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An Assamese macaque, three Guinea baboons and the diffusion MRI of a macaque heart are the voters‘ favourite motifs and thus winners of the Photo Prize 2019. The prize is awarded once a year to employees who have captured special moments of their everyday research or work life in an impressive photograph.

Pair living as stepping stone from solitary life to complex societies

Decision-making is controlled by different nerve cells

In the fourth issue 2019 you will learn, among other things, what criteria Assamese macaques use to make friends, how brain rhythms organize our visual perception and give an overview of a new Europe-wide project on heart research.

Sexually transmitted diseases reduce the willingness of female baboons to mate

Göttingen innovative project receives research funds from Leibniz Association

Exhibition shows the 30 best entries for the DPZ Photo Contest 2019


Review article by DPZ researchers discuss vocal communication in primates

Review article on baboon research published

DPZ participates in Europe-wide research program on heart regeneration