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DPZ receives more than 2 million Euros for Corona research

Lower Saxony supports the fight against the coronavirus with 10 million Euros
Coronavirus. Picture: cdc

Corona research in Lower Saxony will receive almost 10 million Euros from the supplementary budget of the state government in order to develop new therapies, vaccines and efficient diagnostic tests as soon as possible. Funding will primarily be given to projects that promise rapid feasibility and are of clinical importance.

The German Primate Center, which is involved in the search for existing active substances for the treatment of Covid-19 patients, will receive more than 2 million Euros for future research projects.

The largest share, more than 6 million Euros, will go to the Hannover Medical School, which is involved, among other things, in the clarification of disease development, antibody research and testing of vaccines.

The remaining funds will go to research projects at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig, which also conducts research in the fields of antibodies and vaccines, and to the Technical University, also based in Braunschweig, for two antibody projects.