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(Tuesdays and Fridays 14-16h – GEMI PC-Pool)


- 2013.05.28:

  • Lecture: Introduction to psychophysics (PDF)
  • MATLAB exercises: Technical issues in visual psychophysics (PDF)

- 2013.05.31:

  • Lecture: The role of the senses (PDF)
  • MATLAB exercises: 2AFC direction discrimination experiment (PDF)
  • MATLAB code: 2AFC experiment, will run only if you have PsychToolbox installed (PDF)

- 2013.06.04

  • Lecture: Dealing with data; Introduction to the psychometric curve (pdf)
  • MATLAB clinics: Cell arrays (pdf), Graphics object handles (.m)
  • MATLAB exercises: Structures & logical indexing (pdf)  Simulating a psychometric curve (PDF)

- 2013.06.07

  • MATLAB exercises: Producing a psychometric curve by simulating a population of neurons (.m)

- 2013.06.11

  • Lecture: MATLAB catch-up (PDF)
  • MATLAB clinic: Loops (PDF)
  • MATLAB solutions: Clio's solution to dealing with structures of arrays & logical indexing (.m); Group solution to black-box psychometric curve simulation created in class (.m); Clio's solution to black-box psychometric curve simulation (.m

- 2013.06.14

  • MATLAB solutions: group solution to neuronal population simulation of psychometric curve (.m)

- 2013.06.18

  • Flipchart lecture: Influence on neuronal population simulation of parameters population size, noise s.d., tuning width

- 2013.06.21

  • Lecture: Fitting a psychometric curve to data (PDF)
  • MATLAB exercises: Curve fitting withe the Palamedes toolbox (PDF)

- 2013.06.25

  • Flipchart lecture: Adaptation
  • Practical work: Collect data in an adaption experiment

- 2013.06.28

  • Lecture: Adaptation recap (PDF); Types of psychometric experiments (PDF)

- 2013.07.02

  • Lecture: Theories of psychometric function; Signal detection theory (PDF)
  • MATLAB exercises: Solution of lecture slide exercises (.m)

- 2013.07.05 cancelled

- 2013.07.09

  • Perceptual laws; Course review (PDF)

- 2013.07.12:

  • Exam!!