Seminars and lectures
Seminars WS 2024/2025
Current Topics in Molecular Virology
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stefan Pöhlmann, Dr. Alexander Hahn
Language: English
Cycle: weekly
Date: Monday, 01:15 - 02:00 pm
Place: Online (via Zoom)
Lectures WS 2024/2025
Molecular Biology of HIV Replication and Pathogenesis
The infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the consequent immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS are one of the major health problems in the present. In the context of this lecture it will be shown how the virus replicates in host cells and how it induces the disease AIDS. Furthermore, we will talk about therapy and development in vaccination. Finally the origin of HIV, the immunodeficiency virus of the monkeys, will be discussed. The lecture is designed for master students (biology and medicine) but interested bachelor students are also welcome.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stefan Pöhlmann
Language: English
Cycle: weekly
Date: Thursday, 04:15 pm - 05:00 pm
Place: German Primate Center, Kellnerweg 4
24.10.2024 (Introduction)
07.11.2024 (Entry)
14.11.2024 (Uncoating, reverse transcription, integration)
21.11.2024 (Gene Expression)
28.11.2024 (Maturation & Release)
05.12.2024 (Restriction factors I)
12.12.2024 (Restriction factors II)
19.12.2024 (Pathology, Epidemiology)
09.01.2025 (Diagnostics & Co-Infections)
16.01.2025 (Treatment)
23.01.2025 (Vaccine development)
30.01.2025 (Origin of HIV)
06.02.2025 (Repetitorium)
27.02.2025 (Exam)
Basic Virology
The students will become familiar with the architecture of viruses and will learn how these agents replicate and evade the immune response of the host. Moreover, it will be discussed how viruses cause disease and how this process can be prevented by antivirals and vaccines. The lectures will focus on important human pathogens, including HIV, influenza and herpesviruses. Upon successful completion of the module, the students will be able to classify viruses and will have an understanding of central mechanisms underlying virus replication and pathogenesis and their inhibition by therapy and vaccination.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Stefan Pöhlmann, PD Dr. Michael Winkler
Language: English
Cycle: weekly
Date: Wednesday, 04:15 - 05:45 pm
Place: German Primate Center, Kellnerweg 4
23.10.2024 (Discovery, cultivation, genomes, structures)
30.10.2024 (Diagnostic and entry)
06.11.2024 (Genome replication)
13.11.2024 (Assembly, exit and maturation)
20.11.2024 (Immunity and immune evasion)
27.11.2024 (Transformation and Oncogenesis, hepatitis viruses)
04.12.2024 (Herpesviruses)
11.12.2024 (HIV)
18.12.2024 (Respiratory viruses)
08.01.2025 (Emerging viruses I)
15.01.2025 (Emerging viruses II)
22.01.2025 (Therapy and vaccination)
29.01.2025 (Repetitorium)
19.02.2025 (Exam)