We welcome diversity and therefore welcome applications from qualified people, regardless of their ethnic, cultural and social background, gender, religion, ideology, disability, age or sexual identity. Registered disabled applicants with equal aptitude and qualifications will be given preferential consideration. We kindly ask you to indicate a disability in your application.
Postdoctoral Research Scientist (m/f/d) in the "Laboratory Animal Science Unit (Versuchstierkunde)"
We are seeking for a Postdoctoral Research Scientist (m/f/d) to join our Laboratory Animal Science unit (Versuchstierkunde). The position is suitable for part-time work.
The aim of our research is to counteract age-related and genetic risk factors of the cardiovascular system. For this purpose, we study AAV-vector based transgene application as well as gene editing in in vitro and in vivo models, including detailed analysis of molecular pathways and state of the art omics. We thereby integrate molecular and cell biology with translational research.
Doktorand*in (m/w/d) im Labor "Cognitive Hearing in Primates"
Das Labor ‚Cognitive Hearing in Primates‘ (Leitung: Marcus Jeschke) bietet eine Stelle als Doktorand*in (m/w/d) um unser Team zu verstärken, das sich der Erforschung des Hörens und der Hörrehabilitation widmet.
Die erfolgreiche Kandidatin/der erfolgreiche Kandidat wird Verhaltens- und elektrophysiologische Experimente an nicht-menschlichen Primaten kombinieren. Das Projekt wird sich insbesondere auf die Untersuchung der neuronalen Verarbeitung von artifizieller Stimulation der Hörbahn mit innovativen Cochleaimplantaten im Weißbüschelaffen konzentrieren.