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Selected Publications

Guo H, Kuang S, Gail A (2025) 
Reconfiguration of population dynamics for context-dependent sensorimotor transformations. 
Nature Communications 16, 1116 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-025-56360-5

Casasnovas V, Amann LK, Haas GL, Gail A (2024)
Task-relevant visual feedback uncertainty attenuates visuomotor adaptation.
Journal of Neurophysiology 132: 879-889 DOI: 10.1152/jn.00180.2024

Amann L, Casasnovas V, Hainke J, Gail A (2024)
Optimality of multisensory integration while compensating for uncertain visual target information with artificial vibrotactile cues during reach planning.
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 21:155 DOI: 10.1186/s12984-024-01448-0

Lindner E, Desantis, A, Pei-Hsin Cheng, F, Gail A (2024) 
Violation of identity-specific action-effect prediction increases pupil size and attenuates auditory event-related potentials at P2 latencies when action-effects are behaviorally relevant.
NeuroImage 120717 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120717

Braun JM†, Fauth M†, Berger M, Huang NS, Simeoni E, Gaeta E, Rodrigues do Carmo R, Garcìa-Betances R, Arredondo Waldmeyer MT, Gail A, Larsen JC, Manoonpong P, Tetzlaff T‡, Wörgötter F‡ (2024)
A Brain Machine Interface Framework for Exploring Proactive Control of Smart Environments. 
Nature Scientific Reports 14:11054 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-60280-7

Cassidy L, Treue S, Gail A, Pfefferle D (2024)
Choice-based Severity Scale (CSS): Assessing the relative severity of procedures from a laboratory animal’s perspective. 
PeerJ 12:e17300 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17300

Taghizadeh B, Fortmann O, Gail A (2024) 
Position- and scale-invariant object-centered spatial localization in monkey frontoparietal cortex dynamically adapts to cognitive demand.
Nature Communications 15:3357 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47554-4

Ulbrich P, Gail A (2023)
Deciding while acting - Mid-movement decisions are more strongly affected by action probability than reward amount. 
eNeuro, 10(4):0240-22.2023 DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0240-22.202

Hansmeyer L, Yurt P, Agha N, Trunk A, Berger M, Calapai A, Treue S*, Gail A* (2023)
Home-enclosure based behavioral and wireless neural recording setup for unrestrained rhesus macaques.
eNeuro, 10(1) DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0285-22.2022

Möller S, Unakafov AM, Fischer J, Gail A*, Treue S*, Kagan I* (2023)
Human and macaque pairs employ different coordination strategies in a transparent decision game. 
eLife, 12:e81641 DOI 10.7554/eLife.81641

Gail A (2022)
Collaborative Research Center SFB 1528 “Cognition of Interaction”
Neuroforum 28(4):247-248 DOI: 10.1515/nf-2022-0020

Gail A (2022)
Turning decisions into actions.
PLOS Biology, 20(12), e3001927 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001927

Ferrea F, Morel P, Gail A (2022)
BCImat: a Matlab-based framework for Intracortical Brain-Computer Interfaces and their simulation with an artificial spiking neural network
Journal of Open Source Software 7(75): 3956. DOI: 10.21105/joss.03956

Ahmed Z, Agah N, Trunk A, Berger M, Gail A (2022)
Universal guide for skull extraction and custom-fitting of implants to continuous and discontinuous skulls.
eNeuro 0028-22.2022; DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0028-22.2022

Ferrea E, Morel P, Franke J, Gail A (2022)
Statistical determinants of visuomotor adaptation in a virtual reality three-dimensional environment
Scientific Reports, 12: 10198. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-13866-y

Ulbrich P, Gail A (2021)
The Cone Method: Inferring Decision Times from Single-Trial 3D Movement Trajectories in Choice Behavior
Behavior Research Methods. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-021-01579-5

Silva N, [...], Gail A, [...], Marschik PB (2021)
The future of General Movement Assessment: The role of computer vision and machine learning – A scoping review
Research in Developmental Disabilities 110: 103854. DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2021.103854

Tremblay S, […], Fortuna MG, […], Hueer J, […], Gail A, […], Scherberger H, […], Treue S, […], Platt ML (2020) 
An Open Resource for Non-Human Primate Optogenetics 
Neuron 108: 6. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.09.027

Aman M, Bergmeister KD, Festin C, Sporer M, Russold MF, Gstoettner C, Podesser BK, Gail A, Farina D, Cederna P & Aszmann OC (2020)
Experimental testing of bionic nerve and muscle interfaces: animal model considerations
Frontiers in Neuroscience 13: 1442. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01442

Fortuna MG, Hüer J, Guo H, Gruber J, Gruber-Dujardin E, Staiger JF, Scherberger H, Treue S, Gail A (2020)
Histological assessment of optogenetic tools to study the fronto-visual and fronto-parietal cortical networks in the rhesus macaque
Scientific Reports 10: 11051. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-67752-6

Berger M, Agha N, Gail A (2020)
Wireless recording from unrestrained monkeys reveals motor goal encoding beyond immediate reach in frontoparietal cortex
eLife 9: e51322. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.51322

Unakafov A, Schultze T, Gail A, Moeller S, Kagan I, Eule S & Wolf F (2020)
Emergence and suppression of cooperation by action visibility in transparent games
PLoS Comput Biol 16(1): e1007588. DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007588

Suriya-Arunroj L & Gail A (2019)
Complementary encoding of priors in monkey frontoparietal network supports a dual process of decision-making
eLife 8: e47581. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.47581

Unakafova V, Gail A (2019)
Comparing open-source toolboxes for processing and analysis of spike and local field potentials data
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 13. DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2019.00057

Berger M, Neumann P & Gail A (2019)
Peri-hand space expands beyond reach in the context of walk-and-reach movements
Scientific Reports 9: 3013. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-39520-8

Unakafov AM, Schultze T, Kagan I, Moeller S, Gail A, Treue S, Eule S & Wolf F (2019)
Evolutionary successful strategies in a transparent iterated prisoner’s dilemma. In: Kaufmann P., Castillo P. (eds) Applications of Evolutionary Computation.
EvoApplications 2019: LNCS 11454. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16692-2

Unakafov A, Möller S, Kagan I, Gail A, Treue S, Wolf F (2018)
Using imaging photoplethysmography for heart rate estimation in non-human primates
PLOS One 13(8): e0202581. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202581

Mazurek KA, Berger M, Bollu T, Chowdhury RH, Elangovan N, Kuling IA, Hongchul Sohn M (2018)
Highlights from the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement
Journal of Neurophysiology 120(4): 1671-1679. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00475.2018

Berger M, Gail A (preprint)
The Reach Cage environment for wireless neural recordings during structured goal-directed behavior of unrestrained monkeys
bioRxiv 305334. DOI:

Martinez-Vazquez P, Gail A (2018)
Directed interaction between monkey premotor and posterior parietal cortex during motor-goal retrieval from working memory
Cerebral Cortex 28(5): 1866-1881. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhy035

Ferrea E, Suriya-Arunroj L, Hoehl D, Thomas U, Gail A (2018)
Implantable computer-controlled adaptive multi-electrode positioning system (AMEP).
Journal of Neurophysiology 119(4): 1471-1484. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00504.2017

Berger M, Calapai A, Stephan V, Niessing M, Burchardt L, Gail A, Treue S (2018) 
Standardized automated training of rhesus monkeys for neuroscience research in their housing environment. 
Journal of Neurophysiology 119(3), 796-807. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00614.2017

Pfefferle D, Plümer S, Burchardt L, Treue S, Gail A (2018)
Assessment of stress responses in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) to daily routine procedures in system neuroscience based on salivary cortisol concentrations.
PLoS One 13(1) e0190190. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190190

Morel P, Ulbrich P, Gail A (2017) 
What makes a reach movement effortful? – Physical effort discounting supports common minimization principles in decision making and motor control. 
PLoS Biol 15(6) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2001323

Calapai A, Berger M, Niessing M, Heisig K, Brockhausen R, Treue S, Gail A (2017)
A cage-based training, cognitive testing and enrichment system optimized for Rhesus Macaques in neuroscience research.
Behavior Research Methods 49(1): 35–45. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-016-0707-3

Morel P, Ferrea E, Taghizadeh-Sarshouri B, Cardona Audí JM, Ruff R, Hoffmann K-P, Lewis S, Russold M, Dietl H, Abu-Saleh L, Schroeder D, Krautschneider W, Meiners T, Gail A (2016)
Long-term decoding of movement force and direction with a wireless myoelectric implant.
Journal of Neural Engineering 13(1): 016002. DOI: 10.1088/1747-2560/13/1/016002

Kuang S, Morel P, Gail A (2016)
Planning movements in visual and physical space in monkey posterior parietal cortex.
Cerebral Cortex 26(2): 731-747. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhu312

Suriya-Arunroj L, Gail A (2015)
I plan therefore I choose: Free-choice bias due to prior action-probability but not action-value.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9: 315. DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00315

Westendorff S, Kuang S, Taghizadeh B, Donchin O, Gail A (2015)
Asymmetric generalization in adaptation to target displacement errors in humans and in a neural network model.
Journal of Neurophysiology 113(7): 2360-2375. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00483.2014

Kuang S, Gail A (2015)
When adaptive control fails: Slow recovery of reduced rapid online control during reaching under reversed vision.
Vision Research 110: 155-165. DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.08.021

Chakrabarti S, Vazquez P, Gail A (2014)
Synchronization patterns suggest different functional organization in parietal reach region and the dorsal premotor cortex.
Journal of Neurophysiology 112(12): 3138-3153. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00621.2013

Taghizadeh B, Gail A (2014)
Spatial task context makes short-latency reaches prone to induced Roelofs illusion.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8: 673. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00673

Lewis S, Russold M, Dietl H, Westendorff S, Gail A, Ruff R, Dörge T, Hoffmann KP, Meiners T, Abu-Saleh L, Schröder D, Krautschneider W, Kaniusas E (2013)
Fully implantable multi-channel measurement system for acquisition of muscle activity.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement 62(7): 1972-1981. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2013.2253992

Rafflenbeul L, Werthschützky R, Gail A (2012)
Integrated wireless neural recording and electrode positioning system.
Procedia Engineering 47: 1097-1100

Klaes C, Schneegans S, Schöner G, Gail A (2012) 
Sensorimotor learning biases choice behavior: A learning neural field model for decision making.
PLOS Computational Biology 8(11): e1002774. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002774

Chakrabarti S, Hebert P, Wolf MT, Campos M, Burdick JW, Gail A (2012)
Expert-like performance of an autonomous spike tracking algorithm in isolating and maintaining single units in the macaque cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 205: 72-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2011.12.018

Klaes C, Westendorff S, Chakrabarti S, Gail A (2011)
Choosing goals, not rules: Deciding among rule-based action plans.
Neuron 70:536-548

Westendorff S, Gail A (2011)
What is 'anti' about anti-reaches? - How reference frames affect reach reaction times.
Experimental Brain Research 208(2):287-296

Westendorff S, Klaes C, Gail A. (2010)
The cortical timeline for deciding on reach motor-goals.
Journal of Neuroscience 30:5426-5436

Gail A, Klaes C, Westendorff S. (2009)
Implementation of spatial transformation rules for goal-directed reaching via gain modulation in monkey parietal and premotor cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience 29:9490-9499

Brozovic M*, Gail A*, Andersen, RA (2007)
Gain mechanisms for contextually guided visuomotor transformations.
Journal of Neuroscience 27:10588-10596
* equal contributions

Teichert T, Wachtler T, Michler F, Gail A, Eckhorn R (2007)
Scale-invariance of receptive field properties in primary visual cortex.
BMC Neuroscience 8:38

Gail A, Andersen RA (2006)
Neural Dynamics in Monkey Parietal Reach Region Reflect Context-Specific Sensorimotor Transformations.
Journal of Neuroscience 26:9376-9384

Gail A, Brinksmeyer H-J, Eckhorn R (2004)
Perception-related modulations of local field potential power and coherence in primary visual cortex of awake monkey during binocular rivalry.
Cerebral Cortex 14:300-313

Eckhorn R, Gail A, Bruns A, Gabriel A, Al-Shaikhly B, Saam M (2004)
Different types of signal coupling in the visual cortex related to neural mechanisms of associative processing and perception.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 15(5):1039-1052

Eckhorn R, Gail A, Bruns A, Gabriel A, Al-Shaikhly B, Saam M (2004)
Neural mechanisms of visual associative processing.
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 64(2):239-252

Gail A, Brinksmeyer H-J, Eckhorn R (2003)
Simultaneous mapping of binocular and monocular receptive fields in awake monkeys for calibrating eye alignment in a dichoptical setup.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 126:41-56

Eckhorn R, Bruns A, Saam M, Gail A, Gabriel A, Brinskmeyer HJ (2001)
Flexible cortical gamma-band correlations suggest neural principles of visual processing.
Visual Cognition 8(3):519-530

Gail A, Brinksmeyer H-J, Eckhorn R (2000)
Contour decouples gamma activity across texture representation in monkey striate cortex.
Cerebral Cortex 10:840-850

Articles from Lab members with SMG affiliation

Lacal I, Das A, Logiaco L, Molano‐Mazón M, Schwaner MJ, Trach JE (2024)
Emerging perspectives for the study of the neural basis of motor behaviour. 
European Journal of Neuroscience DOI:  10.1111/ejn.16553

Ivanov V, Manenti GL, Plewe SS, Kagan I, Schwiedrzik CM (2024)
Decision-making processes in perceptual learning depend on effectors.
Nature Scientific Reports 7:14(1), 5644. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-55508-5

Shahidi N, Parajuli A, Franch M, Schrater P, Wright A, Pitkow X, Dragoi V (2024)
Population coding of strategic variables during foraging in freely-moving macaques.
Nature Neuroscience, 27, 772-7781, 2024 DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-01575-w

Novembre G, Lacal I, Benusiglio D, Quarta E, Schito A, Grasso S, Caratelli L, Caminiti R, Mayer AB, Iannetti GD (2024)
A Cortical Mechanism Linking Saliency Detection and Motor Reactivity in Rhesus Monkeys. 
Journal of Neuroscience 44(1): e0422232023 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0422-23.2023

Fortuna MG, Kügler S, Hülsmann S (2019)
Probing the function of glycinergic neurons in the mouse respiratory network using optogenetics
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology DOI:10.1016/j.resp.2018.10.008

Morel P (2018)
Gramm: grammar of graphics plotting in Matlab
Journal of Open Source Software 3(23): 568. DOI: 10.21105/joss.00568

Vecsei Z, Knakker B, Juhász P, Thuróczy G, Trunk A & Hernadi I (2018)
Short-term radiofrequency exposure from new generation mobile phones reduces EEG alpha power with no effects on cognitive performance
Scientific Reports 8(1): 18010. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36353-9

Mazurek KA, Berger M, Bollu T, Chowdhury RH, Elangovan N, Kuling IA, and Hongchul Sohn M (2018)
Highlights from the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement
Journal of Neurophysiology 120(4): 1671-1679. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00475.2018

Hülsmann S, Oke Y, Mesuret G, Latal AT, Fortuna MG, Niebert M, Hirrlinger J, Fischer J, Hammerschmidt K (2018) 
The postnatal development of ultrasonic vocalization‐associated breathing is altered in glycine transporter 2‐deficient mice
Journal of physiology 597(1): DOI: 10.1113/JP276976

Pielecka-Fortuna J, Kalogeraki E, Fortuna MG, Löwel S (2015)
Optimal level activity of matrix metalloproteinases is critical for adult visual plasticity in the healthy and stroke-affected brain
eLIFE 26(4). DOI: 10.7554/eLife.11290

Cesca F, Satapathy A, Ferrea E, Nieus T,  Benfenati F, Scholz-Starke J (2015)
Functional Interaction between the Scaffold Protein Kidins220/ARMS and Neuronal Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels
Journal of Biological Chemistry jbc-M115. DOI:10.1074/jbc.M115.654699

Articles (German)

Gail A (2007) Movement plans in the cortex -- Control parameters for cognitive neuroprosthetic devices.
Neuroforum 1/07:12-21