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Weißbüschelaffen iPSC Kolonie Stoyan Petkov

Stem Cells

Stem Cells

Pluripotent stem cells have great potential with regard to new, regenerative therapies and for many other current biomedical issues. The Platform Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration works with pluripotent primate stem cells at the interface between basic and clinicall research. 


Stem Cells from Different Primate Species

The Platform Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration generates, analyzes and utilzes pluripotent stem cells from various primate species. Pluripotency means that these stem cells can develop into all cells of the postnatal body. We have generated common marmoset embryonic stem cells (ESCs) as the gold standard for pluripotent stem cells as well as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). In addition, we have established iPSC lines from rhesus macaques, cynomolgus monkeys and baboons as well as from humans. In biomedical research, the common marmoset and rhesus monkey stem cells are of particular interest, as these two species are frequently used in this field. With this spectrum of pluripotent stem cells from 5 primate species, evolutionary questions can also be addressed very well. We also use pluripotent stem cells to develop alternative methods to animal experiments.



Beating Heart Organoid