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Doctoral positions

The Department of Cognitive Neuroscience (Prof. Stefan Treue) and the research groups Sensomotorics (Prof. Alexander Gail) and Decision and Awareness (Dr. Igor Kagan) are offering PhD positions.

Our department’s research focuses on the neural foundations of visual attention and motion perception, sensorimotor processing, spatial awareness, decision-making, and neuroprosthetics. Our research approach primarily involves extracellular recordings from the cerebral cortex and thalamus of non-human primates, as well as psychophysical studies in humans. Functional brain imaging in non-human primates, including companion studies in humans, and computational modeling of neural processes play an important role in our research.

As part of the Center for System Neuroscience (CSN) and the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), we offer an inspiring, multidisciplinary research environment with a focus on both experimental and theoretical neuroscience. PhD candidates can choose from several neuroscience PhD programs at the Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences, Biophysics, and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB).

We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a strong interest in systems neuroscience. A degree in neuroscience, physics, engineering, biology, psychology, or other related fields, along with good English proficiency, is required. Programming experience is highly desired.

To apply, please fill out our Application and send it together with the documents listed there by e-mail.

E-mail: PhD Application

We strongly encourage women to apply. Disabled applicants will be given priority if equally qualified.

Postdoc position

The Sensorimotor Group focuses on the neural foundations of decision-making (e.g., Klaes et al., Neuron 2011), action planning (e.g., Westendorff et al., JNeurosci 2010), and neuroprosthetics (e.g., Lewis et al., IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2013). We primarily use electrophysiological recordings from sensorimotor areas of the cerebral cortex in non-human primates (rhesus macaques) and psychophysical studies in humans, as well as functional brain imaging and computer simulations. We offer excellent research conditions within an internationally recognized group and a broad, excellent neuroscience environment.

We are looking for highly motivated, PhD-level natural scientists with a deep interest in systems neuroscience in the areas mentioned above. In addition to high engagement, we expect good English language skills and relevant prior experience in electrophysiology, psychophysics, or neural modeling. The candidate should have programming experience, preferably in Matlab and ideally also in C++.

We strongly encourage women to apply. Disabled candidates will be given priority if equally qualified.

Please send applications with CV, recommendation letters, representative publications to:

Prof. Dr. Alexander Gail  
Cognitive Neuroscience Lab  
Sensorimotor and Neuroprosthetics Group  
German Primate Center  
Kellnerweg 4  
37077 Göttingen, Germany

Email: Postdoc-Application