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Motor Systems

This lecture covers the following learning objectives:
Transfer of in-depth knowledge of the motor system of primates (Human and non-human primates), particularly the anatomy and physiology of cortical and subcortical structures, the spinal cord, the neuro-muscular activation and its pathological variations. Focal points are mechanisms of movement planning, motor control and the development of brain-machine-interfaces.
Participants will learn to understand and describe, on a scientifically high level, important functional principles of the motor system as well as its deseases and possible interactions.

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From Vision to Action

Prof. Alexander Gail, Prof. Stefan Treue and Prof. Hansjörg Scherberger.

The lecture series From Vision to Action will provide an advanced level introduction to visual processing and action planning in the central nervous system of primates. We will give an overview over the different processing stages along the two major visual processing streams, leading to object perception on the one hand, and providing the basis for spatial movement planning on the other. We will put special emphasis on the discussion of general design and coding principles, like cortical maps, convergence/divergence, center-surround antagonisms, adaptation, gain modulation, distributed processing, synchronization, etc. Additionally, we will discuss how improved knowledge in neuroscience can lead to clinical applications, like visual and motor neuroprosthetics or improved neuropsychological programs.
