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DPZ infection biologists are sending out SARS-CoV-2 material samples

"Amazon" for infection researchers
253 material samples for SARS-CoV-2 research have been sent to research institutes in 22 countries. Image: Heike Klensang

The Unit of Infection Biology headed by Stefan Pöhlmann has been researching on coronaviruses for many years. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, the department is becoming more and more an important node in the research on the virus. Scientists around the world appreciate the work of the laboratory and ask the researchers for material samples. Since mid-February, the department has already sent 253 samples to 22 countries. The majority of the samples remained in Europe, where they were sent to 11 other countries besides Germany. But 11 non-European countries were also supplied with samples from the DPZ. Most of them went to the United States. Another 133 requests are still being processed. We would like to thank all employees who, despite the current considerable amount of work, are still managing this additional task!