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The type of vaccine administered and the activation of the body's own immune cells influence the vaccine protection


International research team describes new ape species on Sumatra

Successful transplantation of porcine islets without immunosuppression

Benjamin Dann receives award for his research on neural networks

High levels of hair cortisol – a sign of long-term stress – are associated with reduced survival in wild grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Ecology.

2017 ist für das DPZ ein Jubiläumsjahr. Wir feiern das 40-jährige Bestehen unseres Institutes mit zahlreichen Events.


Energetic expenditure not the only factor when judging physical effort of movements

Leibniz ScienceCampus, German Primate Center, University of Göttingen and DFG support an international baboon conference at the DPZ on October 17th to 20th 2017