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How to find us

The Decision and Awareness group is a part of the German Primate Center (DPZ). However, it is not located in the main building of the DPZ, but in the MRI building near Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 7, 5 min walk from Robert-Koch-Straße, the police station and the district of Weende, behind the green gate.

You can come directly to the green gate or to the reception desk in the main building. There is an intercom system at the gate, where you can select the appropriate option (DAG "Sekretariat"  or Igor Kagan).

You can reach us with different means of transportation:

By airplane

Göttingen lies in the very heart of Germany. Visitors from abroad may choose between the airport of Frankfurt/Main (plus 2 hour rail trip) and the airport of Hannover (plus 3/4 hour rail trip).

By car

From the A7 motorway take the exit marked "Göttingen Nord". Follow the B27, then turn right after the second set of traffic lights and follow signs for "Unibereich Nord". Go straight on and follow the road round to the right at the top of the hill. Then take the first exit on the left (about 500 m, signposted DPZ).

Anfahrt mit dem Auto

By public transport

Tickets on the bus!


Lines 21/22, 23 (bus stop Kellnerweg)

Take bus no. 21/22 or bus no. 23 heading for "Nikolausberg" or "Faßberg". Get off at bus stop "Kellnerweg" (please press the stop button in the bus). Cross the road and follow the path between the post box and the glass containers through the residential area of the students union (Studentenwerk). When you arrive at the parking lot of the residential area, please turn left and you will reach the green gate. Use intercom system at the gate, or call your contact person from your mobile phone in order to be picked up at the gate.


Bus_v2 CNL Anreise