L. Huber: Feinchrakterisierung von Pankreastumoren mittels MRT
A. Schulz-Ruhtenberg:
M. Dittrich: Quantitative multiparametrische MRT-Bildgebung beim Morbus Parkinson
J. Schrauder: Enlightening the Interplay of Heart and Brain: Simultaneous Data Acquisition Across Organs Using (Self)-Gated Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A. Müllen: Associating structure and function in the human brain using multimodal magnetic resonance imaging
M. Ramedani: Development of Methods for Cardiac Tissue Characterization Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Animal Models (2024)
T. R. Memhave: Multi-nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy of lithium in the brain (2023)
R. Dadarwal: Multi-contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Myelin and Iron in the Brain (2021)
N. Sirmpilatze: Functional imaging of the anesthetized brain in primates and rodents (2021)
R. Oglesby:
A. Nyssanbay:
L. Huber: Inflammation and desmoplasia in orthotopic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in mice. What can we learn from multimodal imaging? (2016)
N. Nejad: How does age influence the cognitive ability of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fasciculans)? (2017)
N. Sirmpilatze: The temporal stability of BOLD fMRI measurements in medetomidine-anesthetized rats (2017)
S Weber: Spatio-temporal pattern of social content and valence processing: A combined EEG and fMRI study (2018)
M. Bückner: Establishing pleasant and neutral tactile stimulation in the MR-environment (2019)
A. Müllen: Structural Characterization of the Human Somatosensory SI Digit Area (2019)
D. Nesterenko: Resting state connectivity, and negative BOLD responses (2019)
L. Jeanson: Age-dependet influences of general anaesthesia on the cognitive abilities in long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) (2019)
T. Memhave: The development and optimization of X-nuclei magnetic resonance imaging for small animal research: lithium, phosphorus, and a novel paraCEST contrast agent" (2020)
C. Serrano-Ferrel: Characterization of Low-Energy Anti-Fibrillation Pacing (LEAP) in a Porcine Disease Model of Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure (2020)
A. Kalantari Sarscheshmeh: Permeability of the blood brain barrier: Quantitative analysis using contrast-enhanced MRI in the rodent model (2021)
M. Ferle: Development of a cell culture system for magnetic resonance spectroscopy and a machine learning pipeline for the analysis of data collected thereof (2022)
J. Schrauder: Estimation of Aortic Blood Flow in a Small Animal Model of Extracorporeal Circulation Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2023)
A. Geese: Refinement and Acceleration of Magnitude-Based Fat-Water Separation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2023)
K. Heil: Entwicklung einer Multikanalhochfrequenzspule zur Kleintier-Magnetresonanztomographie bei 9.4 Tesla für die kombinierte Herz- und Gehirnbildgebung bei Kaninchen (2023)
H Jungeblut: fMRI-based brain responses to pleasant and neutral tactile stimulation at palm and arm compared to pleasant and neutral visual stimulation (2023)
P. Flaccus: Optimizing QSM Reconstruction Parameters for En-hanced MRI Quality
M. Mahmoud: Fat-Water Separation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
J. B. Hartmann: Automated identification of structural landmarks for the human somatosensory digit area based on magnetic resonance imaging
H. Ghasemipourmasoule: Optimierung der Magnetisierungstransfer-Bildgebung für abdominale Anwendungen (2016)
L. Hintz: The cerebral cortex of mice - layer detection by magnetic resonance imaging (2018)
L. Wirth: Investigation of Insular Cortex activation during pleasant touch in MRI (2019)
L. Makowka: Detailed functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis of pleasant and neutral tactile stimulation (2019)
S. Ostermann: Standardized versus individual ratings in a fMRI study investigating pleasant touch. (2019)
C. Schulze Dalhoff: lnter-rater reliability of the detection of single-digit fMRI activation in primary somatosensory cortex (2020)
M. Deckers: Entwicklung einer doppelresonanten 7Lithium und 31Phosphor Spule für die Kleintiermagnetresonanztomographie und -spektroskopie (2020)
M. Pavel: Neuroimaging of the brainstem in parkinson patients- a visual analyze (2020)
M. T. Nowinski: Beschleunigung der Magnetisierungstransfer-Bildgebung durch optimierte k-Raum Abtastung (2021)
I. Barnekow: Quantitavie Analyse der kardialen Struktur und Funktion nicht-humaner Primaten in der translationalen Herzkreislaufforschung (2021)
N. Binder: Age-related cerebral iron accumulation in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) - A comparative MRI and histology study (2021)
J. Dehnert: Gewebeveränderungen in Nieren und Herzen nach Lithiumgabe im Mausmodell: Eine Multikontrast-Analyse mittels quantitativer Magnetresonanztomographie (2022)
T. Kruse: Praktische und theoretische Untersuchungen zur Optomagnetischen Resonanzbildgebung (2022)
N. Warghai-Shargh: Quantifizierung des Energiestoffwechsels mittels metabolischer Magnetresonanzspektroskopie: Beschreibung des phosphorenergetischen Zustands der Wadenmuskulatur nach körperlicher Aktivität und des Gehirns während visueller Stimulation (2022)
N. Siering: Funktionelle MRT - Implementierung von Aufgaben zur Aktivierung des Corpus Callosum (2023)
F. Mühlhoff: Age-related iron accumulation in deep gray matter nuclei of the common marmoset studied by histology and magnetic resonance imaging (2023)
I. Mrotzek: Entwicklung eines MRT-Template des Schweinegehirns unter Nutzung unterschiedlicher MR-Kontraste (2023)
J. Althaus: Entwicklung einer Bildverarbeitungspipeline zur Auswertung von diffusionsgewichteten Magnetresonanztomographie-Bildern des Gehirns (2023)
N. Quade: MRT-basierte individuelle Variation des Inselcortex in Struktur und Funktion (2024)
S. Schmitz: Exploring pleasant touch: affective tactile stimulation in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (2024)