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The bacteriology lab is affiliated to the necropy hall and enables diagnostics of a broad spectrum of bacterial infectious agents to clarify etiological questions. Queries from internal and external submitters are processed.

Please use swabs with transport medium when bacteriological examination is requested. Fecal samples should be submitted in stool specimen collectors. Samples should be fresh and preferentially sent in early in the week. Larger sample numbers should be announced beforehand due to limited processing capacities.

Results are available within 2-3 working days, in the case of fecal samples within 4-5 working days.

Depending on the diagnostic question, an antibiogram of potentially pathogenic bacteria is prepared from pure culture of the respective bacterium using conventional antibiotics in an agar diffusion test. Bacteria are identified with selective culture media (e. g. XLD or salmonella brilliance agar) and with suitable biochemical reaction systems (e. g. Crystal). Sensitive or damaged bacteria are enriched in adequate fluid culture media.

The submission form for bacteriological examination can be downloaded here:

Submission form (English)

Please contact us via Pathologie-DPZ(at)dpz.eu if you plan to send in samples. We will be happy to advise on shipping arrangements and recommend express delivery in urgent cases.

Quelle / Source: DPZ
Quelle / Source: DPZ
Quelle / Source: DPZ
Helicobacter heilmanii in a rhesus macaque
Transmission electron micrograph of Helicobacter heilmanii in the stomach of a rhesus macaque (source: DPZ).