In press
Pethig L; Ozgulc A; Heistermann M; Fichtel C; Kappeler PM. Prenatal sex determination illuminates the unusual adult sex ratio of a group-living lemur. Biol. Lett.
Goffe A; Niederbremer C; Heistermann M; Fischer J; Dal Pesco F. No evidence for a link between dominance rank, unit size, and faecal glucocorticoid levels in a small sample of wild female Guinea baboons (Papio papio). Int. J. Primatol.
Mustill RL; Higham JP; Weyer AH; Heistermann M; Gunson JL; Govaerts A; Siame S; Hillegas ME; Winters S; Dubuc C; Petersdorf M. Female parity, sexual signalling, and sexual behaviour in the Kinda baboon (Papio kindae). In: Wallis J (ed.), Baboons: Behaviour, Ecology, and Taxonomy, Cambridge University Press.
- Anzà S; Heistermann M; Ostner J; Schülke O.
Early prenatal but not postnatal glucocorticoid exposure is associated with enhanced HPA axis activity into adulthood in a wild primate.
Proc. R. Soc. B-Biol. Sci. 292(2039): 20242418 - DOI - - Prox P; Heistermann M; Rakotomala Z; Fichtel C; Kappeler PM.
Seasonal variation in aggression and physiological stress in wild female and male redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons).
Horm. Behav. 167: 105669 - DOI -
- Burke KC; Heistermann M; Higham JP; Berman CM.
Associations between fecal glucocorticoid levels and social bonds vary with relatedness in juvenile rhesus macaques.
Sci. Rep. 14(1): 30966 - DOI - - Pethig L; Behringer V; Kappeler P.M; Heistermann M.
Establishment and validation of fecal secretory immunoglobulin A measurement for intestinal mucosal health assessment in wild lemurs.
Am. J. Primatol. 86(12): e23694 - DOI - - Fürtbauer I; Shergold C; Christensen C; Bracken A.M; Heistermann M; Papadopoulou M; O'Riain M.J; King A.J.
Linking energy availability, movement and sociality in a wild primate (Papio ursinus).
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 379(1916): 20220466 - DOI - - Jaffe JE; Mätz-Rensing K; Ulrich M; Gräßle T; Behringer V; Wittig RW; Leendertz FH.
Chronic kidney disease and kidney stone in a wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) in Côte D'Ivoire.
J. Med. Primatol. 53(5): e12739 - DOI - - Behringer V; Sonnweber R; Hohmann G; Stevens JMG; Verspeek J; Kivell TL.
A non‐invasive measure of bone growth in mammals: Validating urinary CTX‐I as a bone resorption marker through long‐bone growth velocity in bonobos.
Ecol. Evol. 14(9): e70326 - DOI - - Petersdorf M; Weyer, AH; Heistermann M; Gubson JL; Govaerts A, Siame S; Mustill RL; Hillegas ME; Winters S; Dubuc C; Higham JP.
Multimodal sexual signals are not precise indicators of fertility in female Kinda baboons.
Horm. Behav.165: 105632 - DOI - - Christensen C; Bracken AM; O`Rian MJ; Heistermann M; King A; Fürtbauer I.
More allogrooming is followed by higher pyhsiological stress in wild female baboons.
Biol. Lett. 20(8): 20240163 - DOI - - Stranks J; Heistermann M; Sangmaneedet S; Schülke O; Ostner J.
The dynamics of sociality and glucocorticoids in wild Assamese macaques.
Horm. Behav. 164: 105604 - DOI - - Hörner F; Lawrenz A; Damerau K; Oerke A-K; Santos SB; Hard T; Müller DWH; Preisfeld G.
Behaviour and social bonds of African elephant calves under different holding systems in European zoos.
JZAR. 12(3): 163-171 - DOI - - Tkachenko O.Y; Kahland T; Lindewald D; Heistermann M; Drummer C; Daskalaki M; Rüger N; Behr R.
In vitro matured oocytes have a higher developmental potential than in vivo matured oocytes after hormonal ovarian stimulation in Callithrix jacchus.
J. Ovarian Res. 17:120 - DOI - - Behringer V; Deimel C; Ostner J; Fruth B; Sonnweber R.
Modulation of cell mediated immunity during pregnancy in wild bonobos.
Biol. Lett. 20:20230548 - DOI - - Albrecht A; Behringer V; Zierau O; Hannig C.
Dental findings in wild great apes from mascerated skull analysis.
Am. J. Primatol. 86: e23581 - DOI -
- Sonnweber R; Hohmann G; Stevens JMG; Deschner T; Fruth B; Fiedler A; Nurmi N; Behringer V.
Average phenotype but not plasticity in two metabolic hormones co-vary in wild female bonobos (Pan paniscus).
Front. Ecol. Evol. 11: 1300003 - DOI - - Oerke A-K; Wiemann I.
Bekannte und unbekannte Auswirkungen der GnRH-Vakzine bei Elefanten.
Pp. 110-116 in Ludwig C, Wiemann I, Steinecker-Quast J (eds) Tagungsbericht der 41. Arbeitstagung Verband der Zootierärzte (VTZ); Schüling Verlag Münster. - Hoerner F; Rendle-Worthington J; Lawrenz A; Oerke A-K; Damerau K; Borragán Santos S; Hard T; Preisfeld G.
Differences in mother-infant bond and social behavior of African elephant calves living in situ and ex situ.
Animals 13: 3051 - DOI - - Bertrand DA; Berman CM; Heistermann M; Agil M; Sutiah U; Engelhardt A.
Effects of tourism and researcher presence on fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels in wild, habituated Sulawesi crested macaques (Macaca nigra).
Animals 13: 2842 - DOI - - Behringer V; Heistermann M; Malaivjitnond S; Schülke O; Ostner J.
Developmental and environmental modulation of fecal thyroid hormone levels in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis).
Am. J. Primatol. 85: e23530 - DOI - - Anzà S; Schneider D; Daniel R; Heistermann M; Sangmaneedet S; Ostner J; Schülke O.
The long-term bacterial gut signature of a wild primate is associated with a timing effect of pre- and postnatal maternal glucocorticoid levels.
Microbiome 11: 165 - DOI - - Kreyer M; Behringer V; Deimel C; Fruth B.
Neopterin levels in bonobos vary seasonally and reflect symptomatic respiratory infections.
EcoHealth 20: 93-104 - DOI - - Higham JP; Cooper E; Whalen C; Stahl-Hennig C; Giavedoni L; Heistermann M.
Urinary cytokine measurements do not reflect surgery-induced inflammation in rhesus macaques.
Am. J. Primatol. 85: e23506 - DOI - - Thierry B; Rebout N; Heistermann M.
Hormonal responses to mating competition in male Tonkean macaques.
Horm. Behav. 154: 105395 - DOI - - Berghaenel A; Stevens JMG; Hohmann G; Deschner T; Behringer V.
Evidence for adolescent length growth spurts in bonobos and other primates highlights the importance of scaling laws.
eLife 12: RP86635 - DOI - - Scherer L; Bingaman Lackey L; Clauss M; Gries K; Hagan D; Lawrenz A; Müller DWH; Roller M; Schiffmann C; Oerke A-K.
The historical development of zoo elephant survivorship.
Zoo Biol. 42: 328-338 - DOI - - Hörner F; Lawrenz A; Oerke A-K; Müller DWH; Azogu-Sepe I; Roller M; Damerau K; Preisfeld A.
Long-term olfactory memory in African elephants.
Animals 13: 679 - DOI - - Richter C; Behringer V; Manig F; Henle T; Hohmann G; Zierau O.
Traces of dietary patterns in saliva of hominids: Profiling salivary aminoc acid fingerprints in great apes and humans.
J. Hum. Evol. 175: 103305 - DOI - - Oerke AK; Htun AM; Htun YL; Meyer D; Shwe KK; Matauschek C.
Arbeitselefanten im Norden von Myanmar: tierärztliche Herausforderung, Probleme und Grenzen.
42. Arbeitstagung - Verband der Zootierärzte (VZT), Köln 2023, 22-25
- Murillo T; Schneider D; Heistermann M; Daniel R; Fichtel C.
Assessing the drivers of gut microbiome composition in wild redfronted lemurs via longitudinal metacommunity analysis.
Sci. Rep. 12: 21462 - DOI - - Behringer V; Berghänel A; Deschner T; Lee SM; Fruth B; Hohmann G.
Transition to siblinghood causes substantial and long-lasting physiological stress reactions in wild bonobos.
eLife 11: e77227 - DOI - - Sen S; Carrera SC; Heistermann M; Barale Potter C; Baniel A; DeLacey PM; Petrullo L; Lu A; Beehner JC.
Social correlates of androgens and dispersal age in juvenile male geladas.
Horm Behav 146: 105264 - DOI - - Drummer C; Münzker J; Heistermann M; Becker T; Mißbach S; Behr R
Performance of marmoset monkeys as embryo donors is reflected by different stress-related parameters.
Animals 12: 2414 - DOI - - Sonnweber R; Stevens JMG; Hohmann G; Deschner T; Behringer V.
Plasma testosterone and androstenedione levels follow the same sex-specific patterns in the two Pan species.
Biology 11: 1275 - DOI - - Daskalaki M; Drummer C; Behr R; Heistermann M.
The use of alfaxalone for short-term anaesthesia can confound serum progesterone measurements in the common marmoset: a case report.
Primate Biol. 9: 23-28 - DOI - - Sonnweber R; Stevens JMG; Hohmann G; Deschner T; Behringer V.
Blood testosterone levels in sickness and health: male chimpanzee testosterone levels decrease in face of an immune challenge.
Am. J. Primatol. 84: e23334 - DOI - - Behringer V; Stevens J; Sonnweber R.
Salivary cortisol reaction norms in zoo-housed great apes: diurnal slopes and intercepts as indicators of stress response quality.
Animals 12: 522 - DOI - - Christensen C; Bracken AM; O`Riain MJ; Heistermann M; King AJ; Fürtbauer I.
Simultaneous investigation of urinary and fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations reveals short- versus long-term drivers of HPA-axis activity in a wild primate (Papio ursinus).
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 318: 113985 - DOI - - Rudolph K; Schneider D; Fichtel C; Daniel, R; Heistermann M; Kappeler PM.
Drivers of bacterial gut microbiome variation within and between groups of a wild Malagasy primate.
Microbiome 10: 28 - DOI - - Lee DS; Knittel T; Deschner T; Heistermann M; Higham JP.
Testing the role of testosterone versus estrogens in mediating reproductive transitions in female rhesus macaques.
Horm. Behav. 139: 105123 - DOI -
- Hambrecht S; Oerke A-K; Heistermann M; Hartig J; Dierkes PW.
Effects of positive reinforcement training and novel object exposure on salivary cortisol levels under consideration of individual variation in captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana).
Animals 11: 3525 - DOI - - Behringer V; Müller-Klein N; Strube C; Schülke O; Heistermann M; Ostner J.
Responsiveness of fecal immunoglobulin A to HPA-axis activation limits its use for mucosal immunity assessment.
Am J Primatol 83: e23329 - DOI - - Petersen R; Heistermann M; Higham JP.
Social and sexual behaviors predict immune system activation, but not adrenocortical activation, in male rhesus macaques.
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 75: 159 - DOI - - Malalaharivony H; Fichtel C; Heistermann M; Kappeler PM.
Maternal stress effects on infant development in wild Verreaux´s sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi).
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 75: 143 - DOI - - Hörner F; Oerke A.-K.; Müller D.W.H.; Westerhüs U.; Azogu-Sepe I.; Hruby J; Preisfeld G.
Monitoring behaviour in African elephants during introduction into a new group: differences between related and unrelated animals.
Animals 11: 2990 - DOI - - Touitou S; Heistermann M; Schülke O; Ostner J.
The effect of reproductive state on activity budget, feeding behavior, and urinary C-peptide levels in wild female Assamese macaques.
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 75: 128 - DOI - - Shutt-Phillips K; Pafco B; Heistermann M; Kasim A; Petrzelkova K; Profousová-Psenková I; Modry D; Todd A; Fuh T; Dicky J-F; Bopalanzognako J-B; Setchell J.
Fecal glucocorticoids and gastrointestinal parasite infections in wild western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) involved in ecotourism.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 312: 113859 - DOI - - Sugianto NA; Heistermann M; Newman C; Macdonald DW; Buesching CD.
Alternative reproductive strategies provide a flexible mechanism for assuring mating success in the European badgers (Meles meles): an investigation from hormonal measures.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 310: 113823 - DOI - - Behringer V; Deimel C; Stevens JMG; Kreyer M; Lee S; Hohmann G; Fruth B; Heistermann M.
Cell-mediated immune ontogeny is affected by sex but not environmental context in a long-lived primate species.
Front. Ecol. Evol. 9: 629094 - DOI - - Touitou S; Heistermann M; Schülke O; Ostner J.
Triiodothyronine and cortisol levels in the face of energetic challenges from reproduction, thermoregulation and food intake in female macaques.
Horm. Behav. 131: 104968 - DOI - - Negrey JD; Behringer V; Langergraber KE; Deschner T.
Urinary neopterin of wild chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, indicates sex-biased cell-mediated immune activity and human-like senescence.
Sci. Rep. 11: 9298 - DOI - - Verspeek J; Behringer V; Laméris DW; Murtagh R; Salas M; Staes N; Deschner T; Stevens JMG.
Time-lag of urinary and salivary cortisol response after a psychological stressor in bonobos (Pan paniscus).
Sci. Rep. 11: 7905 - DOI - - Higham JP; Kimock C; Mandalaywala T; Heistermann M; Cascio J; Petersdorf M; Winters S; Allen W; Dubuc C.
Female ornaments: is red skin color attractive to males and related to condition in rhesus macaques?
Behav. Ecol. 32: 236-247 - DOI - - Sadoughi B; Girard-Buttoz C; Engelhardt A; Heistermann M; Ostner J.
Non-invasive assessment of metabolic responses to food restriction using urinary triiodothyronine and cortisol measurement in macaques.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 306: 113736 - DOI - - Higham JP; Heistermann M; Agil M; Perwitasari-Farajallah D; Widdig A; Engelhardt A.
Female fertile phase synchrony, and male mating and reproductive skew, in the crested macaque.
Sci. Rep. 11: 4251 - DOI - - Drummer C; Vogt E-J; Heistermann M; Roshani B; Becker T; Mätz-Rensing K; Kues WA; Kügler S; Behr R.
Generation and breeding of EGFP transgenic marmoset monkeys: Cell chimerism and implications for disease modelling.
Cells 10: 505 - DOI - - Dinter K; Heistermann M; Kappeler PM; Fichtel C.
Life on the edge: behavioural and physiological responses of Verreaux´s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi) to forest edges.
Primate Biol. 8: 1-13 - DOI - - Behringer V; Krumbholz A; Stevens JMG; Keiler AM; Zierau O; Hohmann G.
Exploring the utility of hair endocannabinoids for monitoring homeostasis in bonobos.
Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 94: 83-98 - DOI - - Kunz JA; Duvot GJ; van Noordwijk MA; Willems EP; Townsend M; Mardianah N; Atmoko SSU; Vogel ER; Nugraha TP; Heistermann M; Agil M; Weingrill T; van Schaik CP.
The cost of association with males for Bornean and Sumatran female orangutans: a hidden form of sexual conflict?
Behav Ecol Sociobiol 75: 6 - DOI -
- Fürtbauer I; Christensen C; Bracken A; O`Riain JM; Heistermann M; King A.
Energetics at the urban edge: Environmental and individual predictors of urinary C-peptide levels in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus).
Horm. Behav. 126: 104846 - DOI - - Tkaczynski PJ; Behringer V; Ackermann CY; Fedurek P; Fruth B; Girard-Buttoz C; Hobaiter C; Lee SM; Löhrich T; Preis A; Samuni L; Zommers Z; Zuberbühler K; Deschner T; Wittig R; Hohmann G; Crockford C.
Patterns of urinary cortisol levels during ontogeny appear population- rather than species-specific in wild chimpanzees and bonobos.
J. Hum. Evol. 147: 102869 - DOI - - Behringer V; Preis A; Wu DF; Crockford C; Leendertz F; Wittig RM; Deschner T.
Urinary cortisol increases during a respiratory outbreak in wild chimpanzees.
Front. Vet. Sci. 7: 485 - DOI - - Rincon AV; Heistermann M; Schülke O; Ostner J.
Testosterone and cortisol are negatively associated with ritualized bonding behavior in male macaques.
Psychoneuroendocrinology 120:104774 - DOI - - Rudolph K; Fichtel C; Heistermann M; Kappeler PM.
Dynamics and determinants of glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations in wild Verreaux´s sifakas.
Horm. Behav. 124: 104760 - DOI - - Carrera S; Sen S; Heistermann M; Lu A; Beehner J.
Low rank and primiparity increase fecal glucocorticoid metabolites across gestation in wild geladas.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 293: 113494 - DOI - - Hambrecht S; Oerke A-K; Heistermann M; Dierkes PW.
Diurnal variation of salivary cortisol in captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana) under routine management conditions and in relation to a translocation event.
Zoo Biol. 39: 186-196 - DOI - - Higham JP; Stahl-Hennig C; Heistermann M.
Urinary suPAR: a non-invasive biomarker of infection and tissue inflammation for use in studies of large free-ranging mammals.
R. Soc. Open Sci. 7: 191825 - DOI - - Thompson NA; Higham JP; Heistermann M; Vogel E; Cords M.
Energy balance but not competitive environment corresponds to allostatic load during development in an Old World monkey.
Horm. Behav. 119: 104664 - DOI - - Fürtbauer I; Brown R; Heistermann M.
Collective action reduces androgen responsiveness with implications for shoaling dynamics in stickleback fish.
Horm. Behav. 119: 104636 - DOI -
- Barelli C; Gonzalez-Astudillo V; Mundry R; Rovero F; Heistermann M; Hauffe HC; Gillespie TR.
Altitude and human disturbance are associated with helminth diversity in an endangered primate, Procolobus gordonorum.
Plos One 14: e0225142 - DOI - - Rudolph K; Fichtel C; Schneider D; Heistermann M; Koch F; Daniel R; Kappeler PM.
One size fits all? Relationship among group size, health, and ecology indicate a lack of an optimal group size in a wild lemur population.
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 73: 132 - DOI - - Lüders I; Oerke A-K; Knauf-Witzens T; Young D; Bertschinger H.
Use of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) vaccines for behavioral and reproductive control in managed Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and African elephant (Loxodonta africana) populations.
Int. Zoo Ybk. 53: 138-150 - DOI - - Rincon AV; Ostner J; Heistermann M; Deschner T.
Measuring urinary cortisol and testosterone levels in male Barbary macaques: A comparison of EIA and LC-MS.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 281: 117-125 - DOI - - Müller-Klein N; Heistermann M; Strube C; Franz M; Schülke O; Ostner J.
Exposure and susceptibility drive reinfection with gastrointestinal parasites in a social primate.
Funct. Ecol. 33: 1088-1098 - DOI - - Müller-Klein N; Heistermann M; Strube C; Morbach ZM; Lilie N; Franz M; Schülke O; Ostner J.
Physiological and social consequences of gastrointestinal nematode infection in a non-human primate.
Behav. Ecol. 30: 322-335 - DOI - - McLennan MR; Howell CP; Bardi M; Heistermann M.
Are human-dominated landscapes stressful for wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)?
Biol. Conserv. 233: 73-82 - DOI - - Maag N; Cozzi G; Bateman A; Heistermann M; Ganswindt A; Manser M; Clutton-Brock T; Ozgul A.
Cost of dispersal in a social mammal - body mass loss and increased stress.
Proc. R. Soc. B. 286: 20190033 - DOI - - Dantzer B; Dubuc C; Braga Goncalves I; Cram DL; Bennett NC; Ganswindt A; Heistermann M; Duncan C; Gaynor D; Clutton-Brock TH.
The development of individual differences in cooperative behaviour: maternal glucocorticoid hormones alter helping behaviour of offspring in wild meerkats.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20180117 - DOI - - Paschek N; Müller N; Heistermann M; Ostner J; Schülke O.
Subtypes of aggression and their relation to anxiety in Barbary macaques.
Aggressive Behav. 45: 120-128 - DOI - - Wedi E; Tkachenko OY; Do Valle RDR; Heistermann M; Michelmann HW; Nayudu PL.
Developmental and family history-based analysis of congenital fused labia phenotype in the captive common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus).
J. Med. Primatol. 48: 43-50 - DOI -
- Hidayatik N; Agil M; Heistermann M; Iskandar E; Yusuf TL; Sajuthi D.
Assessing female reproductive status of spectral tarsier (Tarsius tarsier) using fecal steroid hormone metabolite analysis.
Am. J. Primatol. 80: e22917 - DOI - - Sugianto NA; Buesching CD, Heistermann M; Newman C; Macdonald D.
Linking plasma sex steroid hormone levels to the condition of external genitalia in European badgers (Meles meles): A critical evaluation of traditional field methodology.
Mammal Biol. 93: 97-108 - DOI - - Bernaldo de Quirós E; Wheeler BC; Hammerschmidt K; Heistermann M; Tiddi B.
Do sexual calls in female black capuchin monkeys (Sapajus nigritus) vary with fertility? An acoustic analysis.
Am. J. Primatol. 80: e22920 - DOI - - Lüders I; Niemuller C; Steinmetz HW; Bouts T; Gray C; Witzens T; Taya K; Watanabe G; Yamamoto Y; Oerke A-K.
Prolonged luteal lifespan and pseudopregnancy in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus).
Anim. Reprod. Sci. 197:58-66 - DOI - - Tiddi B; Heistermann M; Fahy MK; Wheeler B.
Male resource defense mating system in primates? An experimental test in wild capuchin monkeys.
PloS ONE 13: e0197020 - DOI - - Gholib G; Heistermann M; Agil M; Supriatna I; Purwantara B; Nugraha TP; Engelhardt A.
Comparison of fecal preservation and extraction methods for steroid hormone metabolite analysis in wild crested macaques.
Primates 59: 281-292 - DOI - - Tkachenko OY; Scheerer-Bernhard JU; Delimitreva S; Wedi E; Valle RR; Heistermann M; Nayudu PL.
A retrospective analysis of adverse effects of an in vivo fluoroquinolone antibiotic enrofloxacin treatment on oocyte quality in the common marmoset.
Reprod. Toxicol. 75: 86-95 - DOI - - Vlcková K; Shutt-Phillips K; Heistermann M; Pafco B; Petrzelková KJ; Todd A; Modrý D; Nelson KE; Wilson BA; Stumpf RM; White BA; Leigh AR; Gomez A.
Stress impact on the gut microbiome of free-ranging lowland gorillas.
Microbiology 164: 40-44 - DOI -
- Berghänel A; Heistermann M; Schülke O; Ostner J.
Prenatal stress accelerates offspring growth to compensate for reduced maternal investment across mammals.
P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS) 114: E10658-E10666 - DOI - - Dantzer B; Braga Goncalves I; Spence-Jones HC; Bennett NC; Heistermann M; Ganswindt A; Dubuc C; Gaynor D; Manser MB; Clutton-Brock TH.
The influence of stress hormones and aggression on cooperative behaviour in subordinate meerkats.
Proc. R. Soc. B. 284: 20171248 - DOI - - Kean D; Tiddi B; Fahy M; Heistermann M; Schino G; Wheeler B.
Feeling anxious? The mechanisms of vocal deception in tufted capuchin monkeys.
Anim. Behav. 130: 37-46 - DOI - - Gholib G; Agil M; Supriatna I; Purwantara B; Heistermann M; Engelhardt A.
Repeated freeze-thaw cycles but not short-term storage of fecal extracts at ambient temperature influence the stability of steroid hormone metabolite levels in crested macaques.
J. Ked. Hewan. 11: 78-85 - DOI - - Scott K; Heistermann M; Cant MA; Vitikainen EIK.
Group size and visitor numbers predict faecal glucocorticoid concentrations in zoo meerkats.
R. Soc. Open Sci. 4: 161017 - DOI - - Mausbach J; Braga Goncalves I; Heistermann M; Ganswindt A; Manser MB.
Meerkat close calling patterns are linked to sex, social category, season and wind, but not fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations.
PloS ONE 12: e0175371 - DOI - - Nugraha TP; Heistermann M; Agil M; Purwantara B; Supriatna I; Gholib G; van Schaik CP; Weingrill T.
Validation of a field-friendly extraction and storage method to monitor fecal steroid metabolites in wild orangutans.
Primates 58: 285-294 - DOI - - Müller N; Heistermann M; Strube C; Schülke O; Ostner J.
Age, but not anthelmintic treatment, is associated with urinary neopterin levels in semi-free ranging Barbary macaques.
Sci. Rep. 7: 41973 - DOI - - Marty PR.; Hodges K; Heistermann M; Agil M; Engelhardt A.
Is social dispersal stressful? A study in male crested macaques (Macaca nigra).
Horm. Behav. 87: 62-68 - DOI -
- Berghänel A; Heistermann M; Schülke O; Ostner J (2016).
Prenatal stress effects in a wild, long-lived primate: predictive adaptive responses in an unpredictable environment.
Proc. R. Soc. B. 283: 20161304 - DOI - - Fürtbauer I; Heistermann M (2016).
Cortisol coregulation in fish.
Sci. Rep. 6: 30334 - DOI - - Braga Goncalves I; Heistermann M; Santema P; Dantzer B; Mausbach J; Ganswindt A; Manser M (2016).
Validation of a fecal glucocorticoid assay to assess adrenocortical activity in meerkats using physiological and biological stimuli.
PLoS ONE 11 (4): e0153161 - DOI - - Cannon TH; Heistermann M; Hankison SJ; Hockings KJ; McLennan MR (2016).
Tailored enrichment strategies and stereotypic behavior in captive individually-housed macaques (Macaca spp.).
J. Appl. Anim. Welf. Sci. 19: 171-182 - DOI - - Fereydouni B; Salinas-Riester G; Heistermann M; Dressel R; Lewerich L; Drummer C; Behr R (2016).
Long-term oocyte-like cell development in cultures derived from neonatal marmoset monkey ovary.
Stem Cell Int. 2016: 2480298 - DOI - - Oerke AK; Heistermann M (2016).
Post Partum Ovulation bei Elefanten (Elephas maximus und Loxodonta africana) in Europa (2016). In: Steinmetzt H (ed): 35. Arbeitstagung der Zootierärzte im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Schüling Verlag Münster: 113-127 - Heistermann M; Higham JP (2015).
Urinary neopterin, a non-invasive marker of mammalian cellular immune activation, is highly stable under field conditions.
Sci. Rep. 5: 16308 - DOI - - Higham JP; Kraus C; Stahl-Hennig C; Engelhardt A; Fuchs D; Heistermann M (2015).
Evaluating non-invasive markers of non-human primate immune activation and inflammation.
Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 158: 673-684 - DOI - - Danish LM; Heistermann M; Agil M; Engelhardt A (2015).
Validation of a novel collection device for non-invasive urine sampling from free-ranging animals.
PloS One 10(11): e0142051 - DOI - - Marty PR; van Noordwijk MA; Heistermann M; Willems EP; Dunkel LP; Cadilek M; Agil M; Weingrill T (2015).
Endocrinological correlates of male bimaturism in wild Bornean orangutans.
Am. J. Primatol. 77: 1170-1178 - DOI - - Kalbitzer U; Heistermann M; Cheney D; Seyfarth RM; Fischer J (2015).
Social behavior and patterns of testosterone and glucocorticoid levels differ between male chacma and Guinea baboons.
Horm. Behav. 75: 100-110 - DOI - - Tiddi B; Wheeler B; Heistermann M (2015).
Female behavioral proceptivity functions as a probabilistic signal of female fertility, not female quality, in a New World primate.
Horm. Behav. 73: 148-155 - DOI - - Hämälainen A; Heistermann M; Kraus C (2015).
The stress of growing old: sex- and season-specific effects on allostatic load in wild grey mouse lemurs.
Oecologia 178: 1063-1075 - DOI - - Oerke AK (2015).
20 Jahre endokrinologischer Elefantenservice - Bedeutung für Zoos und Europäische Erhaltungszuchtprogramme (EEPs).
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Personality, plasticity, and predation: linking endocrine and behavioural reaction norms in stickleback fish.
Funct. Ecol. 29: 931-940 - DOI - - Scheerer-Bernhard JU; Tkachenko OY; Heistermann M; Gründker C; Nayudu PL (2015).
Body weight-associated differences in ovarian morphology in captive common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus).
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Visible implant elastomer (VIE) tagging and simulated predation elicit similar physiological stress responses in three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus.
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Physiological stress levels in the endemic and endangered Udzungwa red colobus vary with elevation.
Afr. Zool. 50: 23-30 - DOI - - Tkachenko OY; Delimitreva S; Heistermann M; Scheerer-Bernhard JU; Wedi E; Nayudu PL (2015).
Critical estradiol dose optimization for oocyte in vitro maturation in the common marmoset.
Theriogenology 83: 1254-1263 - DOI - - Girard-Buttoz C; Heistermann M; Rahmi E; Agil M; Fauzan PA; Engelhardt A (2015).
Androgen correlates of male reproductive effort in wild male long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis): A multi-level test of the challenge hypothesis.
Physiol. Behav. 141: 143-153 - DOI - - Young C; Majolo B; Heistermann M; Schülke O; Ostner J (2014).
Responses to social and environmental stress are attenuated by strong male bonds in wild macaques.
P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS) 111: 18195-18200 - DOI - - Rimbach R; Link A; Montes-Rojas A; Di Fiore, A; Heistermann M; Heymann EW (2014).
Behavioral and physiological responses to fruit availability of spider monkeys ranging in a small forest fragment.
Am. J. Primatol. 76: 1049-1061 - DOI - - Mandalaywala T; Higham JP; Heistermann M; Parker KJ; Maestripieri D (2014).
Physiological and behavioural responses to weaning conflict in free-ranging primate infants.
Anim. Behav. 97: 241-247 - DOI - - Girard-Buttoz C; Heistermann M; Rhami E; Agil M; Fauzan PA; Engelhardt A (2014).
Costs of mate-guarding in wild male long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis): Physiological stress and aggression.
Horm. Behav. 66: 637-648 - DOI - - Balestri M; Barresi M; Campera M; Serra V; Ramanamanjato JB; Heistermann M; Donati G (2014).
Habitat degradation and seasonality affect physiological stress levels of Eulemur collaris in littoral forest fragments.
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Low female stress hormone levels are predicted by same- or opposite-sex sociality depending on season in wild Assamese macaques.
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Costs of and investment in mate-guarding in wild long-tailed macaques: influences of female characteristics and male-female social bonds.
Int. J. Primatol. 35: 701-724 - DOI - - Schülke O; Heistermann M; Ostner J (2014).
Lack of evidence for energetic costs of mate-guarding in wild male Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis).
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Competition-induced stress does not explain deceptive alarm calling in tufted capuchin monkeys.
Anim. Behav. 93: 49-58 - DOI - - Amrein M; Heistermann M; Weingrill T (2014).
The effect of fission-fuison zoo housing on hormonal and behavioral indicators of stress in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus).
Int. J. Primatol. 35: 509-528 - DOI - - Shutt K; Heistermann M; Todd A; Kasim A; Kalousova B; Profosouva I; Petrzelkova K; Fuh T; Dicky J-F; Setchell JM (2014).
Effects of habituation, research and ecotourism on faecal glucocorticoid metabolites in western lowland gorillas: Implications for conservation management.
Biol. Conserv. 172: 72-79 - DOI - - Girard-Buttoz C; Heistermann M; Rahmi E; Marzec A; Agil M; Fauzan P; Engelhardt A (2014).
Mate-guarding constrains feeding activity but not energetic status of wild male long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 68: 583-595 - DOI - - Hämäläinen A; Heistermann M; Fenosoa ZSE; Kraus C (2014).
Evaluating capture stress in wild gray mouse lemurs via repeated fecal sampling: method validation and the influence of prior experience and handling protocols on stress responses.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 195: 68-79 - DOI - - Barelli C; Mundry R; Heistermann M; Hammerschmidt K (2013).
Cues to androgen and quality in male gibbon songs.
PloS One 8(12): e82748 - DOI - - Rimbach R; Link A; Heistermann M; Gomez-Posada C; Heymann EW (2013).
Effects of logging, hunting, and forest fragment size on physiological stress levels of two sympatric ateline primates in Colombia.
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Methodological considerations in the analysis of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella).
Int. J. Primatol. 34: 879-898 - DOI - - Barelli C; Matsudaira K; Wolf T; Roos C; Heistermann M; Hodges K; Ishida T; Malaivijitnond S; Reichard U (2013).
Extra-pair paternity confirmed in wild white-handed gibbons.
Am. J. Primatol. 75: 1185-1195 - DOI - - Higham JP; Pfefferle D; Heistermann M; Maestripieri D; Stevens M (2013).
Signalling in multiple modalities in male rhesus macaques: sex skin coloration and barks in relation to androgen levels, social status and mating behavior.
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 67:1457-1469 - DOI - - McFarland R; MacLarnon A; Heistermann M; Semple S (2013).
Physiological stress hormone levels and mating behaviour are negatively correlated in male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).
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Validation of an enzymeimmunoassay for assessing adrenocortical activity and evaluation of factors that affect levels of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in two New World primates.
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Long-term storage effects in steroid metabolite extracts from baboon (Papio sp.) faeces - a comparison of three commonly applied storage methods.
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Female fecal androgens prior to the mating season reflect readiness to conceive in reproductively quiescent wild macaques.
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Effects of social status and stress on patterns of gastrointestinal parasitism in wild white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar).
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The endocrinology of male rhesus macaque social and reproductive status: a test of the challenge and social stress hypotheses.
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Male mating behavior in relation to female sexual swellings, socio-sexual behavior and hormonal changes in wild Barbary macaques.
Horm. Behav. 63: 32-39 - DOI - - Shutt C; Setchell J; Heistermann M (2012).
Non-invasive monitoring of physiological stress in the western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla): Validation of a faecal glucocorticoid assay and methods for practical application in the field.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 179: 167-177 - DOI - - Dubuc C; Muniz L; Heistermann M; Widdig A; Engelhardt A (2012).
Do males time their mate-guarding effort with the fertile phase in order to secure fertilisation in Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques?
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Fecal androgen excretion and fetal sex effects during gestation in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis).
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Information content of female copulation calls in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).
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Minimally invasive transabdominal collection of preimplantation embryos from the common marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus).
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Developmental expression of the pluripotency factor Sal-Like Protein 4 in the monkey, human and mouse testis: restriction to premeiotic germ cells.
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Sexual signalling in female crested macaques.
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Sociodemographic correlates of fecal androgen levels in wild male white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar).
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Field endocrinology: monitoring hormonal changes in free-ranging primates. In: Setchell J, Curtis D (eds): Field and laboratory methods in primatology, A practical guide.
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Species-specific patterns in fecal glucocorticoid and androgen levels in zoo-living orangutans (Pongo spp.).
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 172: 446-457 - DOI - - Higham JP; Girard-Buttoz C; Engelhardt A; Heistermann M (2011).
Urinary C-peptide of insulin as a non-invasive marker of nutritional status: some practicalities.
PLOS One 6 (7), e22398 - DOI - - Pfefferle D; Heistermann M; Pirow R; Hodges JK; Fischer J (2011).
Estrogen and progestogen correlates of the structure of female copulation calls in semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus).
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The energetics of male-male endurance rivalry in rhesus macaques.
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Male competition and its hormonal correlates in Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis).
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Do women´s voices provide cues of the likelihood of ovulation? The importance of sampling regime.
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Infant bystanders modulate the influence of ovarian hormones on female socio-sexual behaviour in free-ranging rhesus macaques.
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Fecal glucocorticoid measurements and their relation to rearing, behaviour and environmental factors in the pileated gibbon population (Hylobates pileatus) held in European zoos.
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Upper respiratory tract disease in captive orangutans (Pongo sp.): prevalence in 20 European zoos and predisposing factors.
J. Med. Primatol. 40: 365-375 - DOI - - Dubuc C; Muniz L; Heistermann M; Engelhardt A; Widdig A (2011).
Testing the Priority-of-Access model in a seasonally breeding primate species.
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The social correlates of self-directed behaviour and faecal glucocorticoid levels among adult male olive baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis) in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria.
Afr. Zool. 46: 302-308 - DOI - - Hoffman CL; Higham JP; Heistermann M; Coe CL; Prendergast BJ; Maestripieri D (2011).
Immune function and HPA axis activity in free-ranging rhesus macaques.
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Impacts of tourism on anxiety and physiological stress levels in wild male Barbary macaques.
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Familiarity affects the assessment of female facial signals of fertility by free-ranging male rhesus macaques.
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You mate, I mate: Macaque females synchronize sex not cycles.
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Urinary c-peptide measurement as a marker of nutritional status in macaques.
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Concealed fertility and extended female sexuality in a non-human primate (Macaca assamensis).
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Social capital and physiological stress levels in free-ranging adult female rhesus macaques.
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Host intrinsic determinants and potential consequences of parasite infection in free-ranging red-fronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus).
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Endocrine correlates of musth and the impact of ecological and social factors in free-ranging African elephants (Loxodonta africana).
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Infants as costly social tools in male Barbary macaque networks.
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Color signal information content and the eye of the beholder: a case study in the rhesus macaque.
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Reproductive and life history parameters of wild female Macaca assamensis.
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Non-invasive monitoring of endocrine status in laboratory primates: methods, guidelines and applications.
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Female reproductive signaling, and male mating behavior, in the olive baboon.
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Mate-guarding as a male reproductive tactic in Propithecus verreauxi.
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Signals of female reproductive quality and fertility in colony-living baboons (Papio h. anubis) in relation to ensuring paternal investment.
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Monitoring female reproductive status in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) using fecal hormone analysis and patterns of genital skin swellings. In: Lappan S, Whittaker D, Geissmann T (eds): The gibbons: New perspectives on small ape socioecology and population biology.
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Seasonal and social influences on fecal androgen and glucocorticoid excretion in wild male long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).
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Sexual skin color contains information about the timing of the fertile phase in free-ranging Macaca mulatta.
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Rates of self-directed behaviour and faecal glucocorticoid levels are not correlated in female wild olive baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis).
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Individual facial coloration in male Eulemur fulvus rufus: A condition-dependent ornament?
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Seasonal and inter-individual variation in testosterone levels in badgers (Meles meles): evidence for the existence of two endocrinological phenotypes.
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Female ovarian cycle phase affects the timing of male sexual activity in free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) of Gibraltar.
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Dominance, aggression and physiological stress in wild male Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis).
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Female Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) copulation calls do not reveal the fertile phase but influence mating outcome.
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Androgen and glucocorticoid levels reflect seasonally occurring social challenges in male redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus).
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Mating patterns and sexual swellings in pair-living and multimale groups of wild white-handed gibbons, Hylobates lar.
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Baboon sexual swellings: information content of size and color.
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Urinary glucocorticoid levels in relation to socio-behavioral and reproductive parameters in captive-housed male chimpanzees.
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Female white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) lead group movements and have priority of access to food resources.
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Sex-specific reproductive behaviours and paternity in free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus).
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Male Barbary macaques eavesdrop on mating outcome: a playback study.
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The timing of ovulation with respect to sexual swelling detumescence in wild olive baboons.
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Monitoreo no-invasivo de animales silvestres - análisis genéticos y endocrinológicos a base de muestras fecales en 'pichicos barba blanca' (Saguinus mystax, Callitrichidae, Primates) en la Estación Biológica Quebrada Blanco (EBQB), Perú. In: Bodmer RE, Puertas P (eds): Memoria VI Congreso sobre Manejo de Fauna silvestre en Amazonia y Latinoamerica. Iquitos.
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Post-conception mating in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis): characterization, endocrine correlates and functional significance.
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Sexual swellings in wild white-handed gibbon females (Hylobates lar) indicate the probability of ovulation.
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Influence of reproductive season and rank on fecal glucocorticoid levels in free-ranging male Verreaux´s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi).
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Female sexual behavior and sexual swelling size as potential cues for males to discern the female fertile phase in free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) of Gibraltar.
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Grooming in Barbary macaques: better to give than to receive?
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The impact of ecological variability on the reproductive endocrinology of wild female African elephants.
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Reduced reproductive function in wild baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis) related to natural consumption of the African black plum (Vitex doniana).
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A case study: Fecal corticosteroid and behavior as indicators of welfare during relocation of an Asian elephant.
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Determinants of male reproductive success in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) – male monopolisation, female mate choice or post-copulatory mechanisms?
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Coat condition, housing condition and measurement of faecal cortisol metabolites – A non-invasive study about alopecia in captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).
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Comparison of different enzymeimmunoassays for assessment of adrenocortical activity in primates based on fecal analysis.
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Effects of human pituitary FSH isoforms on mouse follicles in vitro.
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Reproductive cycles and mating patterns in female Barbary macaques. In: Hodges JK, Cortes J (eds): The Barbary Macaque: Biology, Management and Conservation.
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The sexually active states of free-ranging male African elephants (Loxodonta africana): Defining musth and non-musth using endocrinology, physical signals and behaviour.
Horm. Behav. 47: 83-91 - DOI - - Engelhardt A; Hodges JK; Niemitz C; Heistermann M (2005).
Female sexual behavior, but not sex skin swelling, reliably indicates the timing of the fertile phase in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).
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Physical, physiological and behavioural correlates of musth in captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana).
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Patterns of anogenital swelling size and their endocrine correlates during ovulatory cycles and early pregnancy in free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) of Gibraltar.
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Certain aspects of Bonobo female sexual repertoire are related to urinary testosterone metabolite levels.
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Characterization and social correlates of fecal testosterone and cortisol excretion in wild male Saguinus mystax.
Int. J. Primatol. 26: 159-179 - DOI - - Klinkova E; Hodges JK; Fuhrmann K; De Long T; Heistermann M (2005).
Male dominance rank, female mate choice and male mating and reproductive success in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
Int. J. Primatol. 26: 357-384 - DOI - - Nikitopoulos E; Heistermann M; De Vries H; Van Hooff JARAM; Sterck EHM (2005).
A pair choice test to identify female mating pattern relative to ovulation in longtailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).
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