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Almeling L, Hammerschmidt K, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Freund A M, Fischer J (2016)
Motivational shifts in aging monkeys and the origins of social selectivity
Current Biology 26: 1744-1749  - abstract -

Atickem A, Cooper DV, Kock R, Rue­ness EK, Fischer M, Bekele A, Loe LE, Stenseth NC (2016) Immobilization of mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia
Gnusletter 33(2): 6-7

Benítez ME,le Roux A, Fischer J, Beehner JC, Bergman TJ (2016)
Acoustic and Temporal Variation in Gelada (Theropithecus gelada) Loud Calls Advertise Male Quality
International Journal of Primatology 37(4): 568-585  - abstract -

Erb WM, Ziegler T, Lestari NS, Hammerschmidt K (2016)
Are simakobu (Simias concolor) loud calls energetically costly signals?
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 161(1): 44-52  - abstract -

Fischer J (2016)
Aus der Affengesellschaft
In: Ringleben J (ed) Bursfelder Universitätsreden

Goffe AS, Fischer J (2016)
Meat sharing between male und female Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
Primate Biology 3: 1-8  - open access -

Goffe AS, Zinner D, Fischer J (2016)
Sex and friendship in a multilevel society: behavioural patterns and associations between female and male Guinea baboons
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 70(3): 323-336   - open access -

Kalbitzer U, Roos C, Kopp GH, Butynski TM, Knauf S, Zinner D, Fischer J (2016)
Insights into the genetic foundation of aggression in Papio and the evolution of 
two length-polymorphisms in the promoter regions of serotonin-related genes 
(5-HTTLPR and MAOALPR) in Papionini

BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 121  - open access -  - twitter BMC Series -

Keupp S, Bancken C, Schillmöller J, Rakoczy H, Behne T (2016)
Rational over-imitation: Preschoolers consider material costs and copy causally irrelevant actions selectively
Cognition 147: 85-92  - abstract -

Knauf S, Raphael J, Mitjà O, Lejora IAV, Chuma IS, Batamuzi EK, Keyyu JD, Fyumagwa R, Lüert S, Godornes C, Liu H, Schwarz C, Zinner D, Roos C, Lukehart SA (2016)
Isolation of Treponema DNA from necrophagous flies in a natural ecosystem
EBioMedicine 11: 85-90  - open access -

Pfefferle D, Hammerschmidt K, Mundry R, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Fischer J, Widdig A (2016)
Does the Structure of Female Rhesus Macaque Coo Calls Reflect Relatedness and/or Familiarity?
PLOS One 11(8): e0161133   - open access -

Schmitt V, Federspiel I, Eckert J, Keupp S, Tschernek L, Faraut L, Schuster R, Michels C, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Bugnyar T, Mussweiler T, Fischer J (2016)
Do monkeys compare themselves to others?
Animal Cognition 19(2): 417-428   - open access -

Sennhenn-Reulen H, Kneib T (2016)
Structured Fusion Lasso Penalised Multi-state Models
Statistics in Medicine 35(25): 4637-4659  - abstract -

Snyder-Mackler N, Majoros WH, Yuan ML, Shaver AO,Gordon JB, Kopp GH, Schlebusch SA, Wall JD, Alberts SC, Mukherjee S, Zhou X, Tung J (2016)
Efficient genome-wide sequencing and low coverage pedigree analysis from non invasively collected samples
Genetics 203(2): 699-714  - open access -

Vester H, Hammerschmidt K, Timme M, Hallerberg S (2016 )
Quantifying group specificity of animal vocalizations without specific sender information
Physical Review E 93(2): 022138  - abstract -

Zinner D, Roos C (2016)
Primate taxonomy and conservation
In: Waller MT (ed) Ethnoprimatology: Primate Conservation in the 21st Century. Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects. Springer, New York, pp 193-213