In the media center we provide you with a database for press pictures that can be downloaded and information about our magazine DPZ aktuell.
Please contact Karin Tilch in case you don't find what you're looking for.
Terms of use
These images may only be used or reproduced for editorial purposes and in connection with articles on our press material, in which case such usage or reproduction is free of charge and requires no permission. Any other use, in particular for commercial purposes, requires prior permission of the author or photographer. Further enquires can be answered in the Press and Public Relations Office. Please send a proof upon publication.
Here you can watch our videos, which inform about results of our research, portraits of scientists or remarkable events of the DPZ. You can find our videos also in our official Youtube-channel.
Photo Galleries
In our photo galleries you can admire different primate species that are studied by DPZ scientists in the field and check out photos from the "Nacht des Wissens".
Virtual tour: Primate husbandry
Come on a virtual tour through our facilities. During this virtual tour you will gain direct insights into the daily work of our veterinarians and animal caretakers. You will receive useful and detailed information on the breeding of nonhuman primates for the purpose of research.
How much does a human brain weigh and what are mirror neurons? Why are animal experiments necessary and which monkey species are mainly used for experiments? With our quiz, you can test yourself and at the same time expand your knowledge.
Red-fronted lemur, Rhesus macaque, Mona monkey...
Find out more about the diversity of monkeys while playing memory.
Magazine "DPZ aktuell"
Here you can find more information on our magazine "DPZ aktuell", which reports research highlights, portraits of employees or news from our field stations. The magazine is partly translated to English and can be subscribed for free!
Printed information material
Here you can find our printed information material in pdf format to download. It includes our brochure "research highlights", general flyers about the DPZ and more.