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Facts and Figures


Legally, The German Primate Center is a limited company (Ltd). At its inception in 1977, the  Federal State of Lower Saxony and the Federal Republic of Germany signed a shareholders agreement. Both shareholders hold 50 percent of the shares of the institute. The funding of personnel and material resources from federal and state government (without third-party funds) was approx. 18.6 millions of EUR in 2023.

Third Party Funding

The scientists of the DPZ spent approx. 9.5 millions of Euros from research funding organizations such as the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2023. This corresponds to about 52 % of the amount of funding from federal and state governments (basic funding). The third party fund raising in 2023 decreased compared to the years before.


By the end of 2023, the DPZ had 483 employees, including a certain proportion of part-time workers or apprenticeship positions. However, the Institute has doubled the number of its employees in the past ten years. If one includes the staff at the field stations, the DPZ has a significantly higher number of research workers.

The DPZ is internationally focused. In December 2023, 28 % of the 480 employees came from abroad or had a dual citizenship. The 136 employees come from 41 nations. In addition to Germany, Italy and France, many employees come from India, the USA, Iran, Turkey and Spain.



Dr. Gerrit Hennecke

Dr. Gerrit Hennecke Assistant to the Management +49 551 3851-120 +49 551 3851-452 Contact