(04) Nov 10, 2014, Features, Forms, and visual objects (ag)
Topics addressed in the lecture:
- Gestalt principles of perceptual organization
- Effect of visual context on V1 responses
- Representation of complex patterns in the ventral visual pathway
- Position invariance and complex-cell encoding
- Figure-ground segregation
- Border ownership and illusory contours
- Binding-by-synchronization hypothesis
Examples for question you should be able to answer:
- Neurons in different visual areas along the ventral pathway are selective for increasingly complex visual patterns. For which property of a visual stimulus do the neurons in higher visual areas of the ventral pathway become less selective?
- Explain how the Gestalt principle of “good continuation” could be supported by contextual modulation of receptive fields in primary visual cortex?
Important concepts:
- Perceptual grouping
- Contour integration
- Horizontal connectivity
- Figure-ground segregation
- Border ownership
- Binding-by-synchronization
Last update of this page: Dec 3, 2014