Dr. Michael Heide
Degenerative Erkrankungen
+49 551 3851-323
Kellnerweg 4
37077 Göttingen
Entwicklung und Evolution des Primatenneocortex, Hirnorganoide, neurale Stammzellen, primatenspezifische Gene
Huttner, W.B., Heide, M., Mora-Bermudez, F. and Namba, T. (2024) Neocortical neurogenesis in development and evolution–Human-specific features. J. Comp. Neurol. 1-11.
Eşiyok, N. and Heide, M. (2023). The SVZ stem cell niche–components, functions and in vitro modelling. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 11, 1332901.
Heide, M. and Huttner W.B. (2023). Causes of microcephaly in human–theoretical considerations. Front. Neurosci. 17, 1306166.
Tynianskaia, L., Eşiyok, N., Huttner, W. B., Heide, M. (2023). Targeted Microinjection and Electroporation of Primate Cerebral Organoids for Genetic Modification. J. Vis. Exp. (193), e65176.
Fischer, J., Fernandez Ortuno, E., Marsoner, F., Artioli, A., Peters, J., Namba, T., Eugster Oegema, C., Huttner, W.B.*, Ladewig, J.* and Heide, M.* (2022). Human-specific ARHGAP11B ensures human-like basal progenitor levels in hominid cerebral organoids. EMBO Rep., e54728. *joint corresponding authors
Di Donato, N., Guerrini, R., Billington, C.J., Barkovich, J., Dinkel, P., Freri, E., Heide, M., Gershon, E.S., Gertler, T.S., Hopkin, R.J., Jacob, S., Keedy, S.K., Kooshavar, D., Lockhart, P.J., Lohmann, D.R., Mahmoud, I.G., Parrini, E., Schrock, E., Severi, G., Timms, A.E., Webster, R.I., Willis, M.J.H., Zaki, M.S., Gleeson, J.G., Leventer, R.J., Dobyns, W.B. (2022). Monoallelic and biallelic mutations in RELN underlie a graded series of neurodevelopmental disorders. Brain, awac164.
Heide, M.* and Huttner W.B.* (2021). Human-specific genes, cortical progenitor cells, and microcephaly. Cells 10, 1209-1215. *joint corresponding authors
Heide, M.*, Haffner, C., Murayama, A., Kurotaki, Y., Shinohara, H., Okano H., Sasaki, E. and Huttner W.B.* (2020). Human-specific ARHGAP11B increases size and folding of primate neocortex in the fetal marmoset. Science 369, 546-550. *joint corresponding authors
Fischer, J.*, Heide, M.*# and Huttner, W.B.# (2019). Genetic modification of brain organoids. Front Cell Neurosci 13, 558. *joint first authors, #joint corresponding authors
Kanton, S., Boyle, M.J., He, Z., Santel, M., Weigert, A., Calleja, F.S., Guijarro, P., Sidow, L., Fleck, J.S., Han, D., Qian, Z., Heide, M., Huttner, W.B., Khaitovich, P., Pääbo, S., Treutlein, B. and Camp, J.G. (2019). Organoid single-cell genomic atlas uncovers human-specific features of brain development. Nature 574, 418-422.
Heide, M., Huttner, W.B. and Mora-Bermudez, F. (2018). Brain organoids as models to study human neocortex development and evolution. Curr Opin Cell Biol 55, 8-16.
Florio, M.*, Heide, M.*, Pinson A., Brandl, H., Albert, M., Winkler, S., Wimberger, P., Huttner, W.B. and Hiller, M. (2018). Evolution and cell-type specificity of human-specific genes preferentially expressed in progenitors of fetal neocortex. eLife 7:e32332. *joint first authors
Heide, M., Long, K.R. and Huttner, W.B. (2017). Novel gene function and regulation in neocortex expansion. Curr Opin Cell Biol 49, 22-30.
Boothe, T., Hilbert, L., Heide, M., Berninger, L., Huttner, W.B., Zaburdaev, V., Vastenhouw, N.L., Myers, E.W., Drechsel, D.N. and Rink, J.C. (2017) A tunable refractive index matching medium for live imaging cells, tissues and model organisms. eLife 6:e27240.
Miquelajáuregui, A., Sandoval-Schaefer, T., Martínez-Armenta, M., Pérez-Martínez, L., Cárabez, A., Zhao, Y., Heide, M., Alvarez-Bolado, G., Varela-Echavarría, A. (2015). LIM homeobox protein 5 (Lhx5) is essential for mamillary body development. Front Neuroanat 9, 136.
Heide, M. *, Zhang, Y., Zhou, X., Zhao, T., Miquelajáuregui, A., Varela-Echavarría, A., Alvarez-Bolado, G. (2015). Lhx5 controls mamillary differentiation in the developing hypothalamus of the mouse. Front Neuroanat 9, 113. *joint corresponding authors
Haddad-Tóvolli, R., Heide, M., Zhou, X., Blaess, S., Alvarez-Bolado, G. (2012). Mouse thalamic differentiation: gli-dependent pattern and gli-independent prepattern. Front Neurosci 6, 27.