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Dr. Kaja Wierucka

Promovierte Wissenschaftlerin

Verhaltensökologie & Soziobiologie

+49 551 3851-123


Kellnerweg 4
37077 Göttingen

Wierucka K, Murphy D, Watson S, Falk N, Fichtel C, León J, Leu ST, Kappeler PM, Briefer EF, Manser M, Phaniraj N, Scheumann M, Burkart JM. Same data, different results? An evaluation of the robustness of machine learning approaches for establishing individual identity in animal vocalisations (2024). BioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.04.14.589403.

Meshinska K, Bell M, Burkart J, Wierucka K. Echoes of self: Understanding acoustic structure and informational content in common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) phee sequences (2024). BioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.04.14.58940.

Wierucka K & Leu S (2024). Robust encoding of acoustic identity in alpaca hums – a basis for individual recognition. BioRxiv: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.31.596793

Tilley HB, Murphy D, Wierucka K, Wong TC, Surreault-Chable A, Mumby HS (2024). Physical activity and temperature changes of Asian elephants participating in eco-tourism activities. PLoS ONE 19(5): e0300373.

Phaniraj N, Wierucka K, Burkart JM (2023) Dynamic vocal learning in adult marmoset monkeys. BioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.22.559020.

Wierucka K, Hatten CER, Murphy D, Wang Y, Andersson AA, Allcock J, Bojan J, Kong MTC, Kwok C, Lam JYK, Ma CN, Tilley HB, Phalke S, Wang R, Webster S, Mumby HS Dingle C (2023). Human-wildlife interactions in rapidly urbanising Asia: overview and opportunities. Global Ecology and Conservation: e02596

Santos TL, Wierucka K, Mumby HS. (2023). Decline in maximum tusk length over a century in hunted African savanna elephant populations. In review: Conservation Science and Practice.

Phaniraj N, Wierucka K, Zürcher Y, Burkart JM (2023) Who is calling? Optimizing source identification from marmoset vocalizations with hierarchical machine learning classifiers. Journal of the Royal Society Interface: 20(207):20230399.

Burkart JM, Adriaense JEC, Brügger RK, Miss FM, Wierucka K, van Schaik CP (2022). A convergent interaction engine: Vocal communication among marmoset monkeys. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: 377: 20210098

Chu PC, Wierucka K, Murphy D, Tilley HB, Mumby HS (2022). Human interventions in a behavioural experiment for Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus). Animal Cognition: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-022-01668-8

Wang Y, Tilley HB, Phalke S, Andersson AA, Dingle C, Hatten CE, Leung EYM, Murphy D, Wierucka K, Mumby HS (2022). Discussion of wildlife trade before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in professional opinion pieces and scientific articles. Global Ecology and Conservation 38: e02270

Wolff JO, Wierucka K, Paterno G, Coddington JA, Hormiga G, Kelly MBJ, Herberstein ME, Ramirez MJ (2022). Stabilized morphological evolution of spiders despite mosaic changes in foraging ecology. Systematic Biology, syac023.

Pekár S, Wolff JO, Černecká Ľ, Birkhofer K, Mammola S, Lowe EC, Fukushima CS, Herberstein ME, Kučera A, Buzzatto BA, Djoudi EA, Domenech M, Enciso AV, Piñanez Espejo YMG, Febles S, García LF, Gonçalves-Souza T, Isaia M, Lafage D, Líznarová E, Macías-Hernández N, Magalhães I, Malumbres-Olarte J, Michálek O, Michalik P, Michalko R, Milano F, Munévar A, Nentwig W, Nicolosi G, Painting C, Pétillon J, Piano E, Privet K, Ramírez M, Ramos C, Řezáč M, Ridel A, Růžička V, Santos I, Sentenská L, Walker L, Wierucka K, Zurita GA, Cardoso Pedro Cardoso P (2021). The World Spider Trait database: a centralized global open repository for curated data on spider traits. Database, 2021:baab064.

Wolff JO, Wierucka K, Uhl G, Herberstein ME (2021). Building behaviour does not affect rates of phenotypic evolution in spiders. PANS 118(33): e2102693118.

Wierucka K, Henley MD, Mumby HS (2021) Acoustic cues to individuality in wild male adult African savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana). PeerJ 9:e10736.

Wierucka K, Barthes N, Harcourt R, Schaal B, Charrier I, Pitcher BJ (2019) Chemical fingerprints suggest direct familiarisation rather than phenotype matching during olfactory recognition in Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 517, 49-53.

Wierucka K, Barthes N, Pitcher BJ, Schaal B, Charrier I, Harcourt R. (2019) Chemical profiles of integumentary and glandular substrates in Australian sea lion pups (Neophoca cinerea). Chemical Senses 44(3), 205-214.

Wierucka K, Pitcher BJ, Harcourt R, Charrier I (2018) Multimodal mother-offspring recognition – the relative importance of sensory cues in a colonial mammal. Animal Behaviour 146, 135-142.

Wierucka K, Charrier I, Harcourt RG, Pitcher BJ (2018) Visual cues do not enhance sea lion pups’ response to multimodal maternal cues. Scientific Reports 8:9845.

Carthey AJR, Bucknall MP, Wierucka K, Banks PB (2017) Novel predators emit novel cues: A mechanism for prey naivety towards alien predators. Scientific Reports 7:16377.

Wierucka K, Pitcher BJ, Harcourt R, Charrier I (2017) The role of visual cues in mother–pup reunions in a colonially breeding mammal. Biology Letters 13:20170444.

Halupka L, Wierucka K, Sztwiertnia H, Klimczuk E (2017) Conditions at autumn stopover sites affect survival of a migratory passerine. Journal of Ornithology 158:979–988.

Verborgh P, Gauffier P, Esteban R, Cañadas A, García P, Luis Murcia J, Morata A, Debons E, Brévart C, Carbou M, Meade R, Wierucka K, Colmant L, Masski H, Giménez J, de Stephanis R (2017) Efecto de una epidemia de morbillivirus sobre la supervivencia de diferentes grupos de calderones comunes en el mediterráneo occidental. Almoraima. Revista de Estudios Campogibraltareños, 47: 13-20.

Wierucka K, Halupka L, Klimczuk E, Sztwiertnia H (2016) Survival during the breeding season: Nest stage, parental sex, and season advancement affect reed warbler survival. PLoS One 11:e0148063.

Wierucka K, Siemianowska S, Woźniak M, Jasnosz K, Kieliszczyk M, Kozak P, Sergiel A (2016) Activity budgets of captive Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus) under a training regime. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 19:62c72.

Wierucka K, Verborgh P, Meade R, Colmant L, Gauffier P, Esteban R, de Stephanis R, Cañadas A (2014) Effects of a morbillivirus epizootic on long-finned pilot whales Globicephala melas in Spanish Mediterranean waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series 502: 1-10. (Feature Article)

Gottfried I, Apoznański G, Gottfried T, Wierucka K (2014) Skład gatunkowy nietoperzy na obszarze sieci Natura 2000 "Dąbrowy Krotoszyńskie" (Species composition of bats in the Natura 2000 site "Dąbrowy Krotoszyńskie"). Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 70 (5): 431-436.

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