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German Primate Center (DPZ) study shows tolerance and cooperative ties between male Guinea baboons

Mobile DNA element allows conclusions on the evolution of apes

DFG supports research group with 1.5 million euros.

Scientists of the Göttingen Research Campus participate in statement of the National Academy Leopoldina

Simon Jacob convinced with his findings on the importance of dopamine for the perception of visual stimuli

Senate of the Leibniz Association recommends further support

First study to show genetic monogamy in primates.

Das DFG-Projekt knüpft ein neues Netzwerk universitärer und außeruniversitärer Forschungseinrichtungen in Deutschland

The non-tenured Research Group Neurobiology of Hansjörg Scherberger now becomes the ninth permanent unit of the German Primate Center

Behavioral ecologists from the German Primate Center have described the baseline of primate social complexity