Previous group photos
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Ehemalige Promovierende
Caio Moreira, PhD | BeCog,, 2012-2016 | Certain behaviors: response selection and certainty-related processes in humans and rhesus monkeys |
Adan-Ulises Dominguez-Vargas, PhD | GGNB,, 2013-2017 | The role of thalamic pulvinar in eye-hand coordination for goal-directed actions. |
Ehemalige Studierende
Isabel Wunder (Universität Gießen, PhD supervisors Kristin Kaduk und Igor Kagan) | 2017 | The effective connectivity in a cortical-striatal-thalamic network during decision making |
Uwe Zimmermann (Master, Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology, PhD supervisor Lydia Gibson) | 2016-2017 | Effects of pulvinar microstimulation on target selection |
Alexandra Nagel (Bachelor thesis, Psychology, PhD student supervisor Lydia Gibson) | 2016 | The effects of microstimulation of macaque pulvinar on BOLD activity during saccade planning and resting |
Kristin Kaduk (Master, Psychology, PhD student supervisor Caio Moreira) | 2015-2016 | Neural mechanisms underlying certainty during post-decision wagering – an fMRI based approach |
Alexander Kratzenberg (Master, Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology, PhD student supervisor Lukas Schneider) | 2015-2016 | Intentional and perceptual aspects of spatial awareness and their neural correlates in the human brain |
Ehemalige Praktikanten
Elisheba Crecca (M. Sc. Cognitive Science of Communication and Action) | 2017 | Roma Tre University |
Esther Olubukola Akinola (M. Sc. Neuroscience) | 2017 | Bremen University |
Anisiga Thirunavukkarasu (B. Sc. Psychology) | 2017 | Universität Göttingen |
Hannah Loenneker (B. Sc. Psychology, internship) | 2017 | Universität Tübingen |
Isabel Kreis (M. Sc. Psychology, internship) | 2017 | Universität Bielefeld |
Iryna Schommartz (lab rotation) | 2017 | TU Dresden |
Uwe Zimmermann (Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology, lab rotation) | 2016 | Master student, DAG |
Alex Kratzenberg (Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology, lab rotation) | 2014 | |
Max Rollwage (Psychology Diplom student, Phillips-University Marburg, lab rotation) | 2014 | PhD student, Fleming lab, UCL |
Kristin Kaduk (Psychology Bachelor student, lab rotation) | 2014 | PhD student, DAG |
Vanessa Hohn (Psychology Bachelor student, lab rotation) | 2013 | VU University Amsterdam |
Shoba Kapoor (Master student, lab rotation) | 2013 | MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, |
Kirsten Emmert (Master student, lab rotation) | 2012 | University of Geneva, |
Annika Grass (Master student, lab rotation) | 2012 | |
Olga Dyakova (internship) | 2011-2012 | Uppsala University |
Malte Koester (internship) | 2011-2012 | Google, |
Ehemaliges Technisches Personal
Our first TA: the one and only Ira Panolias | 2011-2016 | |