., Dominguez-Vargas A.-U., Gibson L., Wilke M., Kagan I. (2023). Visual, delay, and oculomotor timing and tuning in macaque dorsal pulvinar during instructed and free choice memory saccades. Cerebral Cortex 33: 10877–10900.
- Wilke M., Kagan I. (2023). Visuospatial and Motor Deficits Following Pulvinar Lesions. In: The Cerebral Cortex and Thalamus (Usrey WM, Sherman SM, eds), Oxford University Press.
- Benedetto A., Kagan I. (2023). Active vision: How you look reflects what you are looking for. Current Biology 33:R303–R305.
- Moeller S., Unakafov A. M., Fischer J., Gail A., Treue S., Kagan I. (2023). Human and macaque pairs employ different coordination strategies in a transparent decision game. eLife 12:e81641.
- The PRIMatE Data and Resource Exchange (PRIME-DRE) Global Collaboration Workshop and Consortium (2021). Toward next-generation primate neuroscience: A collaboration-based strategic plan for integrative neuroimaging. Neuron.
- Kagan I., Gibson L., Spanou E., Wilke M. (2021). Effective connectivity and spatial selectivity-dependent fMRI changes elicited by microstimulation of pulvinar and LIP. NeuroImage 240, 118283.
- Klink P.C.*, Aubry J.-F., Ferrera V.P., Fox A.S., Froudist-Walsh S., Jarraya B., Konofagou E.E., Krauzlis R.J., Messinger A., Mitchell A.S., Ortiz-Rios M., Oya H., Roberts A.C., Roe A.W., Rushworth M.F.S., Sallet J., Schmid M.C., Schroeder C.E., Tasserie J., Tsao D.Y., Uhrig L., Vanduffel W., Wilke M., Kagan I.*, Petkov C.I.* (2021). Combining brain perturbation and neuroimaging in non-human primates. NeuroImage 235, 118017. * Shared corresponding authors
- Milham M., … Kagan I., … (2020). Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging. Neuron 105, 600–603.
- Heins R.C., Mirza M.B., Parr T., Friston K., Kagan I., Pooresmaeili A. (2020). Deep Active Inference and Scene Construction. Front. Artif. Intell. 3.
- Rollwage M., Pannach F., Stinson C., Toelch U., Kagan I.*, Pooresmaeili A.* (2020). Judgments of effort exerted by self and others are influenced by task contingent rewards. Scientific Reports 10: 1868. * Shared senior authors
- Wilson V.A.D., Kade C., Moeller S., Treue S., Kagan I., Fischer J. (2020). Macaque Gaze Responses to the Primatar: A Virtual Macaque Head for Social Cognition Research. Front. Psychol. 11.
- Miloserdov K., Schmidt-Samoa C., Williams K., Weinrich C. A., Kagan I., Bürk K., Trenkwalder C., Bähr M., & Wilke M. (2020). Aberrant functional connectivity of resting state networks related to misperceptions and intra-individual variability in Parkinson‘s disease. NeuroImage: Clinical, 25: 102076.
- Schneider L., Domínguez-Vargas A. U., Gibson L., Kagan I.*, Wilke M.* (2020). Eye position signals in the dorsal pulvinar during fixation and goal-directed saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123: 367-391. * Shared senior authors
- Unakafov A. M., Schultze T., Gail A., Moeller S., Kagan I.*, Eule S.*, Wolf F.* (2020). Emergence and suppression of cooperation by action visibility in transparent games. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(1): e1007588. * Shared senior authors
- Unakafov A. M., Schultze T., Kagan I., Moeller S., Gail A., Treue S., Eule S., Wolf F. (2019). Evolutionary successful strategies in a transparent iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. EvoApplications 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11454: 204–219.
- Unakafov A.M., Möller S., Kagan I., Gail A., Treue S., Wolf F. (2018). Using imaging photoplethysmography for heart rate estimation in non-human primates. PLOS ONE 13(8): e0202581.
- Hammerschmidt W., Kagan I., Kulke L., Schacht A. (2018). Implicit reward associations impact face processing: Time-resolved evidence from event-related brain potentials and pupil dilations. NeuroImage 179: 557-569.
- Christopoulos V.N., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2018). Lateral intraparietal area (LIP) is largely effector-specific in free-choice decisions. Scientific Reports 8: 8611.
- Moreira C.M., Rollwage M., Kaduk K., Wilke M., Kagan I. (2018). Post-decision wagering after perceptual judgments reveals bi-directional certainty readouts. Cognition 176: 40-52.
- Wilke M., Schneider L., Domínguez-Vargas A.U., Schmidt-Samoa C., Miloserdov K., Nazzal A., Dechent P., Cabral-Calderin Y., Scherberger H., Kagan I., Bähr M. (2018). Reach and grasp deficits following damage to the dorsal pulvinar. Cortex 99: 135-149.
- Kagan I., Burr D.C. (2017). Active Vision: Dynamic Reformatting of Visual Information by the Saccade-Drift Cycle. Current Biology 27(9): R341-R343.
- Domínguez-Vargas A.U., Schneider L., Wilke M.*, Kagan I.* (2017). Electrical Microstimulation of the Pulvinar Biases Saccade Choices and Reaction Times in a Time-Dependent Manner. Journal of Neuroscience 37(8):2234-2257.
- Paschke K., Kagan I., Wüstenberg T., Bähr M., Wilke M. (2015). Trunk rotation affects temporal order judgments with direct saccades: Influence of handedness. Neurophychologia 79: 123-137.
- Christopoulos V.N., Bonaiuto J., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2015). Inactivation of parietal reach region affects reaching but not saccade choices in internally guided decisions. Journal of Neuroscience 35(33): 11719-11728.
- Przybyszewski A.W., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (2014). Primate area V1: largest response gain for receptive fields in the straight-ahead direction. Neuroreport 25(14):1109-1115.
- Kagan I., Hafed Z.M. (2013). Active vision: microsaccades direct the eye to where it matters most. Current Biology 23(17): R712–R714.
- Wilke M., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2013). Effects of pulvinar inactivation on spatial decision-making between equal and asymmetric reward options. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25(8): 1270-1283.
- Kagan I. (2012). Microsaccades and image fading during natural vision. Response to McCamy et al. Microsaccadic efficacy and contribution to foveal and peripheral vision. Journal of Neuroscience
- Wilke M.*, Kagan I.*, Andersen R.A. (2012). Functional imaging reveals rapid reorganization of cortical activity after parietal inactivation in monkeys. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109(21): 8274-8279. * Equal contribution
- Kagan I. (2012) Active vision: fixational eye movements help seeing space in time. Current Biology 22(6): R186 - R188.
- Kagan I., Iyer A., Lindner A., Andersen R.A. (2010). Space representation for eye movements is more contralateral in monkeys than in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107(17): 7933-7938. Epub 2010 Apr 12.
- Iyer A., Lindner A., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2010). Motor preparatory activity in posterior parietal cortex is modulated by subjective absolute value. PLoS Biol 8(8): e1000444. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000444
- Lindner A., Iyer A., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2010). Human posterior parietal cortex plans where to reach and what to avoid. Journal of Neuroscience 30(35): 11715-11725. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2849-09.2010.
- Snodderly D.M., Kagan I., Gur M. (2010). Linearity and selectivity of neuronal responses in awake visual cortex. Importance of the cell sample. Reply to: The linearity and selectivity of neuronal responses in awake visual cortex. Chen et al. (2009) Journal of Vision 9(9):12. doi:10.1167/9.9.12
- Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D. M. (2008). Saccades and drifts differentially modulate neuronal activity in V1: Effects of retinal image motion, position, and extraretinal influences. Journal of Vision 8(14):19: 1-25.
- Gur M., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (2005). Orientation and direction selectivity of neurons in V1 of alert monkeys: Functional relationships and laminar distributions. Cerebral Cortex 15 (8): 1207-1221.
- Kagan I., Shik M.L. (2004). How the mesencephalic “locomotor region” recruits hindbrain neurons. Progress in Brain Research 143: 221-230.
- Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2002). Spatial organization of receptive fields of V1 neurons of alert monkeys: a comparison with responses to gratings. Journal of Neurophysiology 88: 2557-2574.
- Snodderly D.M., Kagan I., Gur M. (2001). Selective activation of visual cortex neurons by fixational eye movements: Implications for neural coding. Visual Neuroscience 18 (2): 259-277.
- Bar-Gad I., Kagan I., Shik M.L. (1999). Behavior of hindbrain neurons during the transition from rest to evoked locomotion in a newt. Progress in Brain Research 123: 285-294.