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Postdoc Position/Research Fellow

As a Henriette Herz Scout, Dr. Báez-Mendoza can recommend up to 3 candidates for the prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship. This recommendation almost guarantees receiving it. The research topic is free and this fellowship is intended for you to conduct independent research. This research should be within the remit of the lab’s interests. The deadline for the first recommendation is May 2025, the fellowship should begin within 12 months after being granted.

Requirements for the fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt foundation:

  • PhD or ABD PhD in a relevant field (completed within the last 12 years)
  • Above-average publication record
  • Have not undertaken post-doctoral research stays nor completed degrees or doctorates in Germany.
  • Those holding German nationality are not eligible for recommendation.
  • No previous application to the Humboldt Foundation by the candidate recommended; no previous sponsorship in any of the Foundation’s fellowship programs.

Requirements from the lab:

  • Passion for social behavior.
  • Strong quantitative and/or experimental skills.

This Research Fellowship comes with many perks, including travel expenses, research stays, language courses for beneficiary and family, insurance coverage and benefits for accompanying partner and children. More details can be found here:

If you're interested in this position, please reach out to Dr. Báez-Mendoza with your CV and a cover letter.