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  • Modeling proprioception with task-driven neural network models.

    NEURON 112(9):1384-6 - DOI -
  • Accurate neural control of the hand prosthesis by posture-related activity in the primate grasping circuit.

    NEURON   112(5):1-15   DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.09.018 - DOI -


  • Information-processing dynamics in neuronal networks of macaque cerebral cortex reflect cognitive state and behavior.

    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 120(2): - DOI -
  • Social disappointment and partner presence affect long-tailed macaque refusal behaviour in an´inequity aversion`experiment.

    R. Soc. Open Sci. 10:221225 - DOI -
  • Research Data Management and Data Sharing for Reproducible Research - Results of a Community Survey of the German National Research Data Infrastructure Initiative Neuroscience.

    ENEURO 10:(2) - DOI -
  • Comparison of PKD2L1-Expressing Cerebrospinal Fluid Contacting Neurons in Spinal Cords of Rodents, Carnivores, and Primates.

    INT J MOL SCI 24(17):13582 - DOI -


  • Distributed yet compartmentalized neural dynamics of hand actions.

    NEURON 110(1):10-11 - DOI -


  • A mechanism for inter-areal coherence through communication based on connectivity and oscillatory power.

    NEURON 109(24):4050-4067 - DOI -
  • PriMa: A low-cost, modular, open hardware, and 3D-printed fMRI manipulandum.

    NEUROIMAGE 238:118218 - DOI -
  • Visually and Tactually Guided Grasps Lead to Different Neuronal Activity in Non-human Primates.

    FRONT NEUROSCI-SWITZ 15:679910 - DOI -
  • A Turntable Setup for Testing Visual and Tactile Grasping Movements in Non-human Primates.

    FRONT BEHAV NEUROSCI 15:648483 - DOI -
  • NFDI-Neuro: building a community for neuroscience research data management in Germany.

    NEUROFORUM 27(1)3:15 - DOI -
  • Reproducibility and efficiency in handling complex neurophysiological data.

    NEUROFORUM 27(1)27:34 - DOI -



    3D reconstruction toolbox for behavior tracked with multiple cameras.

    (copy 1)


    Journal of Open Source Software 5(45):1849 - DOI -

    Shared functional connectivity between the dorso-medial and dorso-ventral streams in macaques.

    (copy 1)


    SCI REP-UK 10(1):153 - DOI -

    Histological assessment of optogenetic tools to study fronto-visual and fronto-parietal cortical networks in the rhesus macaque.

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    SCI REP-UK 10(1):389 - DOI -

    A goal-driven modular neural network predicts parietofrontal neural dynamics during grasping.

    (copy 1)


    P NATL ACAD SCI USA 117(50):32124-32135 - DOI -

    An Open Resource for Non-Human Primate Optogenetics.

    (copy 1)


    NEURON 108(6):1075-1090 - DOI -