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Flügge G; Araya-Callis C; Garea-Rodriguez E; Stadelmann-Nessler C; Fuchs E (2014): NDRG2 as a marker protein for brain astrocytes. Cell Tissue Res. Online verfügbar unter download.springer.com/static/pdf/516/art%253A10.1007%252Fs00441-014-1837-5.pdf.

Fuchs, Eberhard; Flügge, Gabriele (2014): Adult Neuroplasticity: More than 40 years of research. Neural Plasticity 2014 (5), S. 1–10.

Schmelting, Barthel; Corbach-Söhle, Silke; Kohlhause, Susan; Schlumbohm, Christina; Flügge, Gabriele; Fuchs, Eberhard (2014): Agomelatine in the tree shrew model of depression: Effects on stress-induced nocturnal hyperthermia and hormonal status. Eur Neuropsychopharm 24(3): 437-447. Doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2013.07.010


Ambeskovic, Mirela; Fuchs, Eberhard; Beaumier, Pierre; Gerken, Michael; Metz, Gerlinde A. (2013): Hair trace elementary profiles in aging rodents and primates: links to altered cell homeodynamics and disease. Biogerontology 14 (5), S. 557–567.

Czéh, Boldizsár; Fuchs, Eberhard; Flügge, Gabriele (2013): Altered glial plasticity in animal models for mood disorders. Curr Drug Targets 14 (11), S. 1249–1261.

El-Kordi, A.; Kästner, A.; Grube, S.; Klugmann, M.; Begemann, M.; Sperling, S. et al. (2013): A single gene defect causing claustrophobia. Transl Psychiatry 3, S. e254.

Helms, G.; Garea-Rodriguez, E; Schlumbohm, C; König, J.; Dechent, P.; Fuchs, E; Wilke, M. (2013): Structural and quantitative neuroimaging of the common marmoset monkey using a clinical MRI system. J Neurosci Meth 215 (1), S. 121–131.

Papciak, Justyna; Popik, Piotr; Fuchs, Eberhard; Rygula, Rafal (2013): Chronic psychosocial stress makes rats more 'pessimistic' in the ambiguous-cue interpretation paradigm. Behav Brain Res 256, S. 305–310.


Araya-Callís C; Hiemke C; Abumaria N; Flügge G (2012): Chronic psychosocial stress and citalopram modulate the expression of the glial proteins GFAP and NDRG2 in the hippocampus. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 224 (1), S. 209–222.

Coolen, A.; Hoffmann, K.; Barf, P.; Fuchs E; Meerlo, P. (2012): Telemetric study of sleep architecture and sleep homeostasis in the day-active tree shrew Tupaia belangeri. Sleep Vol 35 (6), S. 879–888.

Flügge G (2012): Neurotransmitterhypothesen. In: Gründer G und Benkert O (Hg.): Handbuch der Psychopharmakotherapie. 2. Aufl. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Verlag, S. 115–124.

Flügge G; Fuchs, E. (2012): Tiermodelle für affektive Störungen. In: Gründer G und Benkert O (Hg.): Handbuch der Psychopharmakotherapie. 2. Aufl. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Verlag, S. 245–252.

Fuchs E (2012): Verhaltenspharmakologie – Eine Übersicht. In: Gründer G und Benkert O (Hg.): Handbuch der Psychopharmakotherapie. 2. Aufl. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Verlag, S. 105–106.

Garea-Rodriguez E; Schlumbohm C; Czeh B; König J; Helms G; Heckmann C et al. (2012): Visualizing dopamine transporter integrity with iodine-123-FP-CIT SPECT in combination with high resolution MRI in the brain of the common marmoset. J Neurosci Meth (210), S. 195–201.

Hargus G; Cui Y; Dihné M; Bernreuther C; Schachner M (2012): In vitro generation of three-dimensional substrate-adherent embryonic stem cell-derived neural aggregates for application in animal models of neurological disorders. Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol, S. Chapter 2:Unit2D.11.

Hoffmann, K.; Coolen, A.; Schlumbohm, C.; Meerlo, P.; Fuchs, E. (2012): Remote long-term registrations of sleep-wake rhythms, core body temperature and activity in marmoset monkeys. Behav Brain Res 235 (2), S. 113–123.

Lescher, J.; Paap, F.; Schultz, V.; Redenbach, L.; Scheidt, U.; Rosewich, H. et al. (2012): MicroRNA regulation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice and marmosets resembles regulation in human multiple sclerosis lesions. J Neuroimmunology (246 (1-2)), S. 27–33.

Michaelis T; Boretius S; Fuchs E (2012): In-vivo Bildgebung. In: Gründer G und Benkert O (Hg.): Handbuch der Psychopharmakotherapie. 2. Aufl. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer Verlag, S. 143–147.

Mitura, A.; Liebert, F.; Schlumbohm, C.; Fuchs, E. (2012): Improving the energy and nutrient supply for common marmoset monkeys fed under long-term laboratory conditions. J Med Primatol (41 (2)), S. 82–88.

Schneider, E.; Jensen, L.R; Farcas, R.; Kondova, I.; Bontrop, R.E; Navarro, B. et al. (2012): A High Density of Human Communication-Associated Genes in Chromosome 7q31-q36: Differential Expression in Human and Non-Human Primate Cortices. Cytogenet Genome Res 136 (2), S. 97–106.

Schneider, E.; Mayer, S.; El Hajj, N.; Jensen, L.R; Kuss, A.W; Zischler, H. et al. (2012): Methylation and expression analyses of the 7q autism susceptibility locus genes MEST, COPG2, and TSGA14 in human and anthropoid primate cortices. Cytogenet Genome Res 136 (4), S. 278–287.

Schnell, C.; Janc, O.A; Kempkes, B.; Araya Callis, C.; Flügge, G.; Hülsmann, S.; Müller, M. (2012): Restraint stress intensifies interstitial K+ accumulation during severe hypoxia. Frontiers in Pharmacology (3:53).

Seehase, S.; Lauenstein, H-D; Schlumbohm, C.; Switalla, S.; Neuhaus, V.; Förster, C. et al. (2012): LPS-induced lung inflammation in marmoset monkeys - an acute model for anti-inflammatory drug testing.  PLoS One 7, S. e43709.

t'Hart BA; Abbott DH; Nakamura K; Fuchs E (2012): The marmoset monkey: a multi-purpose preclinical and translational model of human biology and disease. Drug Discovery Today 17 (21-22), 1160-1166.

Yamashita, A.; Fuchs, E.; Taira M; Hayashi M (2012): Somatostatin-immunoreactive senile plaque-like structures in the frontal cortex and nucleus accumbens of aged tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) and macaque monkeys (Macaca fuscata). J Med Primatol 41 (3), S. 147–157.

Yee, N.; Schwarting, R.; Fuchs E; Wöhr MKW (2012): Juvenile stress potentiates aversive 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations and freezing during auditory fear conditioning in adult male rats. Stress 15 (5), S. 533–544.

Yee N; Schwarting RKW; Fuchs E; Wöhr M (2012): Increaesed affective ultrasonic communication during fear learning in adult male rats exposed to maternal immune activation.  J Psychiatric Res 46 (9), S. 1199–1205.


Cui, Y. F.; Xu, J. C.; Hargus, G.; Jakovcevski, I.; Schachner, M.; Bernreuther, C. (2011): Embryonic stem cell-derived L1 overexpressing neural aggregates enhance recovery after spinal cord injury in mice. In: PLoS One 6 (3), S. e17126. Online verfügbar unter http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0017126.

Fuchs E; Flügge G (2011): Chronic stress and depression. Unter Mitarbeit von Fuchs E und Flügge G. In: C. D. Conrad (Hg.): The handbook of stress: neuropsychological effects on the brain. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, S. 463–479.

Hu, W.; Zhang, M.; Czeh, B.; Zhang, W.; Flugge, G. (2011): Chronic restraint stress impairs endocannabinoid mediated suppression of GABAergic signaling in the hippocampus of adult male rats. In: Brain Res Bull 85 (6), S. 374–379. Online verfügbar unter www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi.

Kas, M. J.; Krishnan, V.; Gould, T. D.; Collier, D. A.; Olivier, B.; Lesch, K. P. et al. (2011): Advances in multidisciplinary and cross-species approaches to examine the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 21 (7), S. 532–544.

Kohlhause, S.; Hoffmann, K.; Schlumbohm, C.; Fuchs, E.; Flugge, G. (2011): Nocturnal hyperthermia induced by social stress in male tree shrews. relation to low testosterone and effects of age. Physiol Behav 104 (5), S. 786–795.

Koolhaas, J. M.; Bartolomucci, A.; Buwalda, B.; Boer, S. F. de; Flugge, G.; Korte, S. M. et al. (2011): Stress revisited. a critical evaluation of the stress concept. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 35 (5), S. 1291–1301.

Marlatt, M. W.; Philippens, I.; Manders, E.; Czeh, B.; Joels, M.; Krugers, H.; Lucassen, P. J. (2011): Distinct structural plasticity in the hippocampus and amygdala of the middle-aged common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Exp Neurol 230 (2), S. 291–301.

Pryce, C. R.; Aubert, Y.; Maier, C.; Pearce, P. C.; Fuchs, E. (2011): The developmental impact of prenatal stress, prenatal dexamethasone and postnatal social stress on physiology, behaviour and neuroanatomy of primate offspring. studies in rhesus macaque and common marmoset. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 214 (1), S. 33–53.

Ribic, A.; Flugge, G.; Schlumbohm, C.; Matz-Rensing, K.; Walter, L.; Fuchs, E. (2011): Activity-dependent regulation of MHC class I expression in the developing primary visual cortex of the common marmoset monkey.  Behav Brain Funct 7, S. 1.

Seehase, S.; Schleputz, M.; Switalla, S.; Matz-Rensing, K.; Kaup, F. J.; Zoller, M. et al. (2011): Bronchoconstriction in nonhuman primates. a species comparison. J Appl Physiol 111 (3), S. 791–798.

Yee, N.; Plassmann, K.; Fuchs, E. (2011): Juvenile stress impairs body temperature regulation and augments anticipatory stress-induced hyperthermia responses in rats. Physiol Behav 104 (3), S. 408–416.

Yee, N.; Ribic, A.; de Roo C C; Fuchs, E. (2011): Differential effects of maternal immune activation and juvenile stress on anxiety-like behaviour and physiology in adult rats. no evidence for the "double-hit hypothesis".  Behav Brain Res 224 (1), S. 180–188.


Czeh, B.; Abumaria, N.; Rygula, R.; Fuchs, E. (2010): Quantitative changes in hippocampal microvasculature of chronically stressed rats. no effect of fluoxetine treatment. Hippocampus 20 (1), S. 174–185.

Diaz Heijtz, R.; Fuchs, E.; Feldon, J.; Pryce, C. R.; Forssberg, H. (2010): Effects of antenatal dexamethasone treatment on glucocorticoid receptor and calcyon gene expression in the prefrontal cortex of neonatal and adult common marmoset monkeys. Behav Brain Funct 6, S. 18.

Ferner, K.; Zeller, U.; Schmelting, B.; Fuchs, E. (2010): Ontogenetic and lung development in Tupaia belangeri during the early postnatal period. Mamm Biol (75), S. 95–105.

Fuchs E; Corbach-Söhle S: Tree shrews. Unter Mitarbeit von Corbach-Söhle S. Fuchs E. In: Hubrecht R, Kirkwood J (eds) 2010- The UFAW Handbook: The care and management of laboratory and other research animals., 9. Edition Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

Hu, W.; Zhang, M.; Czeh, B.; Flugge, G.; Zhang, W. (2010): Stress impairs GABAergic network function in the hippocampus by activating nongenomic glucocorticoid receptors and affecting the integrity of the parvalbumin-expressing neuronal network. Neuropsychopharmacology 35 (8), S. 1693–1707.

Lucassen, P. J.; Meerlo, P.; Naylor, A. S.; van Dam, A. M.; Dayer, A. G.; Fuchs, E. et al. (2010): Regulation of adult neurogenesis by stress, sleep disruption, exercise and inflammation. Implications for depression and antidepressant action. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 20 (1), S. 1–17.

Lutgehetmann, M.; Volz, T.; Kopke, A.; Broja, T.; Tigges, E.; Lohse, A. W. et al. (2010): In vivo proliferation of hepadnavirus-infected hepatocytes induces loss of covalently closed circular DNA in mice. Hepatology 52 (1), S. 16–24.

McEwen, B. S.; Chattarji, S.; Diamond, D. M.; Jay, T. M.; Reagan, L. P.; Svenningsson, P.; Fuchs, E. (2010): The neurobiological properties of tianeptine (Stablon). from monoamine hypothesis to glutamatergic modulation. Mol Psychiatry 15 (3), S. 237–249.

Mitura, A.; Liebert, F.; Fuchs, E.; Schlumbohm, C.; Häbich, A.-C (2010): Zur bedarfsgerechten Ernährung von Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus) für eine langfristige Nutzung als Versuchstiere. Übers Tierernährg (38), S. 55–90.

Ribic, A.; Zhang, M.; Schlumbohm, C.; Matz-Rensing, K.; Uchanska-Ziegler, B.; Flugge, G. et al. (2010): Neuronal MHC class I molecules are involved in excitatory synaptic transmission at the hippocampal mossy fiber synapses of marmoset monkeys. Cell Mol Neurobiol 30 (6), S. 827–839.

Yamashita, A.; Fuchs, E.; Taira, M.; Hayashi, M. (2010): Amyloid beta (Abeta) protein- and amyloid precursor protein (APP)-immunoreactive structures in the brains of aged tree shrews. Curr Aging Sci 3 (3), S. 230–238.

Zambello, E.; Fuchs, E.; Abumaria, N.; Rygula, R.; Domenici, E.; Caberlotto, L. (2010): Chronic psychosocial stress alters NPY system. different effects in rat and tree shrew. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 34 (1), S. 122–130.


Atanasova, S.; Wieland, E.; Schlumbohm, C.; Korecka, M.; Shaw, L.; Ahsen, N. von et al. (2009): Prenatal dexamethasone exposure in the common marmoset monkey enhances gene expression of antioxidant enzymes in the aorta of adult offspring. Stress 12 (3), S. 215–224.

Bartolomucci A.; Fuchs E; Koolhaas J.M; Ohl, F. (2009): Acute and chronic social defeat: stress protocols and behavioral testing. In: Mood and anxiety related phenotypes in mice: characterization using behavioral tests. Unter Mitarbeit von E. Fuchs. In: Gould T.D (Hg.): Mood and anxiety related phenotypes in mice. Neuromethods 42: Humana Press, S. 261–276.

Bartolomucci A; de Kloet ER; Fuchs E; Joels M; Landgraf R;  Leopardi R; Richter-Levin G (2009): Stress-induced depression. Frontiers in Neuroscience (3), S. 240–241.

Bramlage, C. P.; Schlumbohm, C.; Pryce, C. R.; Mirza, S.; Schnell, C.; Amann, K. et al. (2009): Prenatal dexamethasone exposure does not alter blood pressure and nephron number in the young adult marmoset monkey. Hypertension 54 (5), S. 1115–1122.

Cooper, B.; Fuchs, E.; Flugge, G. (2009): Expression of the axonal membrane glycoprotein M6a is regulated by chronic stress. PLoS One 4 (1), S. e3659. Online verfügbar unter http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0003659

Czéh B; Fuchs, E. (2009): Hippocampus. Unter Mitarbeit von Fuchs E. Czéh B. In: Ingram R.E. (Hg.): The International Encyclopedia of Depression. New York: Springer Publishing Company, S. 313–319.

Datson, N. A.; Morsink, M. C.; Steenbergen, P. J.; Aubert, Y.; Schlumbohm, C.; Fuchs, E.; Kloet, E. R. de (2009): A molecular blueprint of gene expression in hippocampal subregions CA1, CA3, and DG is conserved in the brain of the common marmoset. Hippocampus 19 (8), S. 739–752.

Fuchs E. (2009): Neuroplasticity – a new approach to the pathophysiology of depression. Unter Mitarbeit von E. Fuchs. In: Costa e Silva J.A., Macher J.P und Olié J.P (Hg.): Neuroplasticity: New biochemical mechanisms. London: CMG, S. 1–12.

Herzog, C. J.; Czeh, B.; Corbach, S.; Wuttke, W.; Schulte-Herbruggen, O.; Hellweg, R. et al. (2009): Chronic social instability stress in female rats. a potential animal model for female depression. Neuroscience 159 (3), S. 982–992.

Michaelis, T.; Abaei, A.; Boretius, S.; Tammer, R.; Frahm, J.; Schlumbohm, C.; Fuchs, E. (2009): Intrauterine hyperexposure to dexamethasone of the common marmoset monkey revealed normal cerebral metabolite concentrations in adulthood as assessed by quantitative proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in vivo. J Med Primatol 38 (3), S. 213–218.

Nyirenda, M. J.; Carter, R.; Tang, J. I.; de Vries A; Schlumbohm, C.; Hillier, S. G. et al. (2009): Prenatal programming of metabolic syndrome in the common marmoset is associated with increased expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1. iabetes 58 (12), S. 2873–2879.

Perez-Cruz, C.; Simon, M.; Czeh, B.; Flugge, G.; Fuchs, E. (2009): Hemispheric differences in basilar dendrites and spines of pyramidal neurons in the rat prelimbic cortex activity- and stress-induced changes. Eur J Neurosci 29 (4), S. 738–747.

Perez-Cruz, C.; Simon, M.; Flugge, G.; Fuchs, E.; Czeh, B. (2009): Diurnal rhythm and stress regulate dendritic architecture and spine density of pyramidal neurons in the rat infralimbic cortex. Behav Brain Res 205 (2), S. 406–413.

Schulte-Herbruggen, O.; Fuchs, E.; Abumaria, N.; Ziegler, A.; Danker-Hopfe, H.; Hiemke, C.; Hellweg, R. (2009): Effects of escitalopram on the regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor protein levels in a rat model of chronic stress. J Neurosci Res 87 (11), S. 2551–2560.

Hu, W.; Zhang, M.; Czeh, B.; Zhang, W.; Flugge, G. (2009): Chronic restraint stress impairs endocannabinoid mediated suppression of GABAergic signaling in the hippocampus of adult male rats. Brain Res Bull 85 (6), S. 374–379.


Cooper B., Werner H.B., Flügge G (2008):  Glycoprotein M6a is present in glutamatergic axons in adult rat forebrain and cerebellum. Brain Res 1197: 1-12.

Czéh B., Perez-Cruz C., Fuchs E., Flügge G (2008): Chronic stress-induced cellular changes in the medial prefrontal cortex and their potential clinical implications: Does hemisphere location matter? Behav Brain Res 190(1): 1-13.

Rygula R., Abumaria N., Havemann-Reinecke U., Rüther E., Hiemke C., Zernig G., Fuchs E., Flügge G (2008): Pharmacological validation of a chronic social stress model of depression in rats: effects of reboxetine, haloperidol and diazepam. Behav Pharmacol 19(3): 183-196.

Abumaria N., Ribic A., Anacker C., Fuchs E., Flügge G (2008): Stress upregulates TPH1 but not TPH2 mRNA in the Rat Dorsal Raphe Nucleus: Identification of Two TPH2 mRNA Splice Variants. Cell Mol Neurobiol 28(3): 331-42.

Fuchs E., Flügge G (2008): Remodelling of neuronal networks by stress. Encyclopedia of Stress. Elsevier 2. Ed. Vol. 3: 364-370.

Fuchs E (2008): Perinatal dexamethasone. Encyclopedia of Stress. Elsevier 2. Ed. Vol. 3: 97-102.

Seress L., Abrahám H., Czéh B., Fuchs E., Léránth C (2008): Calretinin expression in hilar mossy cells of the hippocampal dentate gyrus of nonhuman primates and humans. Hippocampus 18(4): 425-434.


Fuchs E (2007): Old and new pathophysiological mechanisms in the treatment of depression. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology 101 (Suppl 1): 8.

Czéh B., Müller-Keuker J.I.H., Rygula R., Abumaria N., Hiemke C., Domenici E., Fuchs E (2007): Chronic social stress inhibits cell proliferation in the adult medial prefrontal cortex: hemispheric asymmetry and reversal by fluoxetine treatment. Neuropsychopharmacol 32 (7): 1490-1503.

Czéh B, Lucassen PJ (2007): What causes the hippocampal volume decrease in depression? Are neurogenesis, glial changes and apoptosis implicated? Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 257(5): 250-60.

Legros C, Chalivoix S, Gabriel C, Mocaer E, Delagrange P, Fuchs E, Malpaux B (2007):  First evidence of melatonin receptors distribution in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of tree shrew brain. Neuroendocrinol Lett 28: 267-273.

Datson N, Morsink MC, Atanasova S, Armstrong VW, Zischler H, Schlumbohm C, Dutilh BE, Huynen MA, Waegele B, Ruepp A, de Kloet ER, Fuchs E (2007):  Development of the first marmoset-specific DNA microarray (EUMAMA): a new genetic tool for large –scale expression profiling in a non-human primate. BMC Genomics 8: 190.

Abumaria N, Flügge G, Fuchs E (2007): Animal models of depression: Their application for identifying new therapeutically active molecules. Academic Dissertation Selection, Academic Meeting of the Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1): 9-27.

Fuchs E (2007): Neurogenesis in the adult brain: is there an association with mental disorders? Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (257): 247-249.

Abumaria N, Rygula R, Hiemke C, Fuchs E, Havemann-Reinecke U, Ruther E, Flügge G (2007): Effect of chronic citalopram on serotonin-related and stress-regulated genes in the dorsal raphe nucleus of the rat. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol (6-7): 417-29.

Perez-Cruz C, Müller-Keuker JIH, Heilbronner U, Fuchs E, Flügge G (2007): Morphology of pyramidal neurons in the rat prefrontal cortex: lateralized dendritic remodeling by chronic stress. Neural Plasticity 46276 .

Heilbronner U, Flügge G (2007): Modulation of neurons in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus by alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists: evidence for physiological and morphological heterogenity. Thalamus & Related Systems 3: 293-303.



Fuchs E, Flügge G (2006): Zelluläre und molekulare Restrukturierung des Gehirns durch Stress. Biospektrum (3): 275.

Fuchs E, Flügge G (2006):  Experimental animal models for the simulation of depression and anxiety. Dialogues Clin Neurosci 8(3): 323-33.

Rygula R, Abumaria N, Domenici E, Hiemke C, Fuchs E (2006): Effects of fluoxetine on behavioral deficits evoked by chronic social stress in rats. Behav Brain Res 174(1): 188-92.

Czéh B, Fuchs E, Simon M (2006): NK1 receptor antagonists under investigation for the treatment of affective disorders. Expert Opin Investig Drugs 15(5): 479-86.

 Rölleke U, Flügge G, Plehm S, Schlumbohm C, Armstrong V W, Dressel R, Uchanska-Ziegler B, Ziegler A, Fuchs E, Czéh B, Walter L (2006): Differential expression of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules in the brain of a New World monkey, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Neuroimmunol 176(1-2): 39-50.

Merkler D, Böschke R, Schmelting B, Czéh B, Fuchs E, Brück W, Stadelmann C (2006): Differential macrophage/microglia activation in neocortical EAE lesions in the marmoset. Brain Pathol 16(2): 117-23.

Abumaria N, Rygula R, Havemann-Reinecke U, Ruther E, Bodemer W, Roos C, Flügge G (2006): Identification of Genes Regulated by Chronic Social Stress in the Rat Dorsal Raphe Nucleus. Cell Mol Neurobiol 26(2): 145-62.

Czeh B, Simon M, Schmelting B, Hiemke C, Fuchs E (2006): Astroglial plasticity in the hippocampus is affected by chronic psychosocial stress and concomitant fluoxetine treatment. Neuropsychopharmacol 31(8): 1616-1626.

Fuchs E, Flügge G, Czéh B (2006): Remodeling of neuronal networks by stress. Front Biosci 11: 2746-2758.

Merkler D, Schmelting B, Czéh B, Fuchs E, Brück W (2006): Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced EAE in the common marmoset reflects the immunopathology of pattern II multiple sclerosis lesions. Multiple Sclerosis 12: 1-6.

Seckl JR, Fuchs E (2006): Glucocorticoid hormone programming in early life and its impact on adult health. Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Editorial 1: 3-7.

Fuchs E, Simon M, Schmelting B (2006): Pharmacology of a new antidepressant: benefit of the implication of the melatonergic system. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 21(1): 17-20.

Boretius S, Schmelting B, Watanabe T, Merkler D, Tammer R, Czéh B, Michaelis T, Frahm J, Fuchs E (2006): Monitoring of EAE onset and progression in the common marmoset monkey by sequential high-resolution 3D MRI. NMR Biomed 19(1): 41-42.

Rygula R, Abumaria N, Flügge G, Hiemke C, Fuchs E, Ruther E., Havemann-Reinecke U (2006): Citalopram counteracts depressive-like symptoms evoked by chronic social stress in rats. Behav Pharmacol 17(1): 19-29.                       


Alfonso J, Fernandez M, Cooper B, Flügge G, Frasch AC (2005):  The stress-regulated protein M6a is a key modulator for neurite outgrowth and filopodium/spine formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci 102(47): 17196-201.

Abrahám H, Czéh B, Fuchs E, Seress L (2005): Mossy cells and different subpopulations of pyramidal neurons express cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide in the hippocampal formation of non-human primates and tree shrew. Neuroscience 136(1): 231-240.

Palchaudhuri M, Flügge G (2005): 5-HT1A receptor expression in pyramidal neurons of cortical and limbic brain regions. Cell Tissue Res 321(2): 159-72.

Simon M, Czéh B, Fuchs E (2005): Age-dependent susceptibility of adult hippocampal cell proliferation to chronic psychosocial stress. Brain Res 1049(2): 244-8.

Keuker JIH, Keijser JN, Nyakas C, Luiten PGM, Fuchs E (2005): Aging is accompanied by a subfield-specific reduction of serotonergic fibers in the tree shrew hippocampal formation. J Chem Neuroanat 30(4): 221-9.

Fuchs E (2005): Social stress in tree shrews as an animal model of depression: an example of a behavioral model of a CNS disorder. CNS Spectr 10(3): 182-90.

Fuchs E, Flügge G (2005): Depressionen: Eine Störung der Neuroplastizität? Psychoneuro 31: 197-203. 

Pryce CR, Feldon J, Fuchs E, Knuesel I, Oertle T., Sengstag C, Spengler M, Weber E, Weston A, Jongen-Relo A (2005): Postnatal ontogeny of hippocampal expression of the mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in the common marmoset monkey. Eur J Neurosci 21(6): 1521-35.

Rygula R, Abumaria N, Flügge G, Fuchs E, Rüther E, Havemann-Reinecke U (2005): Anhedonia and motivational deficits in rats: Impact of chronic social stress. Behav Brain Res 162(1): 127-34.

van der Hart MG, de Biurrun G, Czéh B, Rupniak NM, den Boer JA, Fuchs E (2005): Chronic psychosocial stress in tree shrews: effect of the substance P (NK1 receptor) antagonist L-760735 and clomipramine on endocrine and behavioral parameters. Psychopharmacol (Berl). 181(2): 207-16.

Czéh B, Pudovkina O, van der Hart MG, Simon M, Heilbronner U, Michaelis T, Watanabe T, Frahm J, Fuchs E (2005):  Examining SLV-323, a novel NK(1) receptor antagonist, in a chronic psychosocial stress model for depression. Psychopharmacol (Berl). 180(3): 548-57.

Thinyane K, Baier PC, Schindehutte J, Mansouri A, Paulus W, Trenkwalder C, Flügge G, Fuchs E (2005): Fate of pre-differentiated mouse embryonic stem cells transplanted in unilaterally 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats: Histological characterization of the grafted cells. Brain Res 1045(1-2): 80-7.

Alfonso J, Frasch AC, Flügge G (2005): Chronic stress, depression and antidepressants: effects on gene transcription in the hippocampus. Rev Neurosci 16(1): 43-56.

Costoli T, Sgoifo A, Stilli D, Flügge G, Adriani W, Laviola G, Fuchs E, Pedrazzini T, Musso E (2005): Behavioural, neural and cardiovascular adaptations in mice lacking the NPY Y1 receptor. Neurosci. Biobehav Rev 29(1): 113-23.

Czéh B, Simon M, van der Hart MG, Schmelting B, Hesselink MB, Fuchs E (2005): Chronic stress decreases the number of parvalbumin-immunoreactive interneurons in the hippocampus: prevention by treatment with a substance P receptor (NK1) antagonist. Neuropsychopharmacol 30(1): 67-79.                


Fuchs E, Czéh B, Flügge G (2004): Examining novel concepts of the pathophysiology of depression in the chronic psychosocial stress paradigm in tree shrews. Behav Pharmacol 15(5-6): 315-25.

Heilbronner U, van Kampen M, Flügge G (2004): The alpha-2B adrenoceptor in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus is persistently upregulated by chronic psychosocial stress. Cell Mol Neurobiol 24(6): 815-31.

Baier PC, Schindehutte J, Thinyane K, Flügge G, Fuchs E, Mansouri A, Paulus W, Gruss P, Trenkwalder C (2004): Behavioral changes in unilaterally 6-hydroxy-dopamine lesioned rats after transplantation of differentiated mouse embryonic stem cells without morphological integration. Stem Cells 22(3): 396-404.

Alfonso J, Aguero F, Sanchez DO, Flügge G, Fuchs E, Frasch AC, Pollevick GD: Gene expression analysis in the hippocampal formation of tree shrews chronically treated with cortisol. J Neurosci Res 78(5): 702-10.

Fuchs E, Czéh B, Kole MH, Michaelis T, Lucassen PJ  (2004): Alterations of neuroplasticity in depression: the hippocampus and beyond. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 14( 5): 481-90.

Kole MH, Czéh B, Fuchs E (2004): Homeostatic maintenance in excitability of tree shrew hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons after chronic stress. Hippocampus 14(6): 742-51.

Alfonso J, Pollevick GD, van der Hart MG, Flügge G, Fuchs E, Frasch AC (2004): Identification of genes regulated by chronic psychosocial stress and antidepressant treatment in the hippocampus. Eur J Neurosci 19(3): 659-66.

Flügge G, van Kampen M, Mijnster MJ (2004): Perturbations in brain monoamine systems during stress. Springer-Verlag : Cell and Tissue Research. 315(1): 1-14.

Kole MH, Costoli T, Koolhaas JM, Fuchs E (2004): Bidirectional shift in the cornu ammonis 3 pyramidal dendritic organization following brief stress. Neuroscience 125(2): 337-47.

Lucassen PJ, Fuchs E, Czéh B (2004): Antidepressant treatment with tianeptine reduces apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus and temporal cortex. Biol Psychiatry 55(8): 789-96.

Keuker JIH, de Biurrun G, Luiten PG, Fuchs E (2004): Preservation of hippocampal neuron numbers and hippocampal subfield volumes in behaviorally characterized aged tree shrews. J Comp Neurol 468(4): 509-517.


Coe CL, Kramer M, Czéh B, Gould E, Reeves AJ, Kirschbaum C, Fuchs E (2003): Prenatal stress diminishes neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of juvenile rhesus monkeys. Biol Psychiatry 54(10): 1025-34.

Fuchs E, Flügge G (2003): Chronic social stress: effects on limbic brain structures. Physiol Behav 79: 417-427.

Keuker JIH, Rochford CDP, Witter MP, Fuchs, E (2003):  A cytoarchitectonic study of the hippocampal formation of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri). J Chem Neuroanat 26: 1-15.

Liebetanz D, Fauser S, Michaelis T, Czéh B, Watanabe T, Paulus W, Frahm J, Fuchs E (2003): Safety aspects of chronic low-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation based on localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and histology of the rat brain. J Psychiatr Res 37(4): 277-286.

Flügge G, van Kampen M, Meyer H, Fuchs E (2003): Alpha-2A and 2C adrenoceptor regulation in the brain: Alpha-2A changes persist after chronic stress. Eur J Neurosci 17: 917-928.

Keuker JIH, Luiten PGM, Fuchs E (2003): Preservation of hippocampal neuron numbers in aged rhesus monkeys. Neurobiology of Aging 24: 157-165.


van Kampen M, De Kloet ER, Flügge G, Fuchs E (2002): Blockade of glucocorticoid receptors with ORG 34116 does not normalize stress-induced symptoms in male tree shrews. Eur J Pharmacol 457: 207-216.

Czéh B, Welt T, Fischer AK, Erhardt A, Schmitt W, Mueller MB, Toschi N, Fuchs E, Keck ME (2002): Chronic psychosocial stress and concomitant repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: effects on stress hormone levels and adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Biol Psychiat 52: 1057-1065.

Fuchs E, Flügge G (2002): Social stress in tree shrews. Effects on physiology, brain function, and behavior of subordinate individuals. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 73: 247-258.

Fischer AK, Czéh B, Fuchs E, Goula D, von Rosenstiel P, Almeida OFX (2002): The prototypic mineralocorticoid receptor agonist aldosterone influences neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the adrenalectomized rat. Brain Res 947: 290-293.

Bartolomucci A, de Biurrun G, Czéh B, van Kampen M, Fuchs E (2002): Selective enhancement of spatial learning under chronic psychosocial stress. Eur J Neurosci 15: 1863-1866.

Kole MHP, Swan L, Fuchs E (2002): The antidepressant tianeptine persistently modulates glutamate receptor currents of the hippocampal CA3 commissural associational synapse in chronically stressed rats. Eur J Neurosci 16: 807-816.

van der Hart MGC, Czéh B, de Biurrun G, Michaelis T, Watanabe T, Natt O, Frahm J, Fuchs E (2002): Substance P receptor antagonist and clomipramine prevent stress-induced alterations in cerebral metabolites, cytogenesis in the dentate gyrus and hippocampal volume. Mol Psychiatry 7: 933-941.

Coe C L, Kramer M, Kirschbaum C, Netter P, Fuchs E (2002): Prenatal stress diminishes the cytokine response of leukocytes to endotoxin stimulation in juvenile rhesus monkeys. J Clin Endokrin Metabolism 87: 675-681.

Keuker JIH, Michaelis T, de Biurrun G, Luiten PGM, Witter MP, Fuchs E (2002): Methodological considerations when studying the aging process in the nonhuman primate brain. Erwin J M, Hof  PR (eds) Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology, Vol.31. Aging in Nonhuman Primates. Karger, Basel, 76-101.

Flügge P, Fuchs E, Günther E, Walter, L (2002): MHC class I genes of the tree shrew Tupaia belangeri. Immunogenetics 53: 984-988.

Fuchs E, Czéh B, Michaelis T, de Biurrun G, Watanabe T, Frahm J (2002): Synaptic plasticity and Stablon: Structural regulation. Eur Psychiatr 17(3): 311-317.          

van Kampen M, Kramer M, Hiemke C, Flügge G, Fuchs E (2002): The chronic psychosocial stress paradigm in male tree shrews: Evaluation of a novel animal model for depressive disorders. Stress 5: 37-46.


Keuker JIH, Vollmann-Honsdorf GK, Fuchs E (2001): How to use the optical fractionator: an example based on the estimation of neurons in the hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions of tree shrews. Brain Res Protocols 7: 211-221.

Bartolomucci A, de Biurrun G, Fuchs E (2001): How tree shrews perform in a searching task: evidences for strategy use? J Comp Psychol 115: 344-350.

Czéh B, Michaelis T, Watanabe T, Frahm J, de Biurrun G, van Kampen M, Bartolomucci A, Fuchs E (2001): Stress-induced changes in cerebral metabolites, hippocampal volume and cell proliferation are prevented by antidepressant treatment with tianeptine. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98: 12796-801.

Michaelis T, de Biurrun G, Watanabe T, Frahm J, Ohl F, Fuchs E (2001): Gender-specific alterations of cerebral metabolites with aging and cortisol treatment. J Psychiat Res 35: 231-237.

Meyer U, van Kampen M, Isovich E, Flügge G, Fuchs E (2001): Chronic psychosocial stress regulates the expression of both GR and MR mRNA in the hippocampal formation. Hippocampus 11: 329-336.

Flügge G, Kramer M, Fuchs E (2001): Chronic subordination stress in male tree shrews: replacement of testosterone affects behavior and central alpha2-adrenoceptors. Physiol Behav 73: 293-300.

Kole MHP, Koolhaas JM, Luiten PGM, Fuchs E (2001): High-voltage-activated Ca2+ currents and the excitability of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal CA3 subfields in rats depend on corticosterone and time of day. Neurosci Lett 307: 53-56.

Fuchs E, Flügge G (2001): Psychosoziale Belastung hinterlässt Spuren im Gehirn. Z Med Psychol 10: 99-105.

Fuchs E, Kramer M, Flügge G (2001): What are the neurobiological consequences of stress? Broom DM (ed): Coping with Challenge: Welfare in Animals including Humans. Dahlem University Press, 289-300.

Blanchard RJ, Ohl F, van Kampen M, Blanchard DC, Fuchs E (2001): Attack and defense in conspecific fighting in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri). Aggr Behav 27: 139-148.

Isovich E, Engelmann M, Landgraf R, Fuchs E (2001): Single social defeat reduces striatal dopamine transporter binding in rats: effects of housing conditions. Eur J Neurosci 13: 1254-56.

Fuchs E, Flügge G (2001): Psychosoziale Belastung als Ursache molekularer und struktureller Veränderungen im Gehirn. Wie tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zum Verständnis der Pathomechanismen depressiver Erkrankungen beitragen können. Z Psychosom Med 47: 80-97.


Fuchs E, Gould E (2000): In vivo neurogenesis in the adult brain: regulation and functional implications. Eur J Neurosci 12: 2211-14.

Flügge G (2000): Regulation of monoamine receptors in the brain: dynamic changes during stress. Int Rev Cytology 195: 145-213.

Keuker JIH, Luiten PGM, Fuchs E (2000): Capillary changes in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 areas of the aging rhesus monkey. Acta Neuropathol (Berl)100: 665-72.

Meyer H, Palchaudhuri M, Scheinin M, Flügge G (2000): Regulation of alpha2A-adrenoceptor expression by chronic stress in neurons of the brain stem. Brain Res 880: 147-158.

Isovich E, Mijnster MJ, Flügge G, Fuchs E (2000): Chronic psychosocial stress reduces the density of dopamine transporters. Eur J Neurosci 12: 1071-78.

Ohl F, Michaelis T, Vollmann-Honsdorf GK, Kirschbaum C, Fuchs E (2000): Effect of  chronic psychosocial stress and long-term cortisol treatment on hippocampus-mediated memory and hippocampal volume: a pilot-study in tree shrews. Psychoneuroendocrinol 25: 35-363.

van Kampen M, Schmitt U, Hiemke C, Fuchs E (2000): Diazepam has no beneficial effects on stress-induced behavioral and endocrine changes in male tree shrews. Biochem Pharmacol Behav 65: 539-546.

Fuchs E, Kempermann G, Winkler J, Kuhn HG (2000): Neurogenese – ein neues Konzept für den Ersatz von Nervenzellen im Gehirn. In: Sames K (ed): Medizinische Regeneration und Tissue Engineering. Neue Techniken der Erhaltung und Erneuerung von Gewebefunktionen. Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft, Landsberg, V9 /1- V9/7.


Kramer M, Hiemke C, Fuchs E (1999): Chronic psychosocial stress and antidepressant treatment in tree shrews: time-dependent behavioral and endocrine effects. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 23: 937-947.

Ohl F, Michaelis T, Fujimori H, Frahm J, Rensing S, Fuchs E (1999): Volumetric MRI measurements of the tree shrew hippocampus. J Neurosci Meth 88: 189-193.

Mijnster MJ, Isovich E, Flügge G, Fuchs E (1999): Localization of dopamine D1- like and D2- like binding sites in the tree shrew brain using [3H]-SCH23390 and [125I]-epidepride. Brain Res 841: 101-113.

Fuchs E (1999): Tree shrews. In: Poole T (ed) UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals. 7th Ed., Vol. I Terrestrial Vertebrates, Blackwell, Oxford: 235-245. 

Gould E, Reeves AJ, Fallah M, Tanapat P, Gross CG, Fuchs E (1999): Hippocampal neurogenesis in adult Old World primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96: 5263-67.

Palchaudhuri MR, Hauger RL, Wille S, Fuchs E, Dautzenberg FM (1999): Isolation and pharmacological characterization of two functional splice variants of corticotropin-releasing factor type 2 receptor from Tupaia belangeri. J Neuroendocrinol 11: 419-428.

Kole MHP, Fuchs E, Ziemann U, Paulus W, Ebert U (1999): Changes in seizure susceptibility and NMDA and 5-HT1A binding sites by a single rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation procedure in rats. Brain Res 826: 309.

Ohl F, Fuchs E (1999): Differential effects of chronic stress on memory processes in the tree shrew. Cog Brain Res 7: 379-387.

Flügge G, Pfender D, Rudolph S, Jarry H, Fuchs E (1999): 5HT1A-receptor binding in the brain of cyclic and ovarectomized female rats. J Neuroendocrinol 11: 243-249.


Fuchs E, Flügge G (1998): Stress, glucocorticoids and structural plasticity of the hippocampus. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 23: 295-300.

Ohl F, Fuchs E (1998): Memory performance in tree shrews: Effects of stressful experiences. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 23: 319-323.

Palchaudhuri MR, Wille S, Mevenkamp G, Spiess J, Fuchs E, Dautzenberg F (1998): Corticotropin-releasing factor type 1 from Tupaia belangeri : cloning, functional expression and tissue distribution. Eur J Biochem 258: 78-84.

van Kampen M, Fuchs E (1998): Age-related levels of urinary free cortisol in the tree shrew. Neurobiol Aging 19: 363-366.

Flügge G, Kramer M, Rensing S, Fuchs E (1998): 5HT1A-receptors and behaviour under chronic stress: selective counteraction by testosterone. Eur J Neurosci 10: 2685-93.

Ohl F, Oitzl MS, Fuchs E (1998): Assessing cognitive functions in tree shrews: Visuo-spatial and spatial learning in the home cage. J Neurosci Meth 81: 35-40.

Meyer U, Kruhøffer M, Flügge G, Fuchs E (1998): Cloning of glucocorticoid receptor and mineralocorticoid receptor cDNA and gene expression in the central nervous system of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri). Mol Brain Res 55: 243-253.

Gould E, Tanapat P, McEwen BS, Flügge G, Fuchs E (1998): Proliferation of granule cell precursors in the dentate gyrus of adult monkeys is diminished by stress. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95: 3168-3171.

Jeffery G, Harman A, Flügge G (1998): First evidence of diversity in eutherian chiasmatic architecture: tree shrews, like marsupials, have spatially segregated crossed and uncrossed chiasmatic pathways. J Comp Neurol 390: 183-93.


Vollmann-Honsdorf GK, Flügge G, Fuchs E (1997): Chronic psychosocial stress does not affect the number of pyramidal neurons in tree shrew hippocampus. Neurosci Lett 233: 121-124.

Flügge G, Ahrens O, Fuchs E (1997): Beta-adrenoceptors in the tree-shrew brain: I. Distribution and characterization of 125I-iodocyanopindolol binding sites. Cell Mol Neurobiol 17: 401-415.

Flügge G, Ahrens O, Fuchs E (1997): Beta-adrenoceptors in the tree-shrew brain: II. Time dependent effects of chronic psychosocial stress on 125I-idocyanopindolol binding sites. Cell Mol Neurobiol 17: 417-432.

Gould E, McEwen BS, Tanapat P, Galea LAM, Fuchs E 81997): Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the adult tree shrew is regulated by psychosocial stress and NMDA receptor activation. J Neurosci 17: 2492-2498.

Flügge G, Ahrens O, Fuchs E (1997): Monoamine receptors in the prefrontal cortex of Tupaia belangeri during psychosocial stress. Cell Tissue Res 288: 1-10.