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DAG in 2017
DAG in 2015
DAG in 2015
DAG in 2012
DAG in 2012

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter

Ehemalige Promovierende

Caio Moreira, PhDBeCog, www.uni-goettingen.de/en/433056.html, 2012-2016Certain behaviors: response selection and certainty-related processes in humans and rhesus monkeys
Adan-Ulises Dominguez-Vargas, PhDGGNB, www.ggnb.gwdg.de/people/profile/index.php, 2013-2017The role of thalamic pulvinar in eye-hand coordination for goal-directed actions.

Ehemalige Studierende

Isabel Wunder (Universität Gießen, PhD supervisors Kristin Kaduk und Igor Kagan)2017The effective connectivity in a cortical-striatal-thalamic network during decision making
Uwe Zimmermann (Master, Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology, PhD supervisor Lydia Gibson)2016-2017Effects of pulvinar microstimulation on target selection
Alexandra Nagel (Bachelor thesis, Psychology, PhD student supervisor Lydia Gibson)2016The effects of microstimulation of macaque pulvinar on BOLD activity during saccade planning and resting
Kristin Kaduk (Master, Psychology, PhD student supervisor Caio Moreira) 2015-2016Neural mechanisms underlying certainty during post-decision wagering – an fMRI based approach
Alexander Kratzenberg (Master, Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology, PhD student supervisor Lukas Schneider) 2015-2016Intentional and perceptual aspects of spatial awareness and their neural correlates in the human brain

Ehemalige Praktikanten

Elisheba Crecca (M. Sc. Cognitive Science of Communication and Action)2017Roma Tre University
Esther Olubukola Akinola (M. Sc. Neuroscience)2017Bremen University
Anisiga Thirunavukkarasu (B. Sc. Psychology)2017Universität Göttingen
Hannah Loenneker (B. Sc. Psychology, internship)2017Universität Tübingen
Isabel Kreis (M. Sc. Psychology, internship)2017Universität Bielefeld
Iryna Schommartz (lab rotation)2017 TU Dresden
Uwe Zimmermann (Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology, lab rotation)2016Master student, DAG
Alex Kratzenberg (Developmental, Neural and Behavioral Biology, lab rotation)2014
Max Rollwage (Psychology Diplom student, Phillips-University Marburg, lab rotation)2014PhD student, Fleming lab, UCL
Kristin Kaduk (Psychology Bachelor student, lab rotation)2014PhD student, DAG
Vanessa Hohn (Psychology Bachelor student, lab rotation)2013VU University Amsterdam
Shoba Kapoor (Master student, lab rotation)2013MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, www.mpibpc.mpg.de/employees/45533/101421
Kirsten Emmert (Master student, lab rotation)2012University of Geneva, www.researchgate.net/profile/Kirsten_Emmert
Annika Grass (Master student, lab rotation)2012www.researchgate.net/profile/Annika_Grass
Olga Dyakova (internship)2011-2012Uppsala University
Malte Koester (internship)2011-2012Google, www.xing.com/profile/Malte_Koester3

Ehemaliges Technisches Personal

Our first TA: the one and only Ira Panolias2011-2016 www.item.fraunhofer.de/en.html