Analysis of markers in fecal samples

The analysis of markers in feces is conducted along with their metabolites, all are integrated over a longer period. These comprehensive analyses provide insights into various physiological processes and are important for understanding social structures, environmental influences, and reproductive processes. Additionally, they allow for the determination of life-event phases as well as the effects of prenatal and postnatal stressors.
Extraction methods

The drying and extraction of fecal samples is often essential for accurate analyses. This service is part of the comprehensive offering.
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Selection of relevant publications
- Sen S; Carrera SC; Heistermann M; Barale Potter C; Baniel A; DeLacey PM; Petrullo L; Lu A; Beehner JC. (2022)
Social correlates of androgens and dispersal age in juvenile male geladas.
Horm. Behav. 146: 105264 - DOI - - Dantzer B; Dubuc C; Braga Goncalves I; Cram DL; Bennett NC; Ganswindt A; Heistermann M; Duncan C; Gaynor D; Clutton-Brock TH. (2019)
The development of individual differences in cooperative behaviour: maternal glucocorticoid hormones alter helping behaviour of offspring in wild meerkats.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20180117 - DOI - - Anzà S; Schneider D; Daniel R; Heistermann M; Sangmaneedet S; Ostner J; Schülke O. (2023)
The long-term bacterial gut signature of a wild primate is associated with a timing effect of pre- and postnatal maternal glucocorticoid levels.
Microbiome 11: 165 - DOI -