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Danov, O.; Jimenez Delgado, S. M.; Obernolte, H.; Seehase, S.; Dehmel, S.; Braubach, P.; Fieguth, H.-G.; Matschiner, G.; Fitzgerald, M.; Jonigk, D.; Knauf, S.; Pfennig, O.; Warnecke, G.; Wichmann, J.; Braun, A.; Sewald, K.
Human lung tissue provides highly relevant data about efficacy of new anti-asthmatic drugs.
In: PLoS One 13 (11)

Plesker, R.; Bleyer, M.; Mätz-Rensing, K.
Spontaneous meningioma in a pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina).
In: Primate Biol. 5 (1), S. 7–13.

Velten, S.; Neumann, C.; Bleyer, M.; Gruber-Dujardin, E.; Hanuszewska, M.; Przybylska-Gornowicz, B.; Liebert, F.
Effects of 50 Percent Substitution of Soybean Meal by Alternative Proteins from Hermetia illucens or Spirulina platensis in Meat-Type Chicken Diets with Graded Amino Acid Supply.
In: OJAS 08 (02), S. 119–136.

Joas, S.; Parrish, E. H.; Gnanadurai, C. W.; Lump, E.; Stürzel, C. M.; Parrish, N. F.; Learn, G.; Sauermann, U.; Neumann, B.; Mätz-Rensing, K.; Fuchs, D.; Billingsley, J.; Bosinger, S.; Silvestri, G.; Apetrei, C.; Garcia-Tellez, T.; Huot, N.; Müller-Trutwin, M.; Hotter, D.; Sauter, D.; Stahl-Hennig, C.; Hahn, B.; Kirchhoff, F.
Species-specific host factors rather than virus-intrinsic virulence determine primate lentiviral pathogenicity.
In: Nat Commun 9 (1), S. 1188.

Gerke, I.; Kaup, F.-J.; Neumann, S.
26S proteasome and insulin-like growth factor-1 in serum of dogs suffering from malignant tumors.
In: Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research Volume 82 (2), S. 115-123 (9).

Gerke, I.; Kaup, F.-J.; Neumann, S.
Evaluation of serum insulin-like growth factor-1 and 26S proteasome concentrations in healthy dogs and dogs with chronic diseases depending on body condition score.
In: Research in Veterinary Science 118, S. 484–490.

Bleyer, M.; Risch, T.; Roos, C.; Kaup, F.-J.; Mätz-Rensing, K.
Taenia crassiceps cysticercosis in a nilgiri langur (Semnopithecus johnii).
In: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 49 (2), S. 501–504.

Mätz-Rensing, K.; Lowenstine, L. J.
New World and Old World monkeys.
In: Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals, Chapter 14.

Ensser, A.; Großkopf, A. K.; Mätz-Rensing, K.; Roos, C.; Hahn, A. S.
Isolation and sequence analysis of a novel rhesus macaque foamy virus isolate with a serotype-1-like env.
In: Arch Virol 163 (9), S. 2507–2512.

Grützmacher, K. S.; Keil, V.; Metzger, S.; Wittiger, L.; Herbinger, I.; Calvignac-Spencer, S.; Mätz-Rensing, K.; Haggis, O.; Savary, L.; Köndgen, S.; Leendertz, F. H.
Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection in Wild Bonobos.
In: EcoHealth 15 (2), S. 462–466.

Bodemer, W.
Prionen: Ungewöhnliche Erreger neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen.
In: Doxmedical 14 (1), S. 11–14.

Bodemer, W.
Erkenntnisse aus der Prionenforschung.
In: Doxmedical 14 (2), S. 18–20.

Bodemer, W.
Morbus Parkinson im Fokus medizinisch- neurobiologischer Forschung.
In: Doxmedical 14 (3), S. 14–16.

Längin, M.; Mayr, T.; Reichart, B.; Michel, S.; Buchholz, S.; Guethoff, S.; Dashkevich, A.; Baehr, A.; Egerer, S.; Bauer, A.; Mihalj, M.; Panelli, A.; Issl, L.; Ying, J.; Fresch, A. K.; Buttgereit, I.; Mokelke, M.; Radan, J.; Werner, F.; Lutzmann, I.; Steen, S.; Sjöberg, T.; Paskevicius, A.; Qiuming, L.; Sfriso, R.; Rieben, R.; Dahlhoff, M.; Kessler, B.; Kemter, E.; Klett, K.; Hinkel, R.; Kupatt, C.; Falkenau, A.; Reu, S.; Ellgass, R.; Herzog, R.; Binder, U.; Wich, G.; Skerra, A.; Ayares, D.; Kind, A.; Schönmann, U.; Kaup, F.-J.; Hagl, C.; Wolf, E.; Klymiuk, N.; Brenner, P.; Abicht, J.-M.
Consistent success in life-supporting porcine cardiac xenotransplantation.
In: Nature 36, S. 1037.

Gruber-Dujardin, E.; Velten, S.; Neumann, C.; Liebert, F.
Effects of a partly defatted insect meal (Hermetia illucens) or micro algae (Spirulina platensis) in mixed diets on intestinal mucosal surface and mucin secretion of meat type chicken.
In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology 27, S. 125