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Animal Experimental Research

These webpages present information on animal research, mainly concentrating on information about research with non-human primates. This is the field of expertise of the DPZ's scientists and they will happily answer the public's questions on this topic. You will still also find some general information about animal research, as for example the legal regulations for animal experimental research are the same for all kinds of research projects in Germany.

The information you will find here is scientificallly confirmed and presents the facts as impartial as possible. A number of links provide you with additional material and information accessible in the internet.

We hope to contribute to answering your questions about animal experimental research. If there still remain questions after reading, please contact the public relations department of the institute. Simply write an e-mail write to Susanne Diederich.

News about animal experimental research

The DPZ has been awarded the seal of quality for exemplary communication on animal research for the second time

Dr. Susanne Diederich Communications +49 551 3851-359 Contact Profile

Quiz: Ten questions on animal research

A lab rat. Photo: Understanding Animal Research

Why are animal experiments necessary? Where do the research animals come from and when is it allowed to use animals for experiments? Test your knowledge in our Quiz. Ten questions await you! For some of the question, more than one answer can be correct.

Animal research quiz