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All publications

  • Wilson, V.A.D., Kade, C., Moeller, S., Treue, S., Kagan, I. & Fischer, J. (in print). Macaque gaze responses to the Primatar: a virtual macaque head for social cognition research. Frontiers in Psychology
    [access article online]
  • Rollwage M, Pannach F, Stinson C, Toelch U, Kagan I, Pooresmaeili A (2020). Judgement of effort exerted by others are influenced by received rewards. Sci Rep 10: 1868
    [access article online]​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Miloserdov K, Schmidt-Samoa C, Williams C, Weinrich CA, Kagan I, Bürk K, Trenkwalder C, Bähr M, Wilke M (2019). Aberrant functional connectivity of resting state networks related to misperceptions and intra-individual variability in Parkinson‘s disease. Neuroimage: Clinical: 102076
    ​​​​​​​[access article online]​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Schneider L, Dominguez-Vargas AU, Gibson L, Kagan I & Wilke M (2020). Eye position signals in the dorsal pulvinar during fixation and goal-directed saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology 123: 367-391
    ​​​​​​​[access article online]​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Unakafov A, Schultze T, Gail A, Moeller S, Kagan I, Eule S & Wolf F (2020). Emergence and suppression of cooperation by action visibility in transparent games. PLoS Comput Biol 16(1): e1007588
    ​​​​​​​[access article online]​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Wilson ADV, Kade C, Moeller S, Treue S, Kagan I & Fischer J (preprint). Development of a monkey avatar to study social perception in macaques. bioRxiv 758458
    ​​​​​​​[access article online]​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Unakafov AM, Schultze T, Kagan I, Moeller S, Gail A, Treue S, Eule S & Wolf F (2019). Evolutionary successful strategies in a transparent iterated prisoner’s dilemma. In: Kaufmann P., Castillo P. (eds) Applications of Evolutionary Computation. EvoApplications 2019: LNCS 11454
  • Hammerschmidt W, Kagan I, Kulke L, Schacht A (2018). Implicit reward associations impact face processing: Time-resolved evidence from event-related brain potentials and pupil dilations. Neuroimage 179: 557-569
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  • Unakafov AM, Moeller S, Kagan I, Gail A, Treue S & Wolf F (2018). Using imaging photoplethysmography for heart rate estimation in non-human primates PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202581
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  • Unakafov A, Schultze T, Gail A, Moeller S, Kagan I, Eule S & Wolf F (2020). Emergence and suppression of cooperation by action visibility in transparent games. PLoS Comput Biol
    [access article online]​​​​​​​
  • Hammerschmidt, W., Kagan, I., Kulke, L., & Schacht, A. (2018). Implicit reward associations impact face processing: Time-resolved evidence from event-related brain potentials and pupil dilations. NeuroImage.
    [access article online]
  • Christopoulos V.N., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2018). Lateral intraparietal area (LIP) is largely effector-specific in free-choice decisions. Scientific Reports 8: 8611.
  • Moreira C. M., Rollwage M., Kaduk K., Wilke M., Kagan I. (2018). Post-decision wagering after perceptual judgments reveals bi-directional certainty readouts. Cognition 176: 40-52.
    [reprint]    [supplemental information]
  • Wilke M., Schneider L., Dominguez-Vargas A.U., Schmidt-Samoa C., Miloserdov K., Nazzal A., Dechent P., Cabral-Calderin Y., Scherberger H., Kagan I., Bähr M. (2018) Reach and grasp deficits following damage to the dorsal pulvinar. Cortex 99:135-149
  • Williams K.A., Cabral-Calderin Y., Schmidt-Samoa C., Weinrich, C.A., Dechent P., Wilke M. (2017) Simultaneous Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. J. Vis. Exp. 124(e55866): 1-11.
  • Domínguez-Vargas A.U.*, Schneider L.*, Wilke M., Kagan I. (2017) Electrical Microstimulation of the Pulvinar Biases Saccade Choices and Reaction Times in a Time-Dependent Manner. Journal of Neuroscience 37(8): 2234-2257.
  • Cabral-Calderin Y., Weinrich C.A., Schmidt-Samoa C., Poland E., Dechent P., Bähr M., & Wilke M. (2016) Transcranial alternating current stimulation affects the BOLD signal in a frequency and task-dependent manner. Human Brain Mapping 37(1): 94–121.
  • Tsuchiya N., Frässle S., Wilke M., Lamme V. (2016) No-Report and Report-Based Paradigms Jointly Unravel the NCC: Response to Overgaard and Fazekas. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 20(4):242-3.
  • Cabral-Calderin Y.*, Williams K.*, Dechent P., Opitz A., Wilke M. (2016) Transcranial alternating current stimulation modulates spontaneous low frequency fluctuations as measured with fMRI. Neuroimage 141:88-107.
  • Cabral-Calderin Y., Schmidt-Samoa C., Wilke M. (2015) Rhythmic gamma stimulation affects bistable perception. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20:1-10.
  • Paschke K., Kagan I., Wüstenberg T., Bähr M., Wilke M. (2015) Trunk rotation affects temporal order judgments with direct saccades: Influence of handedness. Neurophychologia 79: 123-137.
  • Christopoulos N.V., Bonaiuto J., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2015) Inactivation of parietal reach region affects reaching but not saccade choices in internally guided decisions. Journal of Neuroscience 35(33):11719-11728.
  • Przybyszewski A.W., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (2014) Primate area V1: largest response gain for receptive fields in the straight-ahead direction. Neuroreport 25(14):1109-1115.
  • Hwang E.J., Hauschild M., Wilke M., Andersen R.A. (2014) Spatial and temporal eye-hand coordination relies on the parietal reach region. Journal of Neuroscience 34(38):12884-12892.
  • Wilke M., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2013) Effects of pulvinar inactivation on spatial decision-making between equal and asymmetric reward options. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25(8):1270-1283.
  • Helms G., Garea-Rodriguez E., Schlumbohm C., König J., Dechent P., Fuchs E., Wilke M. (2013) Structural and quantitative neuroimaging of the common marmoset monkey using a clinical MRI system. J Neurosci Methods 215(1):121-131.
  • Kagan I. (2012) Microsaccades and image fading during natural vision.​​​​​​​ Electronic response to McCamy et al. Microsaccadic efficacy and contribution to foveal and peripheral vision. Journal of Neuroscience (2012) 32(27):9194-9204.
  • Wilke M.*, Kagan I.*, Andersen R.A. (2012) Functional imaging reveals rapid reorganization of cortical activity after parietal inactivation in monkeys. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109(21):8274-8279. *Equal contribution. http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/05/03/1204789109.​​​​​​​
  • Hwang E. J., Hauschild M., Wilke M., & Andersen R. A. (2012) Inactivation of the Parietal Reach Region Causes Optic Ataxia, Impairing Reaches but Not Saccades. Neuron 76(5): 1021–1029.
  • Kagan I., Iyer A., Lindner A., Andersen R.A. (2010) Space representation for eye movements is more contralateral in monkeys than in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci 107(17):7933-7938.
  • Iyer A., Lindner A., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2010) Motor preparatory activity in posterior parietal cortex is modulated by subjective absolute value. PLoS Biol 8(8):e1000444. 
  • Schmid M. C., Mrowka S. W., Turchi J., Saunders R. C., Wilke M., Peters A. J., Ye F.Q. & Leopold D. A. (2010) Blindsight depends on the lateral geniculate nucleus. Nature 466(7304): 373–377.
  • Lindner A., Iyer A., Kagan I., Andersen R.A. (2010) Human posterior parietal cortex plans where to reach and what to avoid. Journal of Neuroscience 30(35):11715-11725.
  • Wilke M., Turchi J., Smith K., Mishkin M., Leopold D.A. (2010) Pulvinar inactivation disrupts selection of movement plans. Journal of Neuroscience 30:8650-8659.
  • Snodderly D.M., Kagan I., Gur M. (2010) Linearity and selectivity of neuronal responses in awake visual cortex. Importance of the cell sample. Reply to: The linearity and selectivity of neuronal responses in awake visual cortex. Chen et al. (2009) Journal of Vision 9(9):12.
  • Wilke M., Mueller K.-M., Leopold D.A. (2009) Neural activity in the visual thalamus reflects perceptual suppression. Proc Natl Acad Sci 106(23):9465-9470. 
  • Müller, KM, Wilke M, and Leopold DA (2009) Visual adaptation to convexity in macaque area V4. Neuroscience, 161(2):655-862.
  • Cui J., Wilke M., Logothetis N.K., Leopold D.A., Liang H. (2009) Visibility states modulate microsaccade rate and direction. Vision Res 9(2):228-236.
  • Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2008) Saccades and drifts differentially modulate neuronal activity in V1: effects of retinal image motion, position, and extraretinal influences. Journal of Vision 8(14):19:1-25.
  • Maier A., Wilke M., Aura C., Zhu C., Ye F.Q., Leopold D.A. (2008) Divergence of electrical and fMRI signals in primary visual cortex during perceptual suppression. Nature Neuroscience 11(10):1193-1200.
  • Gur M., Kagan I., Snodderly D.M. (2005) Orientation and direction selectivity of neurons in V1 of alert monkeys: functional relationships and laminar distributions. Cerebral Cortex 15(8):1207-1221.
  • Wilke M., Logothetis N.K., Leopold D.A. (2006) Local field potentials reflect perceptual suppression in monkey visual cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(46):17507-17512.
  • Kagan I., Shik M.L. (2004) How the mesencephalic locomotor region recruits hindbrain neurons. Prog Brain Res 143:221-230.
  • Wilke M., Logothetis N.K., Leopold D.A. (2003) Generalized flash suppression of salient visual targets. Neuron 39(6):1043-1052.
  • Maier A., Wilke M., Logothetis N.K., Leopold D.A. (2003) Perception of temporally interleaved ambiguous patterns. Current Biology 13(13):1076-1085.
  • Leopold D.A., Wilke M., Maier A., Logothetis N.K. (2002) Stable perception of visually ambiguous patterns. Nature Neuroscience 5(6):605-609.
  • Kagan I., Gur M., Snodderly D.M. (2002) Spatial organization of receptive fields of V1 neurons of alert monkeys: a comparison with responses to gratings. Journal of Neurophysiology 88:2557-2574.
  • Snodderly D.M., Kagan I., Gur M. (2001) Selective activation of visual cortex neurons by fixational eye movements: implications for neural coding. Visual Neuroscience 18(2):259-277.
  • Bar-Gad I., Kagan I., Shik M.L. (1999) Behavior of hindbrain neurons during the transition from rest to evoked locomotion in a newt. Prog Brain Res 123:285-294.


Reviews/Book Chapters

  • Kagan I., Burr D.C. (2017) Active Vision: Dynamic Reformatting of Visual Information by the Saccade-Drift Cycle. Current Biology 27(9): R341-R343.
  • Tsuchiya N., Wilke M., Frässle S., Lamme V. (2015) No-report paradigms: Extracting the true neural correlates of consciousness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 19(12): 757–770
  • Boly M., Seth A.K., Wilke M., Ingmundson P., Baars B., Laureys S., Edelman D., Tsuchiya N. (2013) Consciousness in humans and non-human animals: Recent advances and future directions. Front Psychol 4:625.
  • Kagan I., Hafed Z.M. (2013) Active vision: microsaccades direct the eye to where it matters most. Current Biology 23(17):R712-R714.
  • Kagan I. (2012) Active vision: fixational eye movements help seeing space in time. Current Biology 22(6):R186-R188.
  • Wilke M., Dechent P., Schmidt-Samoa C. (2012). Experimentelle Modelle für räumlichen Neglect (Studien in humanen und nicht-humanen Primaten). Neuroforum 18(1):178-189.
  • Leopold D.A., Wilke M. (2005) Neuroimaging: seeing the trees for the forest. Current Biology 15(18):766-768.


  • Wilke M.Kagan I., Andersen R.A., inventors; California Institute of Technology, assignee. Brain repair using electrical stimulation of healthy nodes. United States Patent US 8831733 B2. 2014 Sep 9. www.google.com/patents/US8831733