DPZ signs the Diversity Charter
By signing the “Charta der Vielfalt”, the DPZ is setting a clear signal for diversity and tolerance in the workplace and showing its appreciation of all employees regardless of age, ethnic origin and nationality, sex and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and ideology, sexual orientation and social background.
Our society is more diverse and multi-dimensional than ever: this makes it even more important to promote diversity, tolerance and respectful and appreciative communication in the workplace. An organizational culture is needed that takes the diverse needs of employees into account and firmly anchors them in organizational structures so that all employees can contribute their potential in the best possible way.
By signing the charter, the DPZ has committed itself to reviewing its internal structures for their suitability for diversity and adapting them where necessary. In future, various campaigns and activities will be used to sensitize managers and employees to the advantages and potential of diversity and to make our tolerant attitude visible to the public.