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(Wednesdays 8-10h and Fridays 14-16h – GEMI PC-Pool) 

2015-06-03 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #1: Course overview, technical considerations

2015-06-05 (ST)
Lecture #2: Sensory physiology; running a psychophysics experiment, collecting, analysing and plotting data

2015-06-10 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #3: Plotting psychophysics data; How we expect data to look; Simulating an observer as a black-box

2015-06-12 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #4: Psychometric functions and threshold theory; Noise and the PSF; Random numbers in Matlab

2015-06-17 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #5: Fitting a psychometric function to data; Palamedes toolbox

2015-06-19 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #6: Review of fitting, practical issues; Use of simulation to explore influence of experimental parameters

2015-06-24 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #7: Simulating a neuron and quantifying its direction discrimination ability

2015-06-26 (CQ)
Lecture #8: Quantifying observer’s behaviour using thresholds; Weber and Fechner’s perceptual laws; Logarithms

2015-07-01 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #9: Review of neuronal simulation, discussion of region of tuning curve with best discrimination ability

2015-07-03 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #10: Adaptation and its effect on perception and PSF; Simulating a neuronal population and investigating effect of tuning width and FR noise on PSF; Simulating the effect of adaptation on a neuronal population

2015-07-08 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #11: Adaptation review; Experimental design

2015-07-10 (ST, CQ)
Lecture #12: Attention experiments; Reaction times; Course review

2015-07-15 (ST, CQ)
No lecture! (preliminary date of the MatLab Exam)

2015-07-17 (CQ)