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Bodemer, W.
Immunodificiency viruses and prion disease.
In: Primate Biology 2, S. 65-69.

Deckmann, K.; Krasteva-Christ, G.; Rafiq, A.; Herden, C.; Wichmann, J.; Knauf, S. et al.
Cholinergic urethral brush cells are widespread throughout placental mammals.
In: Int. Immunopharmacol. 29 (1), S. 51-56.

Hennecke, S.; Beck, J.; Bornemann-Kolatzki, K.; Neumann, S.; Escobar, H. M.; Nolte, I. et al.
Prevalence of the prefoldin subunit 5 gene deletion in canine mammary tumors.
In: PLoS ONE 10 (7), S. e0131280.

Kaup, F.-J.
From the working group "Experimental Pathology" to the department "Pathology Unit" - historical development in retrospect.
In: Primate Biology 2, S. 57-63.

Knauf, S.; Barnett, U.; Maciej, P.; Klapproth, M.; Ndao, I.; Frischmann, S. et al.
High prevalence of antibodies against the bacterium Treponema pallidum in senegalese guinea baboons (Papio papio).
In: PLoS ONE 10 (11), S. e0143100.

Knauf, S.; Dahlmann, F.; Batamuzi, E. K.; Frischmann, S.; Liu, H.
Validation of serological tests for the detection of antibodies against Treponema pallidum in nonhuman primates.
In: PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9 (3), S. e0003637.

Marks, M.; Mitjà, O.; Vestergaard, L. S.; Pillay, A.; Knauf, S.; Chen, C.-Y. et al.
Challenges and key research questions for yaws eradication.
In: The Lancet Infectious Diseases 15 (10), S. 1220-1225.

Mätz-Rensing, K.; Hartmann, T.; Wendel, T.; Frick, G. M.; Homolka, S.; Richter, E. et al.
Outbreak of tuberculosis in a colony of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) after possible indirect contact with a human TB patient.
In: J Comp Pathol 153 (2-3), S. 81-91.

Mätz-Rensing, K.; Korte, S.
Basic physiology of Callithrix jacchus.
Unter Mitarbeit von Mätz-Rensing, K.
In: Korte S. Schenk E. Weinbauer GF Bluemel J (Hg.): The non-human primate in nonclinical drug development and safety assessment. 1st edition. London: Elsevier, S. 115-133.

Nguyen, N.; Fashing, P. J.; Boyd, D. A.; Barry, T. S.; Burke, R. J.; Goodale, C. et al.
Fitness impacts of tapeworm parasitism on wild gelada monkeys at Guassa, Ethiopia.
In: Am. J. Primatol. 77 (5), S. 579-594.

Plotzki, E.; Wolf-van Buerck, L.; Knauf, Y.; Becker, T.; Mätz-Rensing, K.; Schuster, M. et al.
Virus safety of islet cell transplantation from transgenic pigs to marmosets.
In: Virus Res. 204, S. 95-102.

Siskos, N.; Lampe, K.; Kaup, F.-J.; Mätz-Rensing, K.
Unique case of disseminated toxoplasmosis and concurrent hepatic capillariasis in a ring-tailed lemur: first case description.
In: Primate Biology 2 (1), S. 9-12.

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