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Animal Husbandry

Primates are a group of highly developed mammals also including humans. The close similarities make non-human primates an ideal model for studying human diseases and complex nervous systems. Due to their highly differentiated social behavior, their large distribution and different adaptations to most diverse habitats, they are also good examples for ecological, behavioral and evolutionary research.

The Animal Husbandry Unit is the central infrastructural facility at the DPZ. Its general mission is the breeding, husbandry and care of non-human primates as well as veterinary support for the animals. More than 40 animal keepers, five animal welfare officers and 10 veterinarians take care of the approximately 1,200 non-human primates at the Institute every day.

Import and export of primates and biological samples for the German and European science community is organized and legally supervised and supported in collaboration with international shipping companies and airlines.

Common marmosets in their enclosure at the DPZ. Photo: Anton Säckl
Common marmosets in their enclosure at the DPZ. Photo: Anton Säckl

The DPZ provides biological samples to scientific institutions and research groups, as well as veterinary support of external scientific projects.

Also animal welfare and protection from infectious diseases with appropriate training and the education of the staff is one of the major tasks at the DPZ. Furthermore, the breeding management, the husbandry conditions of the breeding colonies and the basic conditions in animal testing are regularly inspected, improved and optimized. Especially the improvement of animal research is ensured by the development of new in vivo techniques in biomedical research and the design of new diagnostic tools.

Dipl. Biol. Uwe Schönmann

Dipl. Biol. Uwe Schönmann Head Animal Husbandry +49 551 3851 230 +49 551 3851 251 Contact

Annette Husung Deputy Management Animal Husbandry +49 551 3851 363 +49 551 3851 251 Contact

Information about animal experimental research

One of the reasons why monkeys are bred at DPZ is that we use rhesus monkeys, white-tufted monkeys and baboons as model organisms in our research departments. Here you can learn more about animal experimental research at the DPZ.

Animal experimental research at DPZ

Virtual tour of the Animal Husbandry

The interactive tour takes visitors to the DPZ's husbandry and breeding grounds and provides important information on monkey species, hygiene regulations and the daily work of veterinarians, animal caretakers and scientists.

Start the virtual tour