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Weißbüschelaffen iPSC Kolonie Stoyan Petkov

Platform Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration

What we do

The Platform Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration works on fundamental questions of stem cell biology, embryonic development and primate reproduction. The resulting knowledge and expertise is also used for translational projects in which new therapies are developed and tested. The Platform Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration collaborates with partners from biosciences and human medicine in order to cover the spectrum from basic research to preclinical testing of new therapies. In addition, our resources are used for the development of alternative methods to animal testing.

Our Team Our Research Junior Research Group

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Behr Head Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration

Kerstin Zaft Team Assistant Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration Neurobiology

For Students

The Platform Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration is involved in several training programs of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the Georg-August University of Göttingen. These include the Bachelor's program in Biology, the Master's program in Developmental, Neural, and Behavioral Biology, the Master's programs in Molecular Medicine and Cardiovascular Science as well as the integrated International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) Molecular Biology (combined Master's and PhD program).

Information for Students


  • Transgene-Free Cynomolgus Monkey iPSCs Generated under Chemically Defined Conditions.

    CELLS-BASEL 13(6):558 - DOI -
  • In vitro matured oocytes have a higher developmental potential than in vivo matured oocytes after hormonal ovarian stimulation in Callithrix jacchus.

  • Generation of marmoset primordial germ cell-like cells under chemically defined conditions.

    LIFE SCI ALLIANCE 7(6):e202302371 - DOI -

Collaboration Partners