News and Events
04.05.2020 - Alexandra Witt (MSc IMPRS, University of Göttingen) joins our group as an intern and is supervised by Igor Kagan.
04.05.2020 - Asude Tura (MSc IMPRS, University of Göttingen) joins our group as an intern and is supervised by Igor Kagan.
02.03.2020 - Bruno Garcia (MSc IMPRS, University of Göttingen) strengthens our group as an intern and is supervised by Mathieu Pachoud.
06.01.2020 - Tihana Hamzaj (MSc DNB, University of Göttingen) joins our group as an intern and is supervised by Igor Kagan.
06.01.2020 - Jaya Sathiyamani (MSc IMPRS, University of Göttingen) strengthens our group as an intern and is supervised by Igor Kagan.
09.09.2019 - Peter Neumann (MSc Psychology, University of Göttingen) strengthens our group as a master student and is supervised by Igor Kagan.
04.03.2019 - Roberta Nocerino (MSc Neuroscience, University of Trieste, Italy) joins our group as a master student and is supervised by Sebastian Moeller.
15.01.2019 - Sarath Nair (MSc Information and Communication Systems, University of Chemnitz, Germany) joins our group as a master student and is supervised by Mathieu Pachoud and Kristin Kaduk.
08.10.2018 - Isabel Ganter (BSc Psychology, University of Göttingen) joins our group as a Bachelor student and is supervised by Kristin Kaduk.
08.10.2018 - Tarana Nigam (IMPRS MSc in Neuroscience, University of Göttingen) joins our group as a Master student and is supervised by Sebastian Moeller.
01.10.2018 - Marina Slashcheva (IMPRS MSc in Neuroscience, University of Göttingen) joins our group as a master student and is supervised by Igor Kagan.
06.08.2018 - Ivan Plaza Rosales (PhD Biomedical Science, University of Chile, Santiago) joins our group and works on the topic of spatial memory connectivity in early stages of Alzheimer's disease.
02.07.18 - Lukas Schneider has successfully completed his PhD with the title "Perceptual and motor intentional processing in dorsal pulvinar
14.06.18 - Danial Arabali has successfully completed his doctoral thesis with the title "Eye, hand and space representations and causal interference in bihemispheric pulvinar-parietal circuitry".
07.05.18 - Marina Slashcheva (M.Sc. Neuroscience IMPRS, University of Göttingen) starts an internship in our group, supervised by Mathieu Pachoud and Danial Arabali.
07.05.18 - Anna Müllen (M.Sc. Neurosciences IMPRS, University of Göttingen) starts an internship in our group, supervised by Kristin Kaduk.
05.03.18 - Tarana Nigam (M.Sc. Neuroscience IMPRS, University of Göttingen) starts an internship in the Social Neuroscience group, supervised by Sebastian Moeller.
05.02.18 - Rena Birner (B. Sc. Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrueck) starts an internship in our group, supervised by Kristin Kaduk and Mathieu Pachoud.
21.12.17 - Lydia Gibson has successfully completed her PhD thesis with the title "Pulvinar-cortical interactions for spatial perception and goal-directed actions in non-human primates".
12.12.17 - Isabel Wunder has successfully defended her master thesis with the title "The effective connectivity in a cortical-striatal-thalamic network during decision making" at the University of Gießen. She was supervised in our group by Kristin Kaduk and Igor Kagan.
16.10.17 - Mathieu Pachoud (M.Sc. Medical Neuroscience, University of Lausanne) now strengthens our group and works on the topic of thalamo-cortical switching during decision making and action.
04.10.17 - Elisheba Crecca (M. Sc. Cognitive Science of Communication and Action, Roma Tre University) starts an internship in our group, supervised by Sebastian Möller.
04.10.17 - Esther Olubukola Akinola (M. Sc. Neuroscience, Bremen University) starts an internship in our group, supervised by Kristin Kaduk and Danial Arabali.
07.08.17 - Anisiga Thirunavukkarasu (B. Sc. Psychology, University of Göttingen) starts an internship in our group, and works together with Kristin Kaduk.
31.07.17 - Hannah Loenneker (B. Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen) starts an internship in our group, and works together with Lukas Schneider.
01.05.17 - Isabel Kreis (M. Sc. Psychology, University of Bielefeld) starts an internship in our group, and works together with Kristin Kaduk.
13.03.17 - Adan Ulises Dominguez Vargas has successfully defended his dissertation "The role of thalamic pulvinar in eye-hand coordination for targeted actions" in the Systems Neuroscience GGNB program.
06.03.17 - Iryna Schommartz (TU Dresden) starts Lab Rotation in the Social Neuroscience project, and works with Sebastian Moeller.
01.03.17 - Uwe Zimmermann completed his Master's degree in Developmental Psychology, Neural and Behavioral Biology in our group, and worked with Lydia Gibson on "Effects of Pulvinar Microstimulation on Target Selection" in perceptual decision making.
01.02.17 - Jiaqi Shang (Northwestern University) starts an internship in our group.
30.12.16 - Our article, "Electrical Microstimulation of the Pulvinar Biases Saccade Choices and Reaction Times in a Time-Dependent Manner", was accepted for publication in the Journal of Neuroscience.
15.12.16 - Isabel Wunder (University of Giessen) starts her master thesis in our group.
01.12.16 - After almost 6 years the only one Ira Panolias leaves our group to be closer to her family in Hannover. We wish her good luck! (and us...)
01.11.16 - Our own Kristin Kaduk, M.Sc. in Psychology, University of Göttingen, returned from Lyon, France (where she did an exciting internship with Fadila Hadj-Bouziane) to start her PhD thesis in our group.
14.07.16 - Successful evaluation of our work (Dept. of Cognitive Neurology, UMG and DAG) by Schilling Foundation: 4 more years of research funding!
13.07.16 - Caio Moreira finished his studies with a Magna Cum Laude PhD in the Behavior and Cognition PhD program, awarded for his work: "Certain behaviors: response selection and certainty-related processes in humans and rhesus monkeys".
01.07.16 - Uwe Zimmermann starts his Master in our group (Supervisor student Lydia Gibson).
08.02.16 - Our group participates with fMRI images in the exhibition "Portraits of the Mind" at DPZ.
25.01.16 - Uwe Zimmermann starts his lab rotation in our group.
09.11.15 - Alexandra Nagel starts his bachelor thesis in our group (supervisor student Lydia Gibson).
01.10.15 - Kristin Kaduk starts her master thesis in our group (supervisor student Caio Moreira).
15.03.15 - Alexandra Nagel starts her bachelor thesis in our group (PhD supervisor student Lydia Gibson).
15.11.14 - Alexander Kratzenberg starts his lab rotation in our group.
01.08.14 - Max Rollwage starts an internship in our group.
10.02.14 - Kristin Kaduk started her lab rotation in our group.
01.11.13 - Lydia Gibson, M.Sc. of Psychology, University of Goettingen, joined our group.
05.08.13 - Vanessa Hohn started her lab internship with us.
13/05/13 - Shoba Kapoor started her lab internship with us.
01.03.13 - Lukas Schneider, M.Sc. of physics, University of Vienna, Austria, joined our group.
01.11.12 - Danial Arabali, M.Sc. of Engineering Informatics, Ruhr-University-Bochum, Germany, joined our group.
20.08.12 - Caio Moreira, M.Sc. of Experimental Psychology, Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, joined our group at the same time in the newly created PhD program Behaviour and Cognition at the University of Göttingen. Caio received a three-year PhD scholarship from the Brazilian program "Science without Borders" (CNPq/CAPES) to work on the project "Mental and physical effort in adaptive decision-making in primates".
30.04.12 - Kirsten Emmert has started her lab internship with us.
27.02.12 - Annika Graß has started her lab internship with us.
20.02.12 - The first meeting of the DAG Zeitschriften-Club (see
09.01.12 - Adan Ulises Vargas, M.Sc. of Neurobiology from INSTITUTO DE NEUROBIOLOGÍA, UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO (UNAM), Querétaro, Mexico, joined our group.
01.11.11 - Malte Koester, M.Sc. in Cognitive Neuroscience with focus on action, perception and consciousness from the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radbod University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, joined us.
15.08.11 - Olga Dyakova, M.Sc. of Engineering and Electrical Engineering, from St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, Russia, started her work at DAG.
01.07.11 - Elena Spanou, M.Sc. of Cognitive Science from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece, joined us.
01.04.11 - The DAG started its work.