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Almeling L, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Hammerschmidt K, Freund AM, Fischer J (2017)
Social interactions and activity patterns of old Barbary macaques: further insights into the foundations of social selectivity
American Journal of Primatology 79 (11): e22711  - abstract -  - peer-reviewed version -

Andriaholinirina N, Fausser JL, Roos C, Zinner D, Thalmann U, Rabarivola CJ, Ravoarimanana I, Ganzhorn JU, Meier B, Hilgartner R, Walter L, Zaramody A, Langer C, Hahn T, Zimmermann E, Radespiel U, Craul M, Tomiuk J, Tattersall I, Rumpler Y (2017)
Corrective paper concerning three new species of the genus Lepilemur I. Geoffroy, 1851 (Mammalia)
Dumerilia 7: 62-71  - open access -

Arroyo-Rodríguez V, Pérez-Elissetche GK, Ordóñez-Gómez JD, González-Zamora A, Chaves ÓM, Sánchez-López S, Chapman CA, Morales-Hernández K, Pablo-Rodríguez M, Ramos-Fernández G (2017)
Spider Monkeys in Human-Modified Landscapes: The Importance of the Matrix
Tropical Conservation Science 10: 1–13  - open access -

Atickem A, Simeneh G, Bekele A, Mekonnen T, Sillero-Zubiri C, Hill RA, Stenseth NC (2017)
African wolf diet, predation on livestock and conflict in the Guassa Mountains of Ethiopia
African Journal of Ecology 55(4): 632-639  - abstract -

Di Bitetti MS, Wheeler BC (2017)
The vocal repertoire of the black horned capuchin monkey (Cebus [Sapajus] nigritus): an acoustic and contextual analysis
In: Kowalewski, M & Oaklander, L (eds) Primatology in Argentina
SAREM (Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos), Buenos Aires, ISBN: 978-987-98497-7-4, pp 171-199

Dolotovskaya S, Torroba JB, Haus T, Noll A, Hofreiter M, Zinner D, Roos C (2017)
Comparing mitogenomic timetrees for two African savannah primate genera
(Chlorocebus and Papio)

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 181(2): 471-483  - open access -

Fellmann F, Fischer J (2017)
Natürlich zu zweit?
In: Sind wir dafür geschaffen, in Paaren zu leben?
Philosophie Magazin und Reclam Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-15-020491-7, pp 14-17

Fischer J (2017)
On the social life and motivational changes of aging monkeys
Gerontology 63(6): 572–579  - abstract -  - peer-reviewed version -

Fischer J (2017)
The fish is wearing trousers: Taking issue with the theory of affective pragmatics
Psychological Inquiry 28 (2-3): 194-196  - abstract -  - peer-reviewed version -

Fischer J (2017)
Monkeytalk: Inside the Worlds and Minds of Primates
University of Chicago Press, ISBN: 978-0-226-12424-7, pp 288

Fischer J (2017)
Primate vocal production and the riddle of language evolution
J Psychon Bull Rev: 24(1): 72–78  - open access - 

Fischer J (2017)
Information transmission in nonhuman primates: from communication to social learning
In: Byrne JH (ed) Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference
Elsevier, Oxford, pp 171-188

Fischer J (2017)
Haben Schimpansen eine Theorie des Geistes?
In: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ed)
Spekulative Theorien, Kontroversen, Paradigmenwechsel
Debatte, Heft 17, Berlin, pp 25-30

Fischer J (2017)
Playback Experiments
In: Fuentes A (ed) The International Encyclopedia of Primatology
Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, New York, pp 994-996

Fischer J, Farnworth MS, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Hammerschmidt K (2017)
Quantifying social complexity
Animal Behaviour 130: 57-66  - abstract -  - peer-reviewed version -

Fischer J, Kopp GH, Dal Pesco F, Goffe A, Hammerschmidt K, Kalbitzer U, Klapproth M, Maciej P, Ndao I, Patzelt A, Zinner D (2017)
Charting the neglected West: the social system of Guinea baboons
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Volume 162, Issue Supplement S63, pp 15-31  - open access -

Fischer J, Price T (2017)
Meaning, Intention, and Inference in Primate Vocal Communication
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 82: 22-31  - open access -

Fischer J, Wadewitz P, Hammerschmidt K (2017)
Structural variability and communicative complexity in acoustic communication
Animal Behaviour 134: 229-237  - open access -

Groves CP, Cotterill FPD, Gippoliti S, Robovský J, Roos C, Taylor P, Zinner D (2017)
Species definitions and conservation: a review and case studies
Conservation Genetics 18 (6): 1247–1256  - abstract -

Hammerschmidt W, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Schacht A (2017)
Associated motivational salience impacts early sensory processing of human faces
NeuroImage 156: 466-474  - abstract -

Heymann EW, Culot L, Knogge C, Noriega Piña TE, Tirado Herrera ER, Klapproth M, Zinner D (2017)
Long-term consistency in spatial patterns of primate seed dispersal
Ecology and Evolution 7(5): 1435-1441  - open access -

Kalbitz J, Schülke O, Ostner J (2017)
Triadic male-infant-male interaction serves in bond maintenance in male Assamese macaques
PLOS ONE 12(10): e0183981  - open access -

Kean DE, Tiddi B, Fahy M, Heistermann M, Schino G, Wheeler BC (2017)
Feeling anxious? The mechanisms of vocal deception in tufted capuchin monkeys
Animal Behaviour 130: 37-46  - abstract -

Mitjans M, Begemann M, Ju A, Dere E, Wüstefeld L, Hofer S, Hassouna I, Balkenhol J, Oliveira B, van der Auwera S, Tammer R, Hammerschmidt K, Völzke H, Homuth G, Cecconi F, Chowdhury K, Grabe H, Frahm J, Boretius S, Dandekar T, Ehrenreich H (2017)
Sexual dimorphism of AMBRA1-related autistic features in human and mouse
Translational Psychiatry 7: e1247  - open access -

Paciência FMD , Baluya D, Mbaryo P, Knauf S, Zinner D (2017)
Olive baboons (Papio anubis) response towards crowned eagles (Stephanoaetus coronatus) in Lake Manyara National Park
Primate Biology 4: 101-106  - open access -

Rathke E-M, Berghänel A, Bissonnette A, Ostner J, Schülke O (2017)
Age-dependent change of coalitionary strategy in male Barbary macaques
Primate Biology 4: 1-7  - open access -

Roos C, Zinner D (2017)
Primate Conservation Genetics
In: Fuentes A (ed) The International Encyclopedia of Primatology
Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, pp 1053-1058  - abstract -

Roos C, Zinner D (2017)
Primate Phylogeny
In: Fuentes A (ed) The International Encyclopedia of Primatology
Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, pp 1063-1068   - abstract -

Schloegl C, Fischer J (2017)
Causal Reasoning in Non-Human Animals
In: Waldmann M (ed) Oxford Handbook of Causal Reasoning
Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp 699-716 (accepted manuscript)

Sennhenn-Reulen H, Diedhiou L, Klapproth M, Zinner D. (2017)
Estimation of baboon daily travel distances by means of point sampling - the magnitude of underestimation
Primate Biology 4: 143-151  - open access -

Tiddi B, Polizzi di Sorrentino E, Fischer J, Schino G (2017)
Acquisition and functional consequences of social knowledge in macaques
Royal Society Open Science 4: 160639  - open access -

Vester H, Hallerber S, Timme M, Hammerschmidt K (2017)
Vorcal repertoire of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in northern Norway
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (6): 4289-4299   - open access -

Viranta S, Atickem A, Werdelin L, Stenseth NC (2017)
Rediscovering a forgotten canid species
BMC Zoology 2:6  - open access -

Wilson VAD, Weiss A, Humle T, Morimura N, Udono T, Idani G, Matsuzawa T, Hirata S, Inoue-Murayama M (2017)
Chimpanzee Personality and the Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 1A Genotype
Behavior Genetics 47(2): 215-226  - open access -

Zinner D, Keller C, Nyahongo JW, Butynski T, de Jong Y, Pozzi L, Knauf S, Liedigk R, Roos C (2015) publ. 2017
Distribution of mitochondrial clades and morphotypes of baboons Papio spp. (Primates: Cercopithecidae) in eastern Africa
Journal of East African Natural History 104 (1&2): 143–168   - open access -


Almeling L, Hammerschmidt K, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Freund A M, Fischer J (2016)
Motivational shifts in aging monkeys and the origins of social selectivity
Current Biology 26: 1744-1749  - abstract -

Atickem A, Cooper DV, Kock R, Rue­ness EK, Fischer M, Bekele A, Loe LE, Stenseth NC (2016) Immobilization of mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia
Gnusletter 33(2): 6-7

Benítez ME,le Roux A, Fischer J, Beehner JC, Bergman TJ (2016)
Acoustic and Temporal Variation in Gelada (Theropithecus gelada) Loud Calls Advertise Male Quality
International Journal of Primatology 37(4): 568-585  - abstract -

Erb WM, Ziegler T, Lestari NS, Hammerschmidt K (2016)
Are simakobu (Simias concolor) loud calls energetically costly signals?
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 161(1): 44-52  - abstract -

Fischer J (2016)
Aus der Affengesellschaft
In: Ringleben J (ed) Bursfelder Universitätsreden

Goffe AS, Fischer J (2016)
Meat sharing between male und female Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
Primate Biology 3: 1-8  - open access -

Goffe AS, Zinner D, Fischer J (2016)
Sex and friendship in a multilevel society: behavioural patterns and associations between female and male Guinea baboons
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 70(3): 323-336   - open access -

Kalbitzer U, Roos C, Kopp GH, Butynski TM, Knauf S, Zinner D, Fischer J (2016)
Insights into the genetic foundation of aggression in Papio and the evolution of 
two length-polymorphisms in the promoter regions of serotonin-related genes 
(5-HTTLPR and MAOALPR) in Papionini

BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 121  - open access -  - twitter BMC Series -

Keupp S, Bancken C, Schillmöller J, Rakoczy H, Behne T (2016)
Rational over-imitation: Preschoolers consider material costs and copy causally irrelevant actions selectively
Cognition 147: 85-92  - abstract -

Knauf S, Raphael J, Mitjà O, Lejora IAV, Chuma IS, Batamuzi EK, Keyyu JD, Fyumagwa R, Lüert S, Godornes C, Liu H, Schwarz C, Zinner D, Roos C, Lukehart SA (2016)
Isolation of Treponema DNA from necrophagous flies in a natural ecosystem
EBioMedicine 11: 85-90  - open access -

Pfefferle D, Hammerschmidt K, Mundry R, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Fischer J, Widdig A (2016)
Does the Structure of Female Rhesus Macaque Coo Calls Reflect Relatedness and/or Familiarity?
PLOS One 11(8): e0161133   - open access -

Schmitt V, Federspiel I, Eckert J, Keupp S, Tschernek L, Faraut L, Schuster R, Michels C, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Bugnyar T, Mussweiler T, Fischer J (2016)
Do monkeys compare themselves to others?
Animal Cognition 19(2): 417-428   - open access -

Sennhenn-Reulen H, Kneib T (2016)
Structured Fusion Lasso Penalised Multi-state Models
Statistics in Medicine 35(25): 4637-4659  - abstract -

Snyder-Mackler N, Majoros WH, Yuan ML, Shaver AO,Gordon JB, Kopp GH, Schlebusch SA, Wall JD, Alberts SC, Mukherjee S, Zhou X, Tung J (2016)
Efficient genome-wide sequencing and low coverage pedigree analysis from non invasively collected samples
Genetics 203(2): 699-714  - open access -

Vester H, Hammerschmidt K, Timme M, Hallerberg S (2016 )
Quantifying group specificity of animal vocalizations without specific sender information
Physical Review E 93(2): 022138  - abstract -

Zinner D, Roos C (2016)
Primate taxonomy and conservation
In: Waller MT (ed) Ethnoprimatology: Primate Conservation in the 21st Century. Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects. Springer, New York, pp 193-213


Fischer J (2015)
Männerbünde und weibliche Freiheit in der Affengesellschaft
In: Glanzlichter der Wissenschaft 2015
Hrsg. Deutscher Hochschulverband 
Lucius & Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart, pp 31-38

Fischer J (2015)
Kognitive Ethologie
In: Ferrari A, Petrus K (eds) Lexikon der Mensch/Tier-Beziehungen
Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp 199-201

Fischer J (2015)
Evolution der Kommunikation
In: Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Band 2014
De Gruyter Akademie Forschung, Berlin, pp 169-172

Fischer J (2015)
Birds tune in to sequential information when categorizing their songs
PNAS 112(6): 1658-1659  - online -

Fischer J, Wheeler BC, Higham JP (2015)
Is there any evidence for vocal learning in chimpanzee food calls?
Current Biology 25(21): R1028-R1029  - open archive -

Hammerschmidt K, Schreiweis C, Minge C, Pääbo S, Fischer J, Enard W (2015)
A humanized version of Foxp2 does not affect ultrasonic vocalization in adult mice
Genes, Brain and Behavior 14(8): 583-590   - open access -

Hammerschmidt K, Whelan G, Eichele G, Fischer J (2015)
Mice lacking the cerebral cortex develop normal song: Insights into the foundations of vocal learning
Scientific Reports 5: 8808  - open access -

Jürgens R, Grass A, Drolet M, Fischer J (2015)
Effect of acting experience on emotion expression and recognition in voice: Non-Actors provide better stimuli than expected
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 39(3): 195-214  - open access -

Kalbitzer U, Heistermann M, Cheney D, Seyfarth R, Fischer J (2015)
Social behavior and patterns of testosterone and glucocorticoid levels differ between male chacma and Guinea baboons
Hormones and Behavior 75: 100-110  - open access -

Knauf S, Barnett U, Maciej P, Klapproth M, Ndao I, Frischmann S, Fischer J, Zinner D, Liu HL (2015)
High prevalence of antibodies against the bacterium Treponema pallium in Senegalese Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
PLOS ONE 10(11): e0143100  - open access -

Kopp GH, Fischer J, Patzelt A, Roos C, Zinner D (2015)
Population genetic insights into the social organization of Guinea baboons (Papio papio): Evidence for female-biased dispersal
American Journal of Primatology 77(8): 878-889  - open access -

Liedigk R, Kolleck J, Böker KO, Meijaard E, Munir Md-Zain B, Abdul-Latiff MAB, Ampeng A, Lakim M, Abdul-Patah P, Tosi AJ, Brameier M, Zinner D, Roos C (2015)
Mitogenomic phylogeny and phylogeography of the common long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis)
BMC Genomics 16: 222  - open access -

MacLarnon AM, Sommer V, Goffe AS, Higham JP, Lodge E, Tkaczynski P, Ross C (2015)
Assessing adaptability and reactive scope: Introducing a new measure and illustrating its use through a case study of environmental stress in forest-living baboons
General and Comparative Endocrinology 215: 10-24  - abstract -

Noser R, Byrne RW (2015) 
Wild baboons (Papio ursinus) remember single foraging episodes
Animal Cognition 18(4): 921-929  - open access -

Pozzi L, Nekaris KAI, Perkin A, Bearder SK, Pimley ER, Schulze H, Streicher U, Kitchener A, Zischler H, Zinner D, Roos C (2015)
Remarkable ancient divergences amongst neglected Lorisiform primates
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 175(3): 661-674  - open access -

Price T, Wadewitz P, Cheney D, Seyfarth R, Hammerschmidt K, Fischer J (2015)
Vervets revisited: A quantitative analysis of alarm call structure and context specificity
Scientific Reports 5: 13220  - open access -

Roos C, Zinner D (2015)
Diversity and evolutionary history of macaques with special focus on long-tailed and rhesus macaques
In: Blümel J, Korte S, Schenck E, Weinbauer GF (eds)
The Nonhuman Primate in Nonclinical Drug Development and Safety Assessment
Academic Press, Elsevier, London, pp 3-16

Snyder-Mackler N, Majoros WH, Yuan ML, Shaver AO,Gordon JB, Kopp GH, Schlebusch SA, Wall JD, Alberts SC, Mukherjee S, Zhou X, Tung J (2016)
Efficient genome-wide sequencing and low coverage pedigree analysis from non invasively collected samples
bioRxiv  - open access -

Tiddi B (2015)
Liza M. Veiga, Adrian A. Barnett, Stephen F. Ferrari, and Marilyn A. Norconk (Eds.):
Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris (Cambridge Studies
in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology)

International Journal of Primatology 36(1): 202-204  - open access -

Tiddi B, Wheeler BC, Heistermann M (2015)
Female behavioral proceptivity functions as a probabilistic signal of female fertility, not female quality, in a New World primate
Hormones and Behavior 73: 148-155  - open access -

Wadewitz P, Hammerschmidt K, Battaglia D, Witt A, Wolf F, Fischer J (2015)
Characterizing vocal repertoires - hard vs. soft classification approaches
PLOS ONE 10(4): e0125785  - open access -

Wheeler BC, Fischer J (2015)
The blurred boundaries of functional reference: a response to Scarantino & Clay 
Animal Behaviour 100: e9-e13   - open access -

Zinner D (2015)
In: Ferrari A, Petrus K (eds) Lexikon der Mensch/Tier-Beziehungen
Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp 315-318

Zinner D, Keller C, Nyahongo JW, Butynski T, de Jong Y, Pozzi L, Knauf S, Liedigk R, Roos C (2015) publ. 2017 Distribution of mitochondrial clades and morphotypes of baboons Papio spp. (Primates: Cercopithecidae) in eastern Africa Journal of East African Natural History 104 (1&2): 143–168   - open access -


Dere E, Dahm L, Lu D, Hammerschmidt K, Ju A, Tantra M, Kästner A, Chowdhury K,
Ehrenreich H (2014)
Heterozygous Ambra1 deficiency in mice: A genetic trait with autism-like behavior 
restricted to the female gender

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8(181): 1-19  - open access -

Drolet M, Schubotz R I, Fischer J (2014)
Recognizing the authenticity of emotional expression: F0 contour matters when you 
need to know

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8(144): 1-9   - open access -

Fischer J (2014)
Do singing mice provide insights into the evolution of human speech?
In: Nolen-Hoeksema S, Fredrickson BL, Loftus G, Lutz C (eds)
Atkinson & Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology 16th edition
Cengage Learning, Andover, p 245

Hedwig D, Hammerschmidt K, Mundry R, Robbins MM, Boesch C (2014)
Acoustic structure and variation in mountain and western gorilla close calls: a syntactic approach
Behaviour 151(8): 1091-1120 - open access -

Hilgartner R, Stahl D, Zinner D (2014)
Impact of supplementary feeding on reproductive success of white storks
PLOS ONE 9(8): e104276  - open access -

Ju A, Hammerschmidt K, Tantra M, Krueger D, Brose N, Ehrenreich H (2014)
Juvenile manifestation of ultrasound communication deficits in the neuroligin-4 null mutant mouse model of autism
Behavioural Brain Research 270: 159-164  - abstract -

Kopp GH, Ferreira da Silva MJ, Fischer J, Brito JC, Regnaut S, Roos C, Zinner D (2014)
The Influence of Social Systems on Patterns of Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Baboons
International Journal of Primatology 35(1): 210-225  - open access -

Kopp GH, Roos C, Butynski TM, Groeneveld LF, Wildman DE, Alagaili AN, Zinner D (2014)
Out of Africa, but how and when? The case of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas)
Journal of Human Evolution 76: 154-164  - open access -

Liedigk R, Roos C, Brameier M, Zinner D (2014)
Mitogenomics of the Old World monkey tribe Papionini
BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 176  - open access -

Noser R, Byrne RW (2014)
Change point analysis of travel routes reveals novel insights into foraging strategies and cognitive maps of wild baboons
American Journal of Primatology 76(5): 399-409  - open access -

Pasquaretta C, Levé M, Claidière N, van de Waal E, Whiten A, MacIntosh AJJ, Pelé M, Bergstrom ML, Borgeaud C, Brosman SF, Crofoot MC, Fedigan LM, Fichtel C, Hopper LM, Mareno MC, Petit O, Schneoll AV, Polizzi di Sorrentino E, Thierry B, Tiddi B, Sueur C (2014)
Social networks in primates: smart and tolerant species have more efficient networks
Scientific Reports 4: 7600  - open access -

Patzelt A, Kopp GH, Ndao I, Kalbitzer U, Zinner D, Fischer J (2014)
Male tolerance and male-male bonds in a multi-level primate society
PNAS 111(41): 14740-14745  - open access -

Peters G, Haus T, Hutterer R (2014)
Neutropical primates from the Cologne Zoo in the collections of the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig: noteworthy specimens, taxonomic notes and general considerations
Bonn zoological Bulletin 63(2): 173-187

Price T, Fischer J (2014)
Meaning attribution in the West African green monkey: influence of call type and context
Animal Cognition 17(2): 277-286  - open access -

Price T, Ndiaye O, Hammerschmidt K, Fischer J (2014)
Limited geographic variation in the acoustic structure of and responses to adult male alarm barks of African green monkeys
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68(5): 815-825  - open access -

Roos C, Zinner D (2014)
Natural hybridization in primates and what “‐omics” contributed to primate taxonomy and systematics
In: Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, 2014: Herausforderungen und Chancen der integrativen Taxonomiefür Forschung und Gesellschaft ‐ Taxonomische Forschung im Zeitalter der OMICS‐Forschung. Online‐Supplement zur Stellungnahme. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e.V., Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Halle/Saale. pp 85-89  - open access -

Salmi R, Hammerschmidt K, Doran-Sheehy DM (2014)
Individual Distinctiveness in Call Types of Wild Western Female Gorillas
PLOS ONE 9(7): e101940  - open access -

Schmitt V, Schloegl C, Fischer J (2014)
Seeing the experimenter influences the response to pointing cues in long-tailed macaques
PLOS One 9(3): e91348  - open access -

Tantra M, Hammer C, Kästner A, Dahm L, Begemann M, Bodda C, Hammerschmidt K, Giegling I, Stepniak B, Venzor AC, Konte B, Erbaba B, Hartmann A, Tarami A, Schulz-Schaeffer W, Rujescu D, Mannan AU, Ehrenreich H (2014)
Mild expression differences of MECP2 influencing aggressive social behavior
EMBO Molecular Medicine 6(5): 662-684  - open access -

Wheeler B, Tiddi B, Heistermann M (2014)
Competition-induced stress does not explain deceptive alarm calling in tufted capuchin monkeys
Animal Behaviour 93: 49–58  - open access -

Zinner D, Roos C (2014)
So, what is a species anyway? A primatological perspective
Evolutionary Anthropology 23(1): 21-23  - open access -

Zinner D, Wygoda, C, Razafimanantsoa L, Rasoloarison RM, Andrianandrasana H, Ganzhorn JU, Torkler F (2014) 
Analysis of deforestation patterns in central Menabe, Madagascar, between 1973 and 2010
Regional Environmental Change 14(1): 157-166  - open access -


Abbott R, Albach D, Ansell S, Arntzen JW, Baird SJE, Bierne N, Boughman J, Brelsford A, Buerkle CA, Buggs R, Butlin RK, Dieckmann U, Eroukhmanoff F, Grill A, Cahan SH, Hermansen JS, Hewitt G, Hudson AG, Jiggins C, Jones J, Keller B, Marczewski T, Mallet J, Martinez-Rodriguez P, Möst M, Mullen S, Nichols R, Nolte AW, Parisod C, Pfennig K, Rice AM, Ritchie MG, Seifert B, Smadja CM, Stelkens R, Szymura JM, Väinölä R, Wolf JBW, Zinner D (2013)
Hybridization and speciation
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26(2): 229-246   - open access -

Anandam MV, Bennett EL, Davenport TRB, Davies NJ, Detwiler KM, Engelhardt A, Eudy AA, Gadsby EL, Groves CP, Healy A, Karanth KP, Molur S, Nadler T, Richardson MC, Riley EP, Roos C, Rylands AB, Sheeran LK, Ting N, Wallis J, Waters SS, Whittaker DJ, Zinner D (2013)
Species accounts of Cercopithecidae (for specific contributions, see facing page)
In: Mittermeier RA, Rylands AB, Wilson DE (eds) Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Vol. 3. Primates
Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, pp 628-753

Barelli C, Mundry R, Heistermann M, Hammerschmidt K (2013)
Cues to androgen and quality in male gibbon songs
PLOS ONE 8(12): e82748  - open access -

Blasse A, Calvignac-Spencer S, Merkel K, Goffe AS, Boesch C, Mundry R, Leendertz FH (2013)
Mother-offspring transmission and age-dependent accumulation of simian foamy virus in wild chimpanzees
Journal of Virology 87(9): 5193   - open access -

Drolet M, Schubotz RI, Fischer J (2013)
Explicit authenticity and stimulus features interact to modulate BOLD response induced by emotional speech
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 13(2): 318-329 - open access -

El-Kordi A, Kästner A, Grube S, Klugmann M, Begemann M, Sperling S, Hammerschmidt K, Hammer C, Stepniak B, Patzig J, de Monasterio-Schrader P, Strenzke N, Flügge G, Werner HB, Pawlak R, Nave K-A, Ehrenreich H (2013)
A single gene defect causing claustrophobia
Translational Psychiatry 3(4): e254  - open access -

El-Kordi A, Winkler D, Hammerschmidt K, Kästner A, Krueger D, Ronnenberg A, Ritter C, Jatho J, Radyushkin K, Bourgeron T, Fischer J, Brose N, Ehrenreich H (2013)
Development of an autism severity score for mice using Nlgn4 null mutants as a construct-valid model of heritable monogenic autism
Behavioural Brain Research 251: 41-49   - abstract -

Erb WM, Hodges JK, Hammerschmidt K (2013) 
Individual, contextual and age-related acoustic variation in simakobu (Simias concolor
loud calls

PLOS ONE 8(12): e83131  - open access -

Finstermeier K, Zinner D, Brameier M, Meyer M, Kreuz E, Hofreiter M, Roos C (2013)
A mitogenomic phylogeny of living primates
PLOS ONE 8(7): e69504  - open access -

Fischer J (2013)
Vertrauen in der/die Verhaltensbiologie
In: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ed) Vertrauen in die/in der Wissenschaft? 
Debatte 12, Berlin, pp 70-74

Fischer J (2013)
Können Tiere denken? 
In: Oschema K, Helbling M, von Luxburg U (eds) Wissenschaft 2014 – ein Kalender der Ambivalenzen
Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern

Fischer J (2013) 
Sollte man zwischen den Sternen am Ende delfinisch reden? 
FAZ Nr. 126 vom 4.6.2013: 26

Fischer J (2013) 
Natürlich zu zweit? 
Philosophisches Magazin 3: 43

Fischer J (2013)
Primate Social Intelligence
In: Galizia CG, Lledo P-M (eds) Neurosciences - From Molecule to Behavior: A University Textbook.
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp 655-669

Fischer J (2013)
Information, inference and meaning in primate vocal behaviour
In: Stegmann  U (ed) Animal Communication Theory: Information and Influence.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 297-317

Fischer J, Noser R, Hammerschmidt K (2013)
Bioacoustic field research: a primer to acoustic analyses and playback experiments with primates
American Journal of Primatology 75(7): 643-663  - open access -

Haus T, Akom E, Agwanda B, Hofreiter M, Roos C, Zinner D (2013)
Mitochondrial Diversity and Distribution of African Green Monkeys (Chlorocebus Gray, 1870) 
American Journal of Primatology 74(4): 350-360   - open access -

Haus T, Roos C, Zinner D (2013)
Discordance between spatial distributions of Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial haplotypes in African green monkeys (Chlorocebus spp.): A result of introgressive hybridization or cryptic diversity? 
International Journal of Primatology 34(5): 986–999  - open access -

Heymann EW, Zinner D, Ganzhorn JU (2013)
Disproportional representation of primates in the ecological literature
PLOS ONE 8 (12): e80763  - open access -

Illmann G, Hammerschmidt K, Špinka M, Tallet C (2013)
Calling by Domestic Piglets during Simulated Crushing and Isolation: A Signal of Need?
PLOS ONE 8(12): e83529  - open access -

Jürgens R, Drolet M, Pirow R, Scheiner E, Fischer J (2013)
Encoding conditions affect recognition of vocally expressed emotions across cultures
Frontiers in Psychology 4: 1-10 - open access -

Kalbitzer J, Kalbitzer U, Knudsen GM, Cumming P, Heinz A (2013)
How the cerebral serotonin homeostasis predicts environmental changes: a model to explain seasonal changes of brain 5-HTT as intermediate phenotype of the 5-HTTLPR
Psychopharmacology 230(3): 333-343  - abstract -

Kalbitzer U, Heistermann M (2013)
Long-term storage effects in steroid metabolite extracts from baboon (Papio sp.) faeces - a comparison of three commonly applied storage methods
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4(5): 493-500  - open access -

Kitchen DM, Cheney DL, Engh A, Fischer J, Moscovice LR, Seyfarth RM (2013)
Male baboon responses to experimental manipulations of loud 'wahoo calls': testing an honest signal of fighting ability
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 67(11): 1825-1835  - open access -

Koenig A, Scarry CJ, Wheeler BC, Borries C (2013)
Variation in grouping patterns, mating systems and social structure: what socio-ecological models attempt to explain
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368: 1-10   - open access -

Kolleck J, Yang M, Zinner D, Roos C (2013)
Genetic diversity in endangered Guizhou snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus brelichi): Contrasting results from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA data
PLOS ONE 8(8): 373647  - open access -

Maciej P, Ndao I, Hammerschmidt K, Fischer J (2013)
Vocal communication in a complex multi-level society: constrained acoustic structure and flexible call usage in Guinea baboons
Frontiers in Zoology 10: 58  - open access -

Maciej P, Patzelt A, Ndao I, Hammerschmidt K, Fischer J (2013)
Social monitoring in a multilevel society: a playback study with male Guinea baboons 
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 61-68   - open access -

Mikolasch S, Kotrschal K, Schloegl C (2013)
Transitive inference in jackdaws (Corvus monedula)
Behavioural Processes 92: 113-117   - abstract -

Salmi R, Hammerschmidt K, Doran-Sheehy DM (2013)
Western Gorilla Vocal Repertoire and Contextual Use of Vocalizations
Ethology 119(10): 831-847  - open access -

Scheiner E, Fischer J (2013)
Gefühlsausdruck - Das evolutionäre Erbe in der menschlichen Stimme 
In: H Fink, R Rosenzweig (eds) Das Tier im Menschen.
Mentis Verlag, Münster, pp 67-92

Schloegl C, Waldmann M, Fischer J (2013) 
Understanding of and reasoning about object-object relationships in long-tailed macaques? 
Animal Cognition 16(3): 493-507 - open access -

Schmitt V, Kröger I, Zinner D, Call J, Fischer J (2013)
Monkeys perform as well as apes and humans in a size discrimination task
Animal Cognition 16(5): 829-838  - open access -

Tallet C, Linhart P, Policht R, Hammerschmidt K, Šimeček P, Kratinova P, Špinka M (2013)
Encoding of Situations in the Vocal Repertoire of Piglets (Sus scrofa): A Comparison of Discrete and Graded Classifications
PLOS ONE 8(8): e71841  - open access -

Vester H, Hammerschmidt K (2013)
First record of killer whales (Orcinus orca) feeding on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in northern Norway suggest a multi-prey feeding type
Marine Biodiversity Records 6: 1-5 - open acces -

Weiß BM, Schloegl C, Scheiber IBR (2013)
How to tell friend from foe: cognition in a complex society
In: IBR Scheiber, BM Weiß, K Kotrschal (eds) The Social Life of Greylag Geese. Patterns, Mechanisms and Evolutionary Function in an Avian Model System
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 172-188

Wheeler BC, Hammerschmidt K (2013)
Proximate factors underpinning receiver responses to deceptive false alarm calls in wild tufted capuchin monkeys: Is it counter-deception?
American Journal of Primatology 75(7): 715-725  - open access -

Wheeler BC, Scarry CJ, Koenig A (2013) 
Rates of agonism among female primates: a cross-taxon perspective
Behavioral Ecology 24(6): 1369-1380  - open access -

Wheeler BC, Tiddi B, Kalbitzer U, Visalberghi E, Heistermann M (2013)
Methodological considerations in the analysis of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in tufted capuchins (Cebus apella)
International Journal of  Primatology 34(5): 879-898   - open access -

Zinner D (2013)
Gewalt unter unseren nächsten Verwandten - Ein evolutionbiologischer Blick auf Aggression bei Primaten
Die Kunde N.F. - Zeitschrift für niedersächsische Archäologie 62: 131-158

Zinner D, Fickenscher G, Roos C (2013)
Family Cercopithecidae (Old World Monkeys)
In: Mittermeier RA, Rylands AB, Wilson DE (eds) Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Vol. 3. Primates
Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, pp 550-627

Zinner D, Roos C (2013)
Natürliche Hybridisierung bei Primaten
BIOspektrum 3/2013: 253-255

Zinner D, Wertheimer J, Liedigk R, Groeneveld LF, Roos C (2013)
Baboon phylogeny as inferred from complete mitochondrial genomes
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 150(1): 133-140   - open access -


Bowler M, Knogge C, Heymann EW, Zinner D (2012)
Multilevel societies in New World primates? Flexibility may characterise the organisation of Peruvian red uakaris (Cacajao calvus ucayalii)
International Journal of Primatology 33(5): 1110–1124   - open access -

Dammhahn M, Almeling L (2012)
Is risk taking during foraging a personality trait? A field test for cross-context consistency in boldness
Animal Behaviour 84(5): 1131-1139   - abstract -

Drolet, M, Schubotz RI, Fischer J (2012)
Authenticity Affects the Recognition of Emotions in Speech: Behavioral and fMRI evidence
Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience 12(1): 140-150   - open access -

Engelhardt A, Fischer J, Neumann C, Pfeifer JB, Heistermann M (2012)
Information content of female copulation calls in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66(1): 121-134   - open access -

Fischer J (2012)
Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin ISBN: 978-3-518-42302-8   - table of contents -

Fischer J (2012)
In: Markschies C, Osterkamp E (eds) Vademekum der Inspirationsmittel
Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, p 95

Fischer J (2012)
Perspektiven aus den Lebenswissenschaften
In: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ed) Forschungsverbünde in der Wissenschaft - Chance oder Zwang? 
Debatte 11, Berlin, pp 27-30

Fischer J (2012)
In: S Koller, M Klatt (eds) Lehre als Abenteuer. Anregungen für eine bessere Hochschulausbildung
Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York, pp 194-197

Foote AD, Vester H, Víkingsson GA, Newton J (2012)
Dietary variation within and between populations of northeast Atlantic killer whales, Orcinus orca, inferred from δ13C and δ15N analyses
Marine Mammal Science 28(4): E472-E485   - abstract -

Goffe AS, Blasse A, Mundry R, Leendertz FH, Calvignac-Spencer S (2012)
Detection of Retroviral Super-Infection from Non-Invasive Samples
PLOS ONE 7(5): e36570   - open access -

Gonedelé Bi S, Béné Koffi JC, Bitty AE, Koné I, Akpatou B, Zinner D (2012)
Distribution and conservation status of catarrhine primates in Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa)
Folia Primatologica 83(1): 11-23   - open access -

Grueter CC, Chapais B, Zinner D (2012)
Evolution of Multilevel Social Systems in Nonhuman Primates and Humans
International Journal of Primatology 33(5): 1002–1037   - open access -

Grueter CC, Matsuda I, Zhang P, Zinner D (2012)
Multilevel Societies in Primates and Other Mammals: Introduction to the Special Issue
International Journal of Primatology 33(5): 993–1001   - open access -

Hammerschmidt K, Radyushkin K, Ehrenreich H, Fischer J (2012)
The Structure and Usage of Female and Male Mouse Ultrasonic Vocalizations Reveal only Minor Differences
PLOS ONE 7(7): e41133   - open access -

Hammerschmidt K, Reisinger E, Westekämper K, Ehrenreich L, Strenzke N, Fischer J (2012)
Mice do not require auditory input for the normal development of their ultrasonic vocalizations
BMC Neuroscience 2012, 13: 40   - open access -

Henselek Y, Fischer J, Schloegl C (2012)
Does the stimulus type influence horses' performance in a quantity discrimination task?
Frontiers in Psychology 3: 1-8   - open access -

Hilgartner R, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM, Zinner D (2012)
Determinants of pair-living in red tailed sportive lemurs (Lepilemur ruficaudatus)
Ethology 118: 1-14   - open access -

Liedigk R, Yang M, Jablonski NG, Momberg F, Geissmann T, Lwin N, Hla TA, Liu Z, Wong B, Ming L, Yongcheng L, Zhang YP, Nadler T, Zinner D, Roos C. (2012)
Evolutionary history of the odd-nosed monkeys and the phylogenetic position of the newly described Myanmar snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus strykeri
PLOS ONE 7(5): e37418   - open access -

Meyer D, Hodges JK, Rinaldi D, Wijaya A, Roos C, Hammerschmidt K (2012)
Acoustic structure of male loud-calls support molecular phylogeny of Sumatran and Javanese leaf monkeys (genus Presbytis)
BMC Evolutionary Biology 2012, 12: 16   - open access -

Mikolasch S, Kotrschal K, Schloegl C (2012)
Is caching the key to exclusion in corvids? The case of carrion crows (Corvus corone corone)
Animal Cognition 15(1): 73-82   - open access -

Mikolasch S, Kotrschal K, Schloegl C (2012)
The influence of local enhancement on choice performances in African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) and jackdaws (Corvus monedula)
Journal of Comparative Psychology 126(4): 399-406   - abstract -

Polizzi di Sorrentino E, Schino G, Tiddi B, Aureli F (2012)
Scratching as a window into the emotional responses of wild tufted capuchin monkeys
Ethology 118(11): 1072-1084   - abstract -

Schloegl C, Schmidt J, Boeckle M, Weiß BM, Kotrschal K (2012)
Grey parrots use inferential reasoning based on acoustic cues alone
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279: 4135-4142   - open access -

Schmitt V, Pankau B, Fischer J (2012)
Old World monkeys compare to apes in the Primate Cognition Test Battery
PLOS ONE 7(4): e32024   - open access -

Tiddi B, Aureli F, Schino G (2012)
Grooming up the Hierarchy: the Exchange of Grooming and Rank-related Benefits in a New World Primate
PLOS ONE 7(5): e36641   - open access -

Wheeler BC, Fischer J (2012)
Functionally referential signals: a promising paradigm whose time has passed
Evolutionary Anthropology 21(5): 195-205   - open access -

Yang M, Yang Y, Cui D, Fickenscher G, Zinner D, Roos C, Brameier M (2012)
Population genetic structure of Guizhou snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus brelichi) as inferred from mitochondrial control region sequences, and comparison with R. bieti and R. roxellana
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147(1): 1-10   - open access -

Zinner D (2012) 
Ungewisse Zukunft. Brandrodung gefährdet die letzten Trockenwälder der westmadagassischen Region Menabe 
In: Pyritz L: Madagaskar - Von Makis und Menschen.
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 84-85

Zinner D, Wheeler, B (2012)
Violence among our close relatives. Aggression in non-human primate societies.
In: HH Kortüm, J Heinze (eds) Aggression in Humans and other Primates. Biology, Psychology, Sociology.
de Gruyter, Berlin, pp 41-85


Ebenau A, Nadler T, Zinner D, Roos C (2011)
Genetic population structure of the critically endangered Delacour's langur (Trachypithecus delacouri) in Van Long Nature Reserve, Vietnam
Vietnamese Journal of Primatology 1(5): 1-15 

Ey E, Fischer J (2011) 
Keeping in Contact: Flexibility in Calls of Olive Baboons
In: V Sommer, C Ross (eds) Primates of Gashaka Socioecology and conservation in Nigeria's biodiversity hotspot Series: Developments in primatology: progress and prospects. 
Springer, New York, pp 413-436

Fischer J (2011)
Zum Ursprung der menschlichen Sprache - Eine evolutionsbiologische Perspektive
In: Eva-Maria Neher (ed) Aus den Elfenbeintürmen der Wissenschaft 5: XLAB Science Festival. 
Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, pp 15-38

Fischer J (2011) 
In: MJ Hartung, T Kerstan (eds) Studium Generale - 100 Begriffe, die man kennen muss. 
Piper, München, Zürich, pp 170-171

Fischer J (2011) 
Where is the Information in Animal Communication?
In: R Menzel, J Fischer (eds) Animal Thinking: Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition. 
MIT Press, Cambridge, pp 151-161   - open pdf -   - Ernst Strüngmann Forum -   - The MIT Press - 

Fischer J, Hammerschmidt K (2011)
Ultrasonic vocalizations in mouse models for speech and socio-cognitive disorders: insights into the evolution of vocal communication
Genes, Brain and Behavior 10(1): 17-27   - open access -

Fischer J, Semple S, Fickenscher G, Jürgens R, Kruse E, Heistermann M, Amir O (2011)
Do Women’s Voices Provide Cues of the Likelihood of Ovulation? The Importance of Sampling Regime
PLOS ONE 6: e24490   - open access -

Fischer J, Zinner D (2011) 
Communicative and cognitive underpinnings of group movement in nonhuman primates
In: M Boos, M Kolbe, T Ellwart, PM Kappeler (eds) Coordination in human and non-human primate groups. Springer, Heidelberg and New York, pp 229-244

Fischer J, Zinner D (2011)
Communication and cognition in primate group movement
International Journal of Primatology, 32(6): 1279-1295   - open access -

Foote AD, Vilstrup JT, De Stephanis R, Verborgh P, Abel Nielsen SC, Deaville R, Kleivane L, MartÍN V, Miller PJO, ØIen N, PÉRez-Gil M, Rasmussen M, Reid RJ, Robertson KM, Rogan E, SimilÄ TIU, Tejedor ML, Vester H, VÍKingsson GA, Willerslev E, Gilbert MTP, Piertney SB (2011)
Genetic differentiation among North Atlantic killer whale populations
Molecular Ecology 20(3): 629-641   - abstract -

Jürgens R, Hammerschmidt K, Fischer J (2011)
Authentic and play-acted vocal emotion expressions reveal acoustic differences
Frontiers in Emotion Science 2: 180   - open access -

Kehmeier S, Schloegl C, Scheiber IBR, Weiß BM (2011)
Early development of gaze following into distant space in juvenile Greylag geese (Anser anser)
Animal Cognition 14(4): 477-485   - open access -

Kenward BEN, Schloegl C, Rutz C, Weir AAS, Bugnyar T, Kacelnik A (2011)
On the evolutionary and ontogenetic origins of tool-oriented behaviour in New Caledonian crows (Corvus moneduloides).
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102(4): 870-877   - abstract -

Maciej P, Fischer J, Hammerschmidt K (2011)
Transmission Characteristics of Primate Vocalizations: Implications for Acoustic Analyses
PLOS ONE 6: e23015   - open access -

Meise K, Keller C, Cowlishaw G, Fischer J (2011)
Sources of acoustic variation: implications for production specificity and call categorization in chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) grunts
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(3): 1631-1641   - abstract -

Menzel R, Fischer J (2011) 
Animal Thinking - Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition
MIT Press, Cambridge   - open pdf -   - Ernst Strüngmann Forum -   - The MIT Press -

Mikolasch S, Kotrschal K, Schloegl C (2011)
African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) use inference by exclusion to find hidden food
Biology Letters 7(6): 875-877   - abstract -

Nguyen TQ, Böhme W, Nguyen TT, Le QK, Pahl KR, Haus T, Ziegler T (2011)
Review of the genus Dopasia Gray, 1853 (Squamata: Anguidae) in the Indochina subregion
Zootaxa 2894: 58-68   - abstract -

Nitsch F, Stueckle S, Stahl D, Zinner D (2011)
Copulation patterns in captive hamadryas baboons: a quantitative analysis
Primates 52(4): 373-383   - open access -

Patzelt A, Zinner D, Fickenscher G, Diedhou S, Camara B, Stahl D, Fischer J (2011)
Group composition of Guinea baboons (Papio papio) at a water place suggests a fluid social organisation
International Journal of Primatology 32(3): 652-668   - open access -

Pfefferle D, Heistermann M, Pirow R, Hodges J, Fischer J (2011)
Estrogen and Progestogen Correlates of the Structure of Female Copulation Calls in Semi-Free-Ranging Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
International Journal of Primatology 32(4): 992-1006   - open access -

Roos C, Walter L, Zinner D (2011) 
Natural hybridization in primates
In: GF Weinbauer, F Vogel (eds) Future Trends in Primate Toxicology and Biotechnology. 
Waxmann, Münster/New York, pp 9-33

Roos C, Zinner D, Kubatko LS, Schwarz C, Yang M, Meyer D, Nash SD, Xing J, Batzer MA, Brameier M, Leendertz FH, Ziegler T, Perwitasari-Farajallah D, Nadler T, Walter L, Osterholz M (2011)
Nuclear versus mitochondrial DNA: Evidence for hybridization in colobine monkeys
BMC Evolutionary Biology 11(1): 77   - open access -

Rumpler Y, Hauwy M, Fausser JL, Roos C, Zaramody A, Andriaholinirina N, Zinner D (2011)
Comparing chromosomal and mitochondrial phylogenies of the Indriidae (Primates, Lemuriformes)
Chromosome Research 19(2): 209-224   - open access -

Scheiner E, Fischer J (2011) 
Emotion expression – the evolutionary heritage in the human voice
In: W Welsch, W Singer, A Wunder (eds) Interdisciplinary Anthropology: The Continuing Evolution of Man. 
Springer, Heidelberg & New York, pp 105-129

Schell A, Rieck K, Schell K, Hammerschmidt K, Fischer J (2011)
Adult but not juvenile Barbary macaques spontaneously recognize group members from pictures
Animal Cognition 14(4): 503-509   - open access -

Schloegl C (2011)
What you see is what you get – reloaded: Can jackdaws detect hidden food through exclusion?
Journal of Comparative Psychology 125(2): 162-174   - open access -

Schmidt J, Scheid C, Kotrschal K, Bugnyar T, Schloegl C (2011)
Gaze direction - A cue for hidden food in rooks (Corvus frugilegus)?
Behavioural Processes 88(2): 88-93   - open access -

Schmitt V, Fischer J (2011)
Quantity discrimination tests with macaques
Nature Protocol Exchange   - online available -

Schmitt V, Fischer J (2011)
Representational format determines numerical competence in monkeys
Nature Communications: 2: 257   - open access -

Sueur C, King AJ, Conradt L, Kerth G, Lusseau D, Mettke-Hofmann C, Schaffner CM, Williams L, Zinner D, Aureli F (2011)
Collective decision-making and fission-fusion dynamics: a conceptual framework
Oikos 120(11): 1608-1617   - abstract -

Thinh VN, Hallam C, Roos C, Hammerschmidt K (2011)
Concordance between vocal and genetic diversity in crested gibbons
BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 36   - open access -

Tiddi B, Aureli F, Schino G, Voelkl B (2011)
Social relationships between adult females and alpha male in wild tufted capuchin monkeys
American Journal of Primatology 73(8): 812-820   - open access -

Tiddi B, Aureli F, Polizzi di Sorrentino E, Janson C, Schino G (2011)
Grooming for tolerance? Two mechanisms of exchange in wild tufted capuchin monkeys
Behavioral Ecology 22: 663-669   - open access -

Wheeler BC, Bradley BJ, Kamilar JM (2011)
Predictors of orbital convergence in primates: a test of the snake detection hypothesis of primate evolution
Journal of Human Evolution 61(3): 233-242   - abstract -

Wheeler BC, Searcy WA, Christiansen MH, Corballis MC, Fischer J, Grüter C, Margoliash D, Owren MJ, Price T, Seyfarth RM, Wild M (2011) 
In: R Menzel, J Fischer (eds) Animal Thinking: Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition.
MIT Press, Cambridge, pp 187-205   - open pdf -   - Ernst Strüngmann Forum -   - The MIT Press -

Zinner D, Arnold ML, Roos C (2011)
The strange blood: Natural hybridization in primates
Evolutionary Anthropology 20(3): 96-103   - abstract -

Zinner D, Buba U, Nash S, Roos C (2011) 
Pan-African voyagers: The phylogeography of baboons
In: V Sommer, C Ross (eds) Primates of Gashaka: Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria’s Biodiversity Hotspot. 
Series: Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects
Springer, New York, pp 267-306


Fischer J (2010) 
Nothing to talk about? On the linguistic abilities of nonhuman primates (and some other animal species).
In: U Frey, C Störmer, K Willführ (eds) Homo Novus - A Human Without Illusions. 
Springer, New York, pp 35-48

Fischer J (2010)
Why we conform.
Plos Biology 8: e1000277   - open access -

Fischer J (2010) 
Zur Evolution der Sprache.
In: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ed) Wer hat die Deutungshoheit über die Evolution? Debatte. 
Berlin, pp 25-29

Fischer J (2010) 
Die Wiege der Menschheit.
In: H Schmundt, M Vec, H Westphal (eds) Mekkas der Moderne. 
Böhlau Verlag, Köln, pp 121-124

Gonedelé Bi S, Bitty A, Gnangbé F, Bené JC, Koné I, Zinner D (2010)
Conservation status of Geoffroy’s Pied Colobus Monkey Colobus vellerosus Geoffroy 1834 has dramatically declined in Côte d’Ivoire.
African Primates 7: 19-26   - online available -

Göttert T, Schöne J, Hodges K, Zinner D, Böer M (2010)
Habitat use and spatial organization of relocated wild black rhinoceroses in Namibia.
Mammalia 74: 35-42   - abstract -

Haus T, Vogt M, Forster B (2010) 
Primate census in difficult to access karst forests in Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, Central Vietnam.
In: T Nadler, BM Rawson, VN Thinh (eds) Conservation of primates in Indochina. 
Frankfurt Zoological Society, Hanoi, pp 53-61

Henkel S, Heistermann M, Fischer J (2010)
Infants as costly social tools in male Barbary macaque networks.
Animal Behaviour 79: 1199-1204   - abstract -

Keller C, Roos C, Groeneveld LF, Fischer J, Zinner D (2010)
Introgressive hybridization in southern African baboons shapes patterns of mtDNA variation.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142: 125-136   - open access -

Neumann C, Assahad G, Hammerschmidt K, Farajallah DP, Engelhard A (2010)
Loud calls in male Macaca nigra - a signal of dominance in a tolerant primate species.
Animal Behaviour 79: 187-193   - abstract -

Noser R, Byrne RW (2010)
How do wild baboons (Papio ursinus) plan their routes? Travel among multiple high-quality food sources with inter-group competition.
Animal Cognition 13: 145-155   - online available -

Seyfarth RM, Cheney DL, Bergman T, Fischer J, Zuberbühler K, Hammerschmidt K (2010)
The central importance of information in studies of animal communication.
Animal Behaviour 80: 3-8   - abstract -

Teufel C, Ghazanfar AA, Fischer J (2010)
On the relationship between lateralized brain function and orienting asymmetries.
Behavioral Neuroscience 124: 437-445   - abstract -

Teufel C, Gutmann A, Pirow R, Fischer J (2010)
Facial expressions modulate the ontogenetic trajectory of gaze-following among monkeys.
Developmental Science 13: 913-922   - abstract -

Thinh VN, Nadler T, Roos C, Hammerschmidt K (2010) 
Taxon-Specific vocal characteristics of crested gibbons (Nomascus spp.).
In: T Nadler, BM Rawson, VN Thinh (eds) Conservation of primates in Indochina. 
Frankfurt Zoological Society, Hanoi, pp 121-132

Zinner D, Roos C (2010)
Einfluss von Hybridisierung in der Evolution von Primaten.
Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften 9: 135-156


Byrne RW, Noser R, Bates LA, Jupp PE (2009)
How did they get here from there? Detecting changes of direction in terrestrial ranging.
Animal Behaviour 77: 619-631

Enard W, Gehre S, Hammerschmidt K, Holter SM, Blass T, Somel M, Bruckner MK, Schreiweis C, Winter C, Sohr R, Becker L, Wiebe V, Nickel B, Giger T, Muller U, Groszer M, Adler T, Aguilar A, Bolle I, Calzada-Wack J, Dalke C, Ehrhardt N, Favor J, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Hans W, Holzlwimmer G, Javaheri A, Kalaydjiev S, Kallnik M, Kling E, Kunder S, Mossbrugger I, Naton B, Racz I, Rathkolb B, Rozman J, Schrewe A, Busch DH, Graw J, Ivandic B, Klingenspor M, Klopstock T, Ollert M, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Schulz H, Wolf E, Wurst W, Zimmer A, Fisher SE, Morgenstern R, Arendt T, de Angelis MH, Fischer J, Schwarz J, Paabo S (2009)
A Humanized Version of Foxp2 Affects Cortico-Basal Ganglia Circuits in Mice.
Cell 137: 961-971

Ey E, Fischer J (2009)
The “acoustic adaptation hypothesis” - A review of the evidence from birds, anurans and mammals.
Bioacoustics 19: 21-48

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Wild female olive baboons adapt their grunt vocalisations to environmental conditions.
Ethology 115: 493-503

Fischer J (2009) 
Zur Evolution der menschlichen Sprache. Ein Vergleich der Kommunikation von Mensch und Tier.
In: C Nüsslein-Volhard u.a. (eds) Wachstum - Eskalation, Steuerung und Grenzen. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte
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Zur Evolution der menschlichen Sprache.
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Orienting asymmetries and lateralized processing of sounds in humans.
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Primate Conservation 24: 91-97

Hammerschmidt K, Radyushkin K, Ehrenreich H, Fischer J (2009)
Female mice respond to male ultrasonic 'songs' with approach behaviour.
Biology Letters 5: 589-592

Katsvanga CAT, Jimu L, Mupangwa JF, Zinner D (2009)
Susceptibility of pine stands to bark stripping by chacma baboons Papio ursinus in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe.
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Katsvanga CAT, Jimu L, Zinner D, Mupangwa JF (2009)
Diet of pine plantation and non-plantation ranging baboon (Papio ursinus) groups with reference to bark consumption in the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe.
Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 1: 168-175

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Patzelt A, Pirow R, Fischer J (2009)
Post-conflict affiliation in Barbary macaques is influenced by conflict characteristics and relationship quality, but does not diminish short-term renewed aggression.
Ethology 115: 658-670

Radyushkin K, Hammerschmidt K, Boretius S, Varoqueaux F, El-Kordi A, Ronnenberg A, Winter D, Frahm J, Fischer J, Brose N, Ehrenreich H (2009)
Neuroligin-3-deficient mice: model of a monogenic heritable form of autism with an olfactory deficit.
Genes Brain and Behavior 8: 416-425

Schmitt V, Fischer J (2009)
Inferential reasoning and modality dependent discrimination learning in olive baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis
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Számadó S, Hurford JR, Bishop D, Deacon T, d'Errico F, Fischer J, Okanaya K, Szathmáry E, White S (2009) 
What are the possible biological and genetic foundations for syntactic phenomena?
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Reproductive Parameters in Guizhou Snub-Nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus brelichi).
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Zinner D, Arnold ML, Roos C (2009)
Is the new primate genus rungwecebus a baboon?

Zinner D, Groeneveld L, Keller C, Roos C (2009)
Mitochondrial phylogeography of baboons (Papio spp.) – Indication for introgressive hybridization?
BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: 83


Fischer J (2008) 
Zum Ursprung der menschlichen Sprache: eine evolutionsbiologische Perspektive
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Mentis Verlag, Paderborn, pp 141-161

Fischer J (2008) 
Transmission of acquired information in nonhuman primates
In: JH Byrne (ed) Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference. 
Elsevier, Oxford, pp 299-313

Fischer J (2008) 
Kultivierte Tiere?
In: A Hüttemann (ed) Zur Deutungsmacht der Biowissenschaften. 
Mentis Verlag, Paderborn, pp 155-173

Fischer J (2008) 
Die Wiege der Menschheit
In: Spiegel Online

Fischer J (2008)
Messages from the other world. Review of the simian tongue by Gregory Radick
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 23: 252-253

Fischer J (2008) 
Ein eigenartiges Tier
In: D Ganten, V Gerhardt, JC Heilinger, J Nida-Rümelin (eds) Was ist der Mensch? 
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, pp 77-78

Fischer J (2008) 
Was Tiere über das Wissen wissen
In: R Schubotz (ed) Other Minds - Die Gedanken und Gefühle anderer. 
Mentis Verlag, Paderborn, pp 155-173

Fischer J (2008) 
In: MJ Hartung, T Kerstan (eds) Wissen to go. 
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Fischer J (2008) 
Die Evolution der Sprache
In: Bertha Benz-Vorlesung, Nr. 25 
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Hammerschmidt K, Fischer J (2008) 
Constraints in primate vocal production
In: K Oller, U Griebel (eds) Evolution of Communicative Flexibility: Complexity, Creativity, and Adapability in Human and Animal Communication.
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Heistermann M, Brauch K, Möhle U, Pfefferle D, Dittami J, Hodges K (2008)
Female ovarian cycle phase affects the timing of male sexual activity in free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) of Gibraltar
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Gestural communication in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus): An Overview
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Hilgartner R, Zinner D, Kappeler PM (2008)
Life history traits and parental care in Lepilemur ruficaudatus
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Jamain S, Radyushkin K, Hammerschmidt K, Granon S, Boretius S, Varoqueaux F, Ramanantsoa N, Gallego J, Ronnenberg A, Winter D, Frahm J, Fischer J, Bourgeron T, Ehrenreich H, Brose N (2008)
Reduced social interaction and ultrasonic communication in a mouse model of monogenic heritable autism
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105: 1710-1715

Kaminski J, Fischer J, Call J (2008)
Prospective object search in dogs: Mixed evidence for knowledge of what and where
Animal Cognition 11: 367-371

Keller C, Schradin C (2008)
Plant and small mammal richness correlate positively in a biodiversity hotspot
Biodiversity & Conservation 17: 911-923

Pfefferle D, Brauch K, Heistermann M, Hodges JK, Fischer J (2008)
Female Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) copulation calls do not reveal the fertile phase but influence mating outcome
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 275: 571-578

Pfefferle D, Heistermann M, Hodges JK, Fischer J (2008)
Male Barbary macaques eavesdrop on mating outcome: a playback study
Animal Behaviour 75: 1885-1891

Rumpler Y, Warter S, Hauwy M, Fausser J-L, Roos C, Zinner D (2008)
Comparing chromosomal and mitochondrial phylogenies of sportive lemurs (Genus Lepilemur, Primates)
Chromosome Research 16: 1143-1158

Scheiner E, Hammerschmidt K (2008) 
The role of auditory feedback in nonverbal vocal behavior of normally hearing and hearing-impaired infants
In: K Izdebski (ed) Emotions in the human voice. 
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Schmitt V, Melchisedech S, Hammerschmidt K, Fischer J (2008)
Hand preferences in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
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Schneider C, Hodges JK, Fischer J, Hammerschmidt K (2008)
Acoustic niches of siberut primates
International Journal of Primatology 29: 601-613

Stueckle S, Zinner D (2008)
To follow or not to follow: decision making and leadership during the morning departure in chacma baboons
Animal Behaviour 75: 1995-2004

Zinner D, Stark R, Roos C (2008)
The phylogenetic position of "papio ruhei" - a unique baboon taxon from somalia?
Zoologischer Garten NF 77: 303-311